Chapter 20: A Shadowy Nightmare

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You joined your friends, Sonny, Kumori, Lucky and your cousin Serena Kuroneko on going to the O'Charm mansion for two days. Of course, you had to bring Fink with you because you're Professor Venomous's private babysitter.

You told Fink that Lucky and Donny got a lot of flavors of ice cream. You decided to have an ice cream party at the O'Charm mansion.

"I can't believe you just found out that Fink likes ice creams." Ed spoke with you.

"Yeah, it may be my woman's intuition, but then again... kids like Fink love to eat ice cream." you explained as you smiled at Fink watching a movie with Lucky, Sonny, and Kumori.

Sonny and Kumori suddenly fell asleep during the movie.

Ed stared at Fink who ate ice cream and watched the DVD movie Lucky loves playing videos games during his day-off from working for POINT. He even mentioned to Fink that he's a fan of a movie called the Lord of the Loot.

"I can't believe Lucky knows about Fink's favorite movie." you smiled at Fink watching the movie with Lucky. "Must have been a lucky guess."

"My brother may be a ladies' man but now he's officially becomes a boyfriend to your black cat cousin," Ed commented. "I mean I think your cuz and my brother might be a little somewhat lucky/unlucky couple."

Also, you suddenly heard Disco Butler asking you, "Would you like some hot chocolate, Ms. (L/n)?"

You stared at the former villain giving you some hot chocolate. At first, you were unable to believe it when you came to the O'Charm mansion. Also, he may be Disco Butler, but he still loves to dance, disco-style.

"I would love to, thank you." you thanked.

You drank a hot chocolate. Ed, Jeanne, and Aliya got their mugs of hot chocolate with their favorite ice cream flavors.

"Also, I have a special ice cream flavor just for you, Ms. (L/n)." the afro butler served a bowl of soft-serve ice cream with a purple color.

To your surprise, you noticed the color.

"Is that lavender soft serve ice cream?"

"Yes, it is." smiled Disco Butler.

You then took a first bite of lavender ice cream.

"It's delicious!" you commented. You thanked Disco Butler.

Jeanne couldn't help but wonder Disco Prince has turned into a new leaf.

"I can't help but unable to believe that Disco Villainous Prince has turned into a servant for the O'Charm family." commented Jeanne.

"Me too, I don't remember finding out that Disco Prince has escaped from prison after his arrest by POINT." mentioned Aliya.

"According to Donny, I was told that..." Ed paused and stared at you. "Disco Prince suddenly escaped with some help from a glorb dealer..."

"Wait, did you say a glorb dealer?" Jeanne became shocked when she heard the word "glorb dealer".

Ed silently nodded. You then finished your hot chocolate and your lavender ice cream. You stood up.

"(Y/n)?" asked Ed.

"I'm going to take some fresh air." you decided to head outside of the mansion, you were unaware that Ed, still became woried about you since your personal mission on finding Shadowy Figure. You headed at the courtyard where you noticed a garden-like labyrinth. So you decided to walk inside the garden maze. You then stared at the roses with a beautiful unique color, lavender. You smiled as you became calmed while admiring the beautiful purple roses. You picked one of them gently and took a nice sniff.

Suddenly, you heard a dark familiar voice, much to your shock.

"Roses are red... Violets are blue... Sugar is sweet..." He then chuckled, "And so are you."

You dared to turn around to see a villain wearing a dark attire, he had his hood down revealing his true face before you. You gave a look of horror, recognizing his dark notable visage. You dropped the purple rose.

"No..." you muttered. It was none other than Shadowy Figure.

Shadowy grinned at you creepily. Unsure if he's real or not, you were about to get cornered by your worst enemy, the only villain who suddenly took control of your villainous crush.

"It's nice to finally have time to ourselves. Don't you think, my darling kitten?" asked Shadowy, as he walked towards you.

You gave a frown and shouted at him, "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

You quickly transformed into your neko yokai form and decided to jump over the hedges of the garden maze filled with roses.

While running in the maze, you suddenly noticed Shadowy Figure appearing out of nowhere, "But I've waited so long, for you to be away from your friends."

You continued to run away from Shadowy until you arrived in the center of the garden maze where you found a fountain. You turned around to see Shadowy Figure already caught up with you.

"Why did you have to come into my life after all what you've done to me?!" you shouted at him.

"I told you already, my dear kitten. Venomous and I are the same person." he explained.

You decided to make another run for it but Shadowy refused to let you get away this by grabbing your hands and held you still.

"No, you're not real..." you tried to refuse Shadowy. "You're not..."

"Try to refuse all you want, my sweet (Y/n). You will never forget me no matter what, no matter how many times you dare to forget about me..." he then whispered to your ear, telling you that there's no way for you to forget about him and his connection with Venomous.

You then broke down in tears and shut your eyes in despair, trapped in Shadowy's arms, and screamed, "NO!!!!!"

All of the sudden, everything went black. You suddenly passed out and you don't know what happened next.

You didn't know how long you had passed out after your sudden shadowy encounter with Shadowy Figure in the garden maze of the O'Charm mansion as you slowly opened your eyes, staring at the ceiling and finding Donny and Lucky; the hero of luck noticed you're awake while sitting by your side. They were both relieved.

"Thank goodness!" Lucky sighed in relief.

Donny told Disco Butler, "Steward, tell Ed and the others that (Y/n) has awaken."

"Right away, Dr. Donny." Steward (Disco Prince's real name) nodded as he left the O'Charm twin brothers to inform Ed and the others about you regaining your consciousness.

You then stared at Lucky, you noticing his tears begin to well up from his green eyes.

"Lucky? Are you...?" you tried to question.

"I'm not crying... But you almost made us worried after we heard you screaming at the courtyard!" Lucky exclaimed.

"Lucky, calm down. She just woke up." Donny eased Lucky's worriness. "Besides, we shouldn't have let her wander in the Garden of the Dream Roses."

"What... What happened?" you asked.

You then were told that they heard you screaming outside at the courtyard. Sonny, Lucky, and Donny quickly went outside, only to find you unconscious, lying on the ground and holding a lavender rose in your hand. Donny even used an antidote, a dream incense that can cure the patient from having an eternal nightmare. Let's just say it's Donny's mother's secret recipe on making a dream incense.

"The Garden of the Dream Roses?" you asked.

"That's right. Remember, we told you about our mom?"

"Yeah... you said, your mom is a Rose nymph." you mentioned about Lucky's, Donny's and Ed's mother.

"Yup, the only person who has Mom's rose powers is Donny. I call him the "Rose Whisperer". Donny always likes to plant roses during his day offs whenever he's not working for POINT and being the Professor of Wisdom since Greyman retired." Lucky commented about Donny's powers.

Donny then gave a silent look on his face.

"Donny? What's wrong?" asked Lucky.

"(Y/n)... I hope you'll understand about our garden of the Dream Rose. I should have told you not to smell one of them in the first place." explained Donny.

Donny told you about the Dream Roses, lavender roses that contain a powerful magic dream spell. However, according to Donny, if a Dream Rose sensed a person's recurring nightmare, the person will be forced to face their own nightmares against their wills.

"Dream Rose..." you repeated the name of the roses you found at the O'Charm manor garden.

That was when you began to realize something, Shadowy Figure was nothing but a nightmare, an illusion. Unless Shadowy Figure finds out about the O'Charm manor, there's no way he would come to see you while he took control of Professor Venomous.

"You should take some nice rest, it's already midnight." suggested Donny.

"Midnight..." you repeated what time it is now.

"(Y/n)..." Lucky became worried.

"Come on, she needs some alone time." Donny had a feeling that this nightmare gave him a shocking truth.

Donny may be the Professor of Wisdom and a member of POINT. Even though his superpowers from his mother's side may be supplementary, his powers gave him to find out people's dreams and nightmares after they fall under the Dream Rose's spell.

"Where's Fink?" you asked the O'Charm twins, wondering about Fink.

"Fink's at your apartment, but don't worry. Ed is babysitting that cute little rat in your place." Lucky reassured you about Fink. "Also, Jeanne and Aliya will keep a very good eye on Fink in case."

"Although I don't think Fink will be having a fun time having three babysitters for this night..." Donny became concerned about Fink's troublemaking at your apartment.

"At least, Kumori is with them." reassured Lucky.

"What about Sonny?" you asked.

"Well, he's still eating some ice cream." Lucky sweatdropped as he realized.

"I'm sorry... for making all of you worry about me." you apologized.

"Hey, don't apologize. And... I hope you'll get better soon as possible." Lucky gave you a reassuring smile.

"Thank you, Lucky." you smiled. "You really sure know how to cheer a girl up."

Lucky sighed and complained a little, "Your father knew that I'm not worthy for your hand in marriage and decided to use his matchmaking magic and... presto! I'm dating your cousin."

"I did mentioned that matchmaking is my dad's hobby." you giggled.

"Okay, enough chit-chat. You, young lady, need a very good night beauty sleep."

You watched the O'Charm twins leave and gave a frown.

You then decided to fall asleep, hoping you won't get an actual nightmare about Shadowy Figure.

"All I wanted is to find out why didn't Venomous know about Shadowy..." you muttered to yourself as you tried your best to find asleep.

Later, Donny became bothered.

"Donny, what's wrong? Aren't you glad that (Y/n)'s safe and sound after you used the antidote incense on her?"

"I know I'm supposed to be glad, but... Her nightmare..." Donny became concerned.

Lucky asked, "What about it?"

And then, Sonny came to the O'Charm twins.

"Sonny, what's up?" asked Lucky.

"Can you two come with me?"

First thing early in the morning, Sonny guided the O'Charms twins to the underground sewers.

"Ugh, why do I have to go with you when you told us that you found out about Shadowy Figure's lair?" complained Lucky, holding his nose with his fingers.

"Stop whining... Been here, done complaing about the stinky smell." Sonny glanced at Lucky's complaining about this very familiar sewers.

"Sonny... Are you sure this is where Shadowy Figure's lair is?" asked Donny.

"Yeah, I understand why your little sis didn't tell you about her personal mission with (Y/n)..."

"What?!" shouted the O'Charms brothers.

"Wait, how and WHEN did Ed find out about Shadowy Figure?" asked Lucky.

"Ed's (Y/n)'s best friend and she's a hacker, right?" mentioned Sonny.

Donny then theorized, "Something tells me that Ed must have found out about Foxtail's secret confession about (Y/n)'s previous solo top secret mission relating to glorb dealers by hacking a security camera on Foxtail's office."

"So you're saying Foxtail used to be Shadowy Figure's associate in glorb dealing?!" Lucky couldn't believe his ears.

"That's right..." Sonny nodded.

And then the two O'Charms brothers and the monkey boy arrived at the door.

"Shadowy Figure's secret lair..." said Donny.

Lucky cracked his knuckles and said, "It's payback time."

"Wait, Lucky..." Sonny tried to stop Lucky from kicking the door.

"This is for messing with me after finding out that Shadowy Figure ruined POINT's reputation and forcing (Y/n) to make a reluctant alliance with him!" exclaimed Lucky and he finally kicked the door open. Lucky realized that Shadowy Figure's nowhere to be seen.

Sonny gave himself a face palm and shook his head. Then, he took out his bo staff and bonked Lucky to the head.

"Ow!" exclaimed Lucky, rubbing his head injury.

"No wonder Ed's right, you really shouldn't push your luck." commented the monkey boy.

"This is Shadowy Figure's lair." Donny examined the surroundings of the dark glorb dealer.

Sonny went silent, watching the O'Charm brothers investigating the glorb den lair.

"No clues about Shadowy Figure other than his precious glorbs..." Lucky finished his investigation.

"We're not done yet." Sonny disagreed.

"What makes you say that, Sonny?" asked the hero who depends on the power of luck.

Sonny then pointed his finger at the ceiling.

"Just follow me." he jumped ahead of Donny and Sonny as he entered up inside th secret passage.

The O'Charms twins looked at each other.

"Is this me or Sonny is not in the good mood?" asked Lucky.

"Sonny is the second disciple of Master Yue and I'm sure there's a reason why Sonny wanted us to come here. I have a feeling that there's more than meets the eye when it's about Shadowy Figure..."

And so, the O'Charms climbed up the passageway and found Sonny staring at something.

"Huh? This place looks abandoned." commented Lucky, who was the last person to come out from the secret passageway.

Lucky then became confused as he noticed a self-portrait of a purple-skinned villain wearing a lab coat.

"What the heck?!" Lucky became shocked after seeing Professor Venomous' self-portrait. "Donny, are you seeing this???"

Lucky noticed Donny's different look on his face. Donny was speechless and ended up collapsing to his knees.

"Whoa, Donny?! What's wrong?" asked Lucky, becoming so concerned about his twin younger brother.

Donny widened his eyes in shock as he was unable to refuse to believe.

"Sonny... You knew, did you?" asked the genius hero with a super power that relates with roses.

Sonny then turned to the O'Charm brothers and explained, "This is where I failed to save (Y/n) from Shadowy..."

"What?!" shocked Lucky.

"So that means... there's no way we can stop Shadowy Figure from trying to get his hands on the Glorb Tree of the Lakewood Plaza," Donny realized this revelation about Shadowy Figure and Professor Venomous. "So that's why she coulnd't tell us about Shadowy Figure. She couldn't tell Ed, Jeanne, and Aliya about him..."

"Donny... what's going on?" asked Lucky.

Donny frowned at Lucky and explained, "Ever since Serena gave me that special collar she received from Professor Venomous, I did some researches on the collar. That collar can be used with a glorb, giving the holder a powerful form. Not to mention..."

"Donny, you don't mean..." Lucky recalled his battle against Serena Kuroneko, who refused him to hand over her special glorb empowering collar and declared Lucky as her enemy.

Of course, that was way before Lucky, Donny, Ali, and their leader stopped Disco Overlord from attacking the Neko clan. Disco Prince surrendered and told them about he was given some glorbs by Shadowy Figure. Lucky and Donny are secret members of a anti-glorb dealing group.

That anti-glorb dealing vigilantes are led by Master Yue Bai Long. But right now, the group is currently led by acting leader Kurama, the last Nine-Tails kitsune yokai and the first apprentice of Master Yue.

"I can't believe you, Kurama, and Master Yue knew about Shadowy Figure..." Donny stared at Sonny.

"I'm sorry. To tell you the truth... I wanted to tell you for so long." Sonny clenched his first in anger, as he reclutantly recalled his defeat by Shadowy Figure.

Sonny may be a strong fighter and used his bo staff and his special clones against Shadowy Figure. But despite his abilities and bo staff fighting skills, he was quickly defeated and failed to rescue you from Shadowy. You were unconscious during Sonny's battle against the dark shady glorb dealer.

Sonny glared at Shadowy, who gave him a dark triumphant look on his smirk.

Donny frowned to himself and said, "Shadowy Figure is actually... Professor Venomous' turbonic being..."

Lucky closed his eyes in anger after he found out about Shadowy's secret glorb lair connecting to the former residence of Professor Venomous.

You, on the other hand, had some teatime with your cousin Serena Kuroneko.

"I hope you understand why Lucky and Donny's other side job while working for POINT." Serena drank her ice earl grey tea and stared at you, you becoming stern.

You found out that your father created a special group who only targeted glorb dealers and they only retrieve the glorbs from the glorb dealers. Before you were given the revelation about Master Yue's secret group, you showed your cousin your neko yokai form. Serena realized that you had already accepted of your true self.

"Serena, will you train with me?" you requested your cousin about your training.

Serena smiled and accepted your offer.

"Before we start training, I have something special for you."

VenomousxReaderxShadowy: SPLT (Shadowy Poisonous Loveless Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now