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Time had passed since you became the official leader of a special group of vigilantes, the White Moon Dragon. Of course, after your birthday, you were filled in by your father. Despite his retirement from his days as a member of POINT, he noticed so many villains officially found out special glowing and floating balls, known as Glorbs.

Of course, he was suddenly visited by the eastern deity, the Emperor of the Far East Realm, a monarch of the universe. Yue Bai Long was informed that the Glorb Tree was given to a mortal and yet a hero named Mr. Gar by the President of the Universe.

From what your father told you, the Emperor had transferred the Glorb Tree and the powers of creating the glorbs to his successor the President of the Universe prior to the President bestowing Mr. Gar the Glorb Tree and its glorbs. You could say from the Emperor of the Far East Universe decided to change from monarchy to democracy. Knowing that, on this modern day, every villain especially glorb dealers tried to get their dirty hands on the glorbs.

Also, you had the O'Charm twins to make sure nothing worse happened to your friends from POINT; Jeanne, Aliya, and Ed. Lucky and Donny are still working for POINT as well under the leadership of Elodie, the current leader of POINT. Despite the O'Charm twins' affiliation with POINT, the hero of good and bad luck and the professor of Wisdom are still affiliated with the White Moon Dragon.

You and your seven associates (Lucky and Donny O'Charm, Sonny D. Wu, Kumori, Ali, Carina, and Kurama) had been hunt down glorb dealers and defeated them before taking back the stolen glorbs. Some glorbs are needed for the Rainbow Dragons while others are needed to be return where they belong: the Lakewood Glorb Tree.

Of course, as leader of the White Moon Dragon, you told your cohorts not to confront one certain glorb dealer, Shadowy Figure.

Shadowy Figure took both advantage and control of the original person, Professor Venomous who was oblivious of his evil darker split personality and turbonic form. Not to mention, that hooded glorb dealer is now very aware of your secret evil crush on Venomous.

Right now, Carina wanted you to be Neo Noir 201X's official club songstress. She also told you that she's aware of your secret undercover mission about how you took the glorbs from her Big Daddy.

But this time, you won't be Ms. Violet. On this every single night when you sang at Neo Noir 201X club, you're now known as Eva Glow, a beautiful yet mysterious Shironeko yokai songstress.

Carina, using her power of spreading rumors, had her loyal followers to spread the word about Eva Glow; flyers, social media, you name it.

Of course, you used your Shironeko form during the night and you sang for your patrons, heroes, villains, or neutral male people.

With your beautiful alluring voice place a spell on the audience, you ended up having secret male admirers. Not to mention, you found out there are some villains who are glorb dealers. Obviously, you found out that Billiam Milliam is a glorb dealer, who had seen your show. Of course, he didn't know it was actually you because of your Shironeko form. Besides, Kurama didn't like your secret admirers sending you gifts and flowers because of your performances.

Kurama is now aware that you became the current leader of the White Moon Dragon and he's now your right-hand man. As his secret undercover, Kurama disguised himself as your reserved manager. Of course, he was aware of some jealous glares from your followers. Rumors had it that Eva and her manager might be in a romantic relationship.

As a club songstress, you wore violet lipstick, a blue top with white ruffles that extended to her knee on the left side, a short black lace skirt with a blue belt, and knee-high brown boots. In addition to your songstress attire, black ribbons on your upper arms, blue glovelets held on by black straps and a pair of dangling beaded earrings.

During your performance, you sang some blues such as your favorite blues song.

"The real folk blues, I need the pain... My unhappiness is proof I'm not insane. 'Cause when I'm close to you... I swear, I could die. Need to live my life, yeah, live like I'm alive. And it's a lonely road... Good luck and goodbye."

Of course, this is your secret cover while you and your associates of the White Moon Dragon tried to pry something out from villains and their status as glorb dealers. Once you found out a glorb dealer is planning to smuggle glorbs, you and your cohorts of the White Moon Dragon make your move.

After your every performance, you, Kurama, Carina, Sonny, and Kumori took down on every glorb dealer and retrieved the glorbs the villains had managed to smuggle from who knows where and how.

Right now, you stared down the big crates of glorbs after your latest heist. You wore your anti-glorb dealing attire: a black, collared catsuit with a zipper on the chest and thigh-high black boots with zippers on the fronts and two kneecaps. In addition to your attire was your long, white tailcoat has dark gray detailing on the chest, sleeves, sides and collar with a front zipper that only zipped downwards. Your Japanese cat mask was placed on the bar counter.

"Well, another night, another success on kicking glorb dealer's butt!" exclaimed Sonny, giving himself a victory cheer after they took down a glorb dealer and retrieved the glorbs.

"I can't believe this is our seventh success in the row." commented Kumori.

"We wouldn't have done it without some special intel from my precious loyal flowers (she meant her followers of the Shirohana) and Leader-chan's singing talent." Carina clapped her hands as she smiled with delight.

You sighed before you drank a cup of water with ice, "It's only natural."

Ali chuckled, "Aw c'mon, you really deserved the compliment."

"So what are we going to do with the glorbs?" asked Sonny. "I know we have to bring the glorbs to feed Master Yue's Rainbow Dragons, not to mention Ryuka is very hungry for them too!"

"I'll go deliver the glorbs to Master Yue then." Kurama voluneetered.

You then brought an empty jar and scooped some glorbs inside it.

"Whatcha doing?" asked Carina.

"I'm going to head to the Lakewood Glorb Tree." you explained.

"Again?" Carina tilted her head.

"Yeah," you nodded.

"Y'know.... It's been every day since you returned the first very glorbs to that legendary tree." mentioned Ali.

Of course, Prince Ali's got a point. Ever since you became leader, you took some of the glorbs and returned them to the Glorb Tree after you and the others stole the glorbs from glorb dealers.

You placed a Japanese cat mask over your eyes and left Carina's nightclub. "I'm heading off."

Kurama watched you leave and Kumori spoke with the Nine-Tailed Fox, "Hey, Nine-Tails. Are you sure about, letting her go all by herself?"

"I trust her," Kurama explained. "And she understands why I want to protect her from harm's way. She wants to protect her friends, her family and..."

Kurama then placed his hand on his chest as he recalled what happened back then. He used his shapeshifting ability to transform himself as your father when he went to rescue you from Shadowy. And since you reunited with him, you thanked him and you were glad despite you almost hurt your childhood friend.

Ali then gave him a pat on the shoulder, comforting him, as he said, "Hey, we know she's protecting us, my sisters, and the O'Charm brothers and their precious hacking sister. I understand (Y/n)'s concern for her friends who are still working for POINT. And Lucky and Donny will do everything to protect them no matter what."

You arrived at the Plaza. It was quiet since the Plaza was closed. You made sure you won't get caught on camera as you quietly snuck yourself to the location of the Glorb Tree. You opened the doors and walked down the stairs. You stared at the glorbs floating in the air. You then stared at the Glorb Tree as well, smiling at it. You knew that this sacred tree of Lakewood Turbo Plaza, along with its special glowing orbs, is in safe hands of Mr. Gar and his loyal heroes of the Bodega. You then sang to yourself while watching the glorbs floating in the air.

"You are an ocean of waves, weaving a dream, like thoughts become a river stream. Yet may the tide ever change, flowing like time to the path, yours to climb..." You placed your hand on the bark of the legendary Lakewood Tree. You smiled, knowing that this very Plaza will protect the special tree and its glorbs from falling into the wrong hands.

Once you finished your favorite song, you took out the jar of glorbs, about to place them back where they belong.


You silently heard that dark familiar laugh along his slow clapping right before you were about to set the glorbs free from the glass confinement. You turned to see that glorb dealer wearing black on the top of the stairs.

"My my, what do we have here? I spy with my little eye, a familiar stray snow white kitten. 'Fraid I can't let you put those back where they belong."

That voice.

You frowned and you reluctantly removed your hand away from the lid of the jar containing the glowing bits. You watched him flying over the steps and landing on at the end of the stairways.

Behind your mask, you glowered at Shadowy Figure "I don't think you realize who I am..." you replied, calm yet vigilant.

Shadowy chuckled and deflected your skeptical response, "Of course I do." He then gave you a devious yet charming smirk and finished, "You're Eva Glow. And yet, I have a feeling that's actually your current alter ego, my love."

That was when he then extended his hand to you as if he wanted you to fork over the jar of glorbs.

"You want them?" You placed the said jar at the roots of the Glorb Tree. "Then you can get them only if you defeat me."

VenomousxReaderxShadowy: SPLT (Shadowy Poisonous Loveless Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now