♥︎Frozen(Alternate #6)♥︎

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David was taking Liza and Ella to meet his family

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David was taking Liza and Ella to meet his family. Liza had to pack Ella cozy stuff, since they were going up north there was bound to be cold. They got to their hotel after getting off the airplane. Ella was open mouth and wide eyed staring out onto the city, as fluffy white specs fell down.

Liza: I don't even think she's seen snow before.

David: Aww!

*Next Day*

Liza: I don't want you to be cold Love bug. But I still want you to look good.

David: She looks good babe.

Liza: Really? I already knew that. Just kidding. Thanks, I try.

David's mom wanted to come get them from the hotel. They got in the van.

Dm: David I've missed you.

Liza smirked, she thought his mom's accent was cute, she liked the way she said David's name.

Dm: You picked a pretty pretty girl.

Liza: Oh, Thank you!

When they got to David's childhood home everyone was welcoming and friendly. It was a lot for Ella to deal with. Maybe a little too much. Ella pouted and started to cry a little.

Sarah: What's wrong? Why is she crying?

Liza: I don't know, she's never like this. What's the matter? I thought you loved meeting new people.

Everybody cooed at her. After Liza was done comforting Ella, David's siblings came in dressed for the cold.

Toby: David, can we take her to play?

David: I don't know. Ask her mom.

Toby: Umm Liza?

Liza: Yes?

Toby: Can we take her outside to play?

Liza: Yea, if you guys promise you'll look out for her so she won't get hurt.

Ester: We will!

Liza put on her coat. She kissed her lips twice then her cheek. Sarah grabbed her hand. Ella waved.

Ella: Bye Mommy!

Liza: Bye! You guys have fun, and be good Ella.

While the kids played outside Liza and David's family got to know each other for a while.

Dm: David tells us you have something we should know.

Liza: I do?

David: Yeah Babe, it's okay we can tell them.

Liza: Tell them what?

David: Come on babe, you know.

He poked her pudgy stomach.

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