Chapter 21: Three Questions, One Answer

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Author's Notes

(Y/n)'s new attire is based on RWBY Blake's attire in Volume 7

(Y/n)'s new attire is based on RWBY Blake's attire in Volume 7

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You received a new attire. You were told it was a gift from your father. You found out that Master Yue has sensed that you accepted your birthright as a half neko yokai and you realized that your father wanted you to take over as the true leader of his anti-glorb dealing group: The White Moon Dragon.

You're now wearing a black, collared catsuit with a zipper on the chest and thigh-high black boots with zippers on the fronts and two kneecaps. Your long, white tailcoat had dark gray detailing on the chest, sleeves, sides and collar. You also got a narrow gray belt around the collar and a wide white belt loosely secured around your waist through the coat's belt loops.

You used your Shironeko form; your (h/c) hair turned white with matching cat ears.

Of course, your cousin Serena told you about her mistake, using some glorbs and her glorb empowerment collar around her neck in order to protect her clansman and the Shironeko family. You were told that Professor Venomous is the creator of those collars. Come to think of it, you did noticed Fink always wore her special collar around her neck.

That was when Donny told you about turbonic forms. You became shocked that Disco Prince, an escaped villain, had caused an attack on your family: the Neko Clan. You were informed that Disco Prince was given glorbs and a glorb empowerment collar from Shadowy Figure.

"Turbonic forms?" you replied.

"Correct. After I managed to confiscate Serena's collar, I did a lot of research on them. If the holder inserts a glorb to their collar, they will receive a powerful form with great powers." explained Donny.

Donny then showed you videos of some test experiments when using a special glorb collar. You noticed Serena's wearing the collar and her different look. You were told that Serena received an address to Professor Venomous, who's now lived in Boxmore company since he's the owner and shareholder of Boxmore, the villainous store that sells robots and evil weapons.

It is no wonder that Serena was deceived by Shadowy Figure, sending her to talk to Professor Venomous about the special glorb collar.

"(Y/n)... Are you okay?" asked Donny.

You noticed that Donny's worrying about you.

"Yeah, I'm fine." you replied as you only watched some videos of Serena in her turbonic form: a black spiky choker to replace the glorb empowerment collar and long cat claws.

Turbonic forms...

Come to think of it.

You then recalled Shaowy Figure's words about his connection with Venomous. He told you that he and Venomous are the same person, and he was just "borrowing" Venomous's body just to see you on your reluctant special night with him.

Shadowy Figure is a turbonic state of Professor Venomous. But the question is how. Venomous never used a special collar, let alone being the creator of the collars.

"Hey, how about Sonny will take you back to your apartment? You should let them know that you're coming back on babysitting Fink." Donny suggested.

Donny watched Sonny join you as you both left the O'Charm Manor. The blonded-haired boy turned to check on Lucky. Serena just exited Lucky's room.

"How's Lucky?" asked Donny.

"He's having a hard time after finding out about Shadowy Figure..." Serena explained. "I couldn't believe that Shadowy Figure is actually Professor Venomous... It is no wonder that Shadowy made me meet Venomous."

"Yeah... It's hard to believe that Shadowy Figure is Venomous' turbo self." agreed Donny.

Donny did used his rose power to find out about your nightmare and the true identity of Shadowy Figure.

Lucky, on the other hand, shut himself in his own bedroom and sat on his bed, placing his forehead on his knuckles. He sighed as he couldn't believe what just happened. Lucky was the only person who tried to refuse to believe that Shadowy Figure and Professor Venomous are the same person, the same villain. Donny told Lucky it was true and informed his twin brother of how Donny found out about your recurring nightmare about Shadowy Figure.

"I just hope (Y/n) will be okay as long as Sonny and Kumori are with her." Donny mentioned.

You decided to do that now you're all recovered since last night's incident at the Garden of the Dream Rose. Sonny decided to escort you back to your apartment just in case. After all, he's your father's second apprentice. You could tell that Sonny really wanted to protect you because you're the daughter of Master Yue Bai Long.

"Hey, Sonny." you called Sonny while you're walking with him on your way back to your apartment.

"You knew about Shadowy, did you? That Shadowy is actually Professor Venomous?"

Sonny sighed and boldly answered, "Yeah, this is why I couldn't let you go face him alone..."

You then placed your hand on his shoulder and said, "Don't blame yourself. I'm sure you can have the chance to redeem yourself. After all, you were right to worry about me, just because I wanted to find out about Shadowy Figure."

"I heard you first met Shadowy when you're on a mission with your friends in Arabian City." mentioned Sonny.

"Did Ali tell you about that?" you asked.

"Yup," Sonny placed both of his arms on the back of his head. "He gave me the whereabouts of the glorb somewhere in Lord Apoo's former palace."

You both finally arrived at your apartment and you began to wonder if your friends are okay since they tried to babysit Fink in your place.

"I just hope nothing happpened to them while I'm not here."

"Well, let's go and find out." Sonny smiled at you.

And then you both smelled something coming from the apartment door.

"Is this me or do I smell something delicious?" asked Sonny.

"That smell. It smells familiar. It almost smells like..." you sniffed once more. "Curry?"

You quickly used your keys and opened the door to find Ali, the older brother of Jeanne and Aliya, cooking for his sisters, Ed, Kumori, and Fink.

Your three friends became surprised to see you here.


That was when you once again got tackled by them.

"You made us more worried!" cried Ed, giving you a tearful look on her face. "None of that from yesterday wouldn't happen if I had told you about the Garden of the Dream Rose."

You then gave a reassuring pat on Ed's head and apologized, "Sorry, guys. I'm okay now."

Jeanne and Aliya still became concerned despite your words of reassurance. But still, you hadn't gotten your lunch since you came back from the O'Charm manor.

"Let's eat our bro's curry outside." suggested Jeanne. And then, the genie girl stared at Sonny and said, "And you, on the other hand..."

Sonny sighed. "Yeah, I know. Keep an eye on Fink."

"Don't worry, Sonny. There's still more curry." Kumori mentioned Sonny.

You got your curry lunch and sat outside with Ed, Jeanne, and Aliya. You shockly found out that Ed told Jeanne and Aliya about your personal mission. Jeanne and Aliya were busy because the two Arabian sisters went on their own mission.

"You know... Things back at POINT aren't the same since you left," Jeanne mentioned. "First, that forced alliance with that shadowy glorb dealer, then you ended up having a personal mission on finding Shadowy Figure and his lair."

"But look on the bright side, Jeanne. (Y/n) is okay, safe and sound." Aliya replied.

You finished your curry and decided to buy some boba teas for your friends, Sonny and Kumori, and Fink.

"Who wants boba tea?" you asked with a smile. "My treat."

You watched your friends raising their hands quickly.

"Okay, I'll go ask the others if they want some boba tea." And then just before you head inside, you and your friends were startled by Ali's sudden appearance.

"I volunteer to go with the lovely (Y/n) on buying boba teas!" exclaimed Ali, with a gentlemanly smile.

Jeanne frowned and decided to give her brother, "Prince Ali" of Arabian City double pinch on his cheeks.

"You womanizing street wolf!? You got a nerve for eavesdropping on our private chat!"

"Jeanne, please. He did cooked our favorite curry just for us." mentioned Aliya.

You chuckled, "You know I'm kinda jealous of you three. I wish I have a sibling or two."

Ed realized that you're the only child of the two retired heroes of POINT.

"What about your cousin Serena?" asked Ed.

"Serena is kinda little tsundere (it meant cold (and sometimes even hostile) at first. When we're little, she got a little lack of trust towards humans. Not to mention she hates my father just because he's human," you explained about your father's connection with the Neko clan.

When you told your friends of how your father met your mother before you were born, he even rescued your mother from evil bandits who tried to kidnapped her just because her father is the Neko Shogun. Yue Bai Long fought the bandits and defeated them. After Yori's rescue, the Neko Shogun and decided to repay Yue by having him to become Yori's protector and fiance.

Of course the Neko clan hadn't decided about the wedding date even after Yue and Yori joined POINT, a group of superheroes led by Foxtail.

Yue Bai Long and Yori Shironeko became partners and fought alongside POINT like fighting against an army of Mecha Lizards. It happened way before Silver Sparks, Rippy Roo, and El-Bow first joined POINT as junior members.

And then, Yue and Yori informed Foxtail, Dr. Grayman, and Laserblast that they're going to retire as members of POINT because they finally decided to get married and settle down.

Dr. Grayman even cried with joy and gave his blessings to your parents.

After the wedding, that's how you were born in Neo Japan. Yue sent POINT some pictures of you during your childhood days.

"I can't believe your mom is actually a neko yokai. So does that mean you're a cat princess?" asked Jeanne.

"Sort of, just because I'm the heiress of the Shironeko family," you explained.

"But when did you find out about your mom and yourself?" asked Ed.

"When I was sixteen." you answered. "Hey, Ed. Remember you told me about your studies of Kappas?"

"Oh yeah, that's right. I even got a big collection of Kappas' POW cards!" Ed became beamed as she took out a three-ring binder that said Collection of POW cards: Kappas.

"Hey, (Y/n)." called Jeanne.

"Can you show us your neko transformation? I mean we all know you as Stealth Mode back in our days working for POINT, but we didn't know that your mother is a neko yokai. Just because you're a half neko yokai doesn't mean we can't be friends with you." Jeanne gave a smile that encouraged you that they understood your true powers.


Of course, you did accepted your true lineage after you first awakened your neko yokai form. With determination, you decided to show them your neko transformation.

The three girls except for Ali were awed by your Shironeko form. Your hair turned white and your eyes were feline.

And then Ed asked you if it's okay to pat you on the head.

You sweatdropped while explaining that you might be sensitive when it's about petting.

"Don't be shy, (Y/n). It's not like you're gonna purr if I pat you." Ed then stroke your cat ears, prompting you to become mellow, relaxed. Not to mention, you unconsciously gave a purr.

The three girls became speechless after they heard you purr like an actual cat.

"Ah, I guess you really can purr like an actual cat." Ed deduced after she gave you a nice gentle pat.

"Not to mention, my Neko family loves to eat fish along with their other hobbies." you mentioned about your maternal Neko family.

"Does it involve yarns?" asked Jeanne.

"And catnip." you nodded, agreeing with Jeanne about the hobbies.

Ali then cleared his throat and said, "I hope you girls are done talking about (Y/n)'s family. I did mentioned I volunteered to join her on buying boba tea, right?"

Jeanne frowned and sighed in defeat, "I swear to Cob... if you try to flirt..."

"I didn't say about flirting with (Y/n). I just want to go with her as her company." explained Ali.

"I don't know about that." Jeanne became very unsure, leaving her older brother to join you on buying some boba tea.

"I don't mind. I mean I need help to carry some boba tea for Kumori, Sonny, and Fink." you explained. You were even told by Ali that Sonny and Kumori wanted boba tea too!

Then it's settled as Ali joined you on your way to the boba tea shop while Ed, Jeanne, and Aliya, looked after Fink with Sonny and Kumori.

"I'm glad you told my sisters about yourself and your family." mentioned Ali.

"Yeah, I shouldn't have worried about them too much." you then frowned as you wondered about Professor Venomous' unawareness of Shadowy Figure.

"You okay?" Ali stopped walking and noticed your different mood.

"No, I'm not."

You turned to Ali and said, "You're half-genie right?"

"Yeah, but I have a power to give one person only three answers from three questions." Ali explained about his powers. "You can say I inherite that power from my great-uncle Jinn."

"Three questions..." you repeated your words.

And that was when you decided to ask Ali three questions.

"I want to know about Shadowy Figure, his connection with Professor Venomous... and I want to know about Laserblast's whereabouts." you said.

"Laserblast? You mean the famous hero of POINT who suddenly disappeared 6-11 years ago?" Ali replied, after you asked Ali about Laserblast.

"Yes. Big Boss told me what really happened to Laserblast." you nodded.

Ali hummed, unsure if it's okay to tell you about Laserblast.

"Are you sure you want to know where in the entire whole world is Laserblast?" asked Ali.

You nodded, determined and serious. "I mean it."

Ali sighed and realized that you can't change your mind on changing your questions.

"Very well, all of your three questions got one answer to everything," Ali smiled and said, "It's time to tell a story about Laserblast."

Ali snapped his fingers, you finding yourself alone in a blank white space.

And then, you noticed an environment beginning to manifest and you recognized that building 6-11 years ago, POINT HQ.

You even witnessed familiar faces; Foxtail, Dr. Grayman before he lost his powers, Laserblast, and the three junior heroes Silver Sparks, Rippy Roo, and El-bow.

"Laserblast is the famous hero of POINT, he used his laserbeams from his helmet, but that wasn't his true powers." Ali's voice narrated the story of Laserblast. "POINT is aware of Laser's true powers. Laser created energy fields and drained his enemies like the Mecha lizards to power his fighting strength."

"I think my dad told me about Laserblast's true superpowers." you mentioned.

"But of course, your father was Laserblast's rival after all," Ali agreed. "Then again, Laser was very not happy about his current superpowers. He wanted something... something stronger than that."

Ali's magic powers took you to somewhere and you found Laserblast sat on the bed, being told by a blonde girl.

"Silver Sparks..." you recognized that woman who was with Laser.

"That's right," agreed Ali. "Silver became so worried, she told Laser so many times that his power was good enough. The poor Laserblast was always plagued by dissatisfaction."

You stared at Sparks smiling at Laser, who looked back at her.

"But little did Laser's girlfriend know, that he was actually jealous of her powers."

You became confused when Ali explained about Laser's jealous of his girlfriend's superpowers.

"Wait, why was he jealous of Carol's powers? Was it because...?"

"That's right. Carol's superpower was very vastly stronger, in fact superior." Ali explained about Laserblast's concerns about Sparks' power being superior than his. "Because of that, Laserblast decided to study bioenigeering in secret during in between his mission."

You frowned and mentioned, "Until Dr. Greyman found out about the artificial superpower orbs and he thought they were created by an unknown villain."

"That's right. That red sphere took Dr. Greyman's powers away after he accidentally activated it with his own hands." explained Ali.

After the unexpected explosion, you watched Foxtail and Laser shout, "Doc!"

You watched the poor Dr. Greyman confessing his teammates after he failed to use his levitating powers to grab his fedora, "My powers, they're gone!"

Everyone gasped.

You watched Laserblast, telling Foxtail about the superpower weapons, "Guess they were stronger than they looked. What do you say we snag more before they fall into the wrong hands? We could even use them against our foes."

Foxtail strongly exclaimed, "Absolutely not! I wouldn't wish this fate on our worst enemies! What we need to do is to find the rest and disarm them completely! We can't have this happen again!"

You watched Laserblast became secretly displeased of Foxtail's order. You couldn't help but feel pity for Laser. Laser coulnd't let POINT destory his lab and researches he had made for countless months.

"I have a feeling you know what happened next." spoke Ali's voice.

"Yeah, so do I." you agreed.

Ali took you to the next scene where Laserblast told Sparks and El-Bow before heading to the "unknown villain"'s lair, "I'm gonna slip in there and disarm those weapons."

Sparks questioned Laser's plan, "So what, you'll just go in on your own?! That's crazy!"

Laser then reassured Sparks, "Trust me, I'll be fine. It's not like I'm gonna croak. Come on!"

That was when you watched Laserblast gave his lolipop to Sparks. El-Bow became disgusted and said, "Ew..."

You sighed and reluctanlty agreed with El-Bow, "Yeah... Ew..."

"See? Now I gotta come back. Keep it safe for me 'til then. See ya in a few, Sparks. You watch her back. All right, El-Bow?" Laserblast quickly left Sparks and El-Bow on the lookout.

However, you knew that Laserblast didn't come here to disarm the weapons. He only came here in the rush, getting rid of the evidences. You watched Laser destroyed a picture of himself and Sparks outside of their work at POINT and his entire lab.

"Panicked, Laser tried to get rid of everything in this very lab of his. He didn't want POINT to find out that it was himself who created those secret weapons including the red orbs that can take away a person's superpowers. But despite his desperate efforts on destroying everything in this very building, fate had other plans for Laser."

Laserblast accidentally caught himself in an explosion. You became shocked as you noticed the capsule containing three red orbs drop to the floor.

You watched Laser without his helmet after the sudden explosion. Laser regained his senses and noticed something different about himself. Laser became shocked to find out that he couldn't use his powers.

"My powers! They're gone..."

You couldn't believe that Laser's own research took his own superpowers away. Big Boss was right. Laserblast was really a selfish hero who wanted something stronger.

You watched the powerless Laser hid himself when another orb was activated on its own. Laser's former lab, the donut shop, suddenly disappeared before their eyes, including yours. Laser managed to escape just in time before that building was sent to who knows where.

You watched Sparks shout for Laser. Sparks became heartbroken and cried for Laser's demise.

"Laserblast was about to crawl back out, but then he heard Sparks. She then said..."

"He wasn't powerful enough to survive something like this!"

You couldn't believe Sparks' words about Laserblast. You watched Laserblast, who decided not to crawl out from the shadows, bitterly left the scene.

"The poor unfortunate soul decided to let everyone including POINT know that the famous Laserblast was gone. Of course, you know what happened next just because you worked for POINT as well, (Y/n)."

"Yeah..." you agreed once more. "El-Bow got kicked out of POINT because of that mission. Foxtail and Dr. Grayman were trying to expand POINT such as the foundation of POINT Prep. Sparks... I mean Carol went on an undercover mission. Rippy Roo left POINT because the entire team began drifting from its original purpose."

You balled your hands into fists and wondered about Laserblast, who miraculously survived that very incident but instead he abandoned his former teammates, letting them think that Laserblast was shrunk, teleported or... ugh ah nevermind that.

And then you found yourself in the different lab. You saw Laserblast wearing that same labcoat. You noticed something different. You watched him drinking experimental potions he had created himself.

"What is he doing?" you asked Ali's voice.

"Well, since your dad was aware of Laserblast being alive for the whole time, it's no wonder he didn't told you the former hero was very very desperate after he lost his powers to his own research."

You began to realize something, "He was trying to regain his powers back..." Much to your shock, you couldn't believe your (e/c) eyes. "Wait..."

You stared at this lab you're in when you were given a story of Laserblast. The poor dark-haired man used his countless self-experimentations on himself to regain his powers back. But all of them failed him, much to his dismay.

"You don't mean..."

"Yes," agreed Ali. "On that very dark fateful day, Laserblast unawarely made a sudden breakthrough when he did another same old attempt to regain his powers back."

You watched the former desperate hero Laserblast drink the purple-colored chemical. Laserblast gagged, coughed as he dropped the glassed chemical to the floor, the sound of the glass shattering was heard. You watched him run towards the mirror, he was still coughing after he drank that purple chemical.

Laser looked at himself in the reflection only to notice his body begin to turn purple, much to his shock. You widened your eyes in astonishment, your hands covering your mouth. Laserblast took off his labcoat and shirt, panicking to see his whole body turning purple. He shut his eyes and angrily punched the mirror.

Shocked and speechless, you watched Laserblast transforming into a dark powerful being.

"No..." you shook your head as you began to realize. "I can't believe it. Laserblast is..."

You then fell to your knees in despair. Your three questions about Laserblast, and Shadowy Figure's connection with Professor Venomous gave you one answer.

That was when Laserblast went unconscious after his latest but last self-experiment, you noticed your father who came to see Laser.

You watched your father carrying Laser to the bedroom, to have Laserblast recover.

"So... all this time... Laserblast is... actually Venny Darling."

And then, the story about the fallen hero of POINT came to the end. You were on that same position like before, with Ali comforting you.

That revelation about Laserblast and his self-experiments led him on creating a powerful dark persona, Shadowy Figure, had made you distraught.

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