Chapter 5: Arabian Shadows pt. 5

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At the meeting room of Boxmore, Professor Venomous sat on his seat and stared at the man wearing white, who was holding a Chinese tobacco pipe in his hand.

Lord Boxman glanced at his partner in crime and the man with white hair tied into a lower ponytail. He was somewhat uncomfortable of this tension between Venomous and this mysterious man.

"I found out your lair got destroyed when I went to visit you," he said, dissipating the tension as he lowered his pipe from his lips to exhale smoke in a form of a Chinese dragon.

"It's a long story." replied Venomous, glaring at Boxman.

Professor Venomous' lair was destroyed because Venomous let Lord Boxman stay at his place. Boxman was jobless with no place to go after his son Cowboy Darrell took over. And Boxman showed Venomous the ways to defeat heroes, Boxman-style. And that's how Venomous bought Boxmore and Lord Boxman got his job back, now teaming up with Venomous to destroy the Lakewood Plaza.

"Boxman. Can you please leave?" the professor asked. "He and I will be having a private talk."

"But what if he came here to destroy Boxmore?!" worried Lord Boxman. Professor Venomous gave a cold silent glare, as if to tell the obese evil villain leave this instant. Lord Boxman cringed in fear. He quickly replied, "Okay! I'll leave. Call me if you need me, P.V.!" The white-haired man looked back at Lord Boxman hastily leaving the meeting room.

"I never knew you would join forces with the villain who creates robots just to attack the Plaza only he fails to do so, Laser..." he said, calling Professor Venomous "Laser".

Professor Venomous intently glared at the martial arts master and replied, "How many times not to call me that?"

Yue Bai Long is the the martial arts master who hailed from the Far East and was Laserblast's rival. He was a gifted martial master who learned many kinds of martial art techniques; karate, akido, taekwondo etc. He and his significant partner Yori Shironeko, a cat yokai, were part of the superhero group POINT. Yue and Yori retired at heroes right before their child was born.

"Even though you're now a villain, I can't just forget you as my rival in those years when you were a hero," Yue explained.

The truth is Professor Venomous was none other than the famous hero of POINT: Laserblast. Yue Bai Long iss the only member of POINT, who's aware of Laserblast's "disappearance". Laserblast didn't actually get himself shrunk, disappeared to who knows where, or... or... never mind. Let's just say Laserblast faked his own disappearance and went into hiding until... well... you know what happened. He turned into purple and became a villain as Professor Venomous. Yue secretly promised Laser that he would not tell Foxtail, Greyman, and Sparks about what really happened back then. He had been keeping an eye on Professor Venomous ever since.

Yue stood up from his seat as he headed towards the window to stare at. Then he hummed a tune. Professor Venomous quietly recognized this tune, ending up listening to his former rival's humming this song. Then the snow white-haired man sang, "You are an ocean of waves, weaving a dream like thoughts, become a river stream... Yet may the tide ever change, flowing like time to the path, yours to climb."

"You still never stop singing that song, Yue, no matter how many times I hear you sing," the professor commented Yue's singing.

Yue looked back at Venomous and chuckled, "And here I thought you hated that song."

Venomous sighed and replied, "By the way... I met your daughter the other day."

Yue was surprised, yet his eyes remained emotionless.

"Is that so?" he asked. He then stared at the window, still holding his pipe in his hand as his other wrapped around his waist. In the place of Yue's reflection was the Plaza. He sighed as he secretly thought to himself, "I assume Foxtail must have given some top secret missions to her... relating to the glorbs... In fact, I cannot blame her for using my own daughter as a pawn for the sake of the greater good..."

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