♧︎Grocery Store♧︎

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Liza and her girls were going grocery shopping. They had a few things at their house they needed to restock on. They got to Whole Foods. Liza grabbed a shopping cart, put Riley in and observed her list. She read aloud the first few things atop of the list.

Liza: Avocados, salsa, pineapples, chicken...

She skimmed the list to the bottom where there was writing in purple ink.

Liza: Fruit by the foot? Oreos? Ella?

Ella pretended to be distracted by something else.

Liza: Ella?

Ella: Hm?

Liza: Fruit by the foot and Oreos? Really?

Ella: Yes.

Liza scoffed and started her journey through the grocery store. Her first stop was in the fresh produce section. She grabbed 2 little plastic produce bags. She got 5 avocados and a bushel of asparagus. She also got some bananas and pineapple chunks. Then she went to get salsa. She got 2 jars.

Liza: I've been craving salsa like crazy...

Ella: But you've always liked salsa.

Liza: I know, but it's bad this time around, I gotta have it... I've never wanted it like this before. Alright, next I need Almond Milk, butter and eggs.

She went to the dairy section and got Almond Milk and butter then over to the eggs and got a carton of brown, organic eggs. She went to the packaged meat department. She picked up 2 packs of chicken breast and pack of ground beef.

Liza: Time to get Cereals, bread, fruit snacks and apple juice.

She went to the aisle that had cereal. She got Froot Loops for the kids and Chex for herself. She went to the beverages aisle. She got a 6 pack of Fiji water, Honest kids Apple juice in a bottle and in juice boxes(for on the go). She got some Welch's fruit snacks, and like she was dreading Ella spotted the Fruit by the Foot she wanted. She picked up the pack of candy.

Ella: Mommy, I want this!

Liza: No.

Ella: Why not!? Please!?

Liza: You don't need all that sugar.

Ella: Please!

Liza: No, lets go.

Ella: Mom, please!

Liza: No, Ella.

Ella: Mommy!

Liza: You won't take "no" for an answer? You're gonna keep fighting me on this? Just get the candy Ella...

Ella: Good.

She put the box in the cart. Next they got Penne pasta, spaghetti pasta, wheat thins, Ritz crackers, peanut butter sandwich crackers, and wheat bread. She got pesto packets to make sauce and 2 jars of tomato sauce. They went to the frozen food section and Liza brought frozen strawberries and mangos for smoothies. Liza did her best to feed her kids healthily, with all the sugary and greasy processed food that kids liked, she tried to keep that away from them. She wasn't the biggest health nut out there, she did allow them to have fast food and stuff occasionally. The last area she had to do was the feminine care area. This was something for herself.

My Little Blessings in Disguise - Diza fanfic(very old story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora