Chapter 4: Arabian Shadows pt. 4

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Meanwhile, at Boxmore, Professor Venomous was at his office playing solitaire on his desktop. Then he heard a ruckus outside of his office.

"I don't care who the heck are you! But you're trespassin' the private premises!" shouted Lord Boxman, the owner of Boxmore.

Venomous checked what's going on to find Lord Boxman in attempt to push the slender man with long white hair wearing a white changshan with black long pants and martial arts shoes. This man didn't move an inch as if he stood still like a statue.

"Why don't you move already, you... you ignorant blind old man?!" insulted the half-man, half-cyborg.

Professor Venomous quickly recognized this martial arts master with closed eyes, much to his surprise.

"Boxman, don't kick him out," he said.

Lord Boxman turned around to see his partner in crime. Then he stared at the kung-fu master in white and later at Professor Venomous.

"You know this strange lookin' kung-fu mastering fella?" asked Boxman.

"Let's just say he's an old acquaintance." the bio-engineering professor vaguely answered, narrowing his eyes down at the martial arts master.

Back in Arabian City, after you reunited with your teammates and met Jeanne and Aliyah's older brother Ali, you sat down on the bed with Jeanne and Ed. Jeanne glared at Shadowy Figure as if she was protecting you from him. Ed tried to wonder why Shadowy Figure wanted to speak with you. Aliya was standing with Ali, worried after encountering Shadowy Figure.

The silent and cold air around you and the others was still lingered.

Ali gave himself a sweat drop before he sheepishly laughed. He was able to get rid of the tension by asking you, "Sooo... Do you have a reason why you want to have a chat with Mr. Dark Phantom Thief of Umbra?"

Ed, Jeanne, and Aliya shouted in surprise giving face faults anime style, "WHAT?!?!"

Then Jeanne stood up from her seat and grabbed Ali by his only vest. She angrily shouted, "Why didn't you tell us about it was actually this shady guy?!"

Ali shrugged himself, "I don't know. Why tell you when I can show you the real deal?"

Jeanne went angry and said, "Why I oughta...?!"

Then Aliya noticed Jeanne about to making an attempt to strangle their older brother by the neck. She quickly restrained her genie sister by the arms, preventing her from doing so.

"Jeanne, please calm down." begged the thief girl.

Then Shadowy Figure laughed when witnessing bickering between the Arabian siblings.

"Hey! What's so funny?!" shouted Jeanne.

Shadowy Figure sighed and answered, "Nothing, just seeing you bickering with this flamboyant thief makes me think you two are like brother and sister."

"What do you expect?! We really are brothers and sisters!"

"Jeanne, please..." begged the concerned thief girl.

Then you, Ed, and Shadowy Figure waited as Aliya tried to soothe Jeanne to calm down and reminded her that they needed to focus on Shadowy Figure's purpose.

And so, about ten minutes later, Jeanne finally managed to calm down.

Then you stared at Shadowy Figure, who was sitting down on the pillow seat at the table. With your teammates here, you were not sure if it's okay to tell him about something like Foxtail being associated with him.

You gave a stern glare and asked, "What do you want?"

Shadowy Figure chuckled, "Straight to the point, I see. You know, I've got to hand it to you for stealing glorbs from one of my former associates. Thanks to you and your meddling, I had no choice but to sever my ties with the wistful mafia boss of Noir."

Just as you thought, you knew that Big Boss was a former associate with Shadowy Figure.

Big Boss was the level -6 villain and a mafia boss who lived in a life of Noir. You stole the glorbs from Big Boss by disguising yourself as a club songstress. To think that Big Boss was actually an ex-associate of Shadowy Figure, it was no wonder why Foxtail wanted you to get the glorbs from Big Boss, who got a business dealing connection with the same shady glorb dealer back then.

"How the heck did you know about Big Boss?!" exclaimed Ed.

Shadowy Figure answered, "Sorry, my lips are sealed."

Ed went irritated upon receiving a refusal from him and said, "You shady son of a—"

You suddenly interrupted Ed's insult as you explained, "The reason why he knows Big Boss is because he's a glorb dealer."

"A glorb dealer?!" Ed went shocked.

"If I'm right about your suspicous presence being here in Arabian City, that means Apoo is your associate." you theorized.

"My, not bad for the lovely and talented spy heroine Stealth Mode," applauded Shadowy Figure, praising your perception. "Well then let us continue to a new topic..."

"You haven't let me finish, Mr. Shadowy Figure..." you interrupted him with a glare.

Ed, Jeanne, and Aliya noticed the look on your face. They'd never seen you like that. You were very serious, too serious in fact.

"Let me ask you one simple question. When gathering those special rare yet powerful orbs that are so hard to find and difficult to get your shady hands on them, you, the only glorb dealer in the whole villainous world, can only deliver them to villains, right?"

"That's right. I only give glorbs to important villains I associate with," he nodded. "I can make their desires to become more evil come true."

"Then what about antiheroes?" you asked, much to your friends' surprise.

"Antiheroes? You mean like people who lack the attributes that make themselves an actual hero?" asked Aliya.

"Yeah..." you answered.

"But that's impossible. There's no antiheroes right now. Not unless..." Ed then paused as she began to slowly grasp why you mention about antiheroes. "Oh no..."

"Ed, what's wrong?" asked Jeanne.

Ed became loss at words and said, "I almost forgot about the battle of the Plaza and Ms. Foxtail's misguided approaches... I wish I wanted to doubt the connections but..." The bespectacled hacker then stared at you, her best friend and roommate. "(Y/n)... As your best friend and roommate, I don't know what's going on, but I know you're trying to keep a secret from me, Jeanne, and Aliya."

"A secret?" surprised Jeanne.

"I love you as a BF, (Y/n), and I don't give a cob dab thing if Foxtail told you what to do what you think it's wrong and you couldn't dare to question her methods," Ed sat down besides you and placed her hand on yours. "So please... Tell us what happened between you and Foxtail..."

You hesitated as you recalled the day you received a mission from Foxtail.

It happened few months or so before POINT took over the Lakewoord Plaza. You came to Foxtail's office and had a private meeting with her.

"Stealth Mode, at your service." you saluted.

Foxtail turned her chair around to you and replied, "Stealth Mode, I'm glad you came. I have a special task for you."

"A special task?" you questioned.

"Correct," Foxtail then gave you a secret undercover mission where you were told that Big Boss had hired a glorb dealer to smuggle some glorbs for him. She wanted you to find out the mafia boss's doing with the glorbs and let her know the whereabouts of the glorbs.

During your undercover as Big Boss's trusted club singer, Big Boss showed you the glorbs and Vice Boss informed you that they decided to exchange the glorbs to Boxmore.

You sent your report relating to the glorbs Big Boss had to Foxtail and you received some explosive bombs in secret from the troops of POINT under the orders from the orange-and-white-haired leader.

Having no right to question Foxtail's tactics, you did what you could. You sucessfully took the glorbs while Big Boss was too busy speaking with his important guest. By the time Big Boss found out the glorbs he had gathered went missing, you escaped and destroyed his night club completely with the explosives although Big Boss and his mafia family, and two guests of honor managed to escape before the ten countdown.

You informed Foxtail about the results of your mission and she praised your success, grateful of her decision for choosing you to take part of this special task. It was your first top secret mission.

Then you were told not to tell your teammates about the details of your first and other "special" top secret missions relating to the glorbs.

Reflecting on your involvement on stealing the glorbs for Foxtail in secret back then, you then looked at your teammates.

"The truth is before the battle of the Plaza, she secretly gave me top secret missions relating to glorbs," you explained. "I had succeeded some missions on "stealing" the glorbs back from the villains. As for the glorbs I took from the bad guys I dealt with, I left them to Foxtail and her troops."

Ed then took your place of explaining as she said, "So that's why Foxtail used Chip Damage with glorbs to empower the gifted students."

Jeanne interrupted as she tried to grasp what happened, "Wait, when you said gifted students, you don't mean..."

"Yeah, Elodie was one of them and Chip Damage empowered her with glorbs too..." Ed nodded.

You were shocked to hear it from your BF and asked, "Ed, how in the world did you know?"

Ed knew now's not the time to tell you how does she know about the incident relating to Chip Damage.

"Let's talk about that later. We have big things to worry about, especially him..." she said as she glared at Shadowy Figure. "In fact, not only I won't forgive you for kidnapping my BF... but I won't forgive you for ruining the reputation of POINT. So please ask me this, are you the one responsible for giving Foxtail the glorbs before that day, the day where POINT took over the Plaza?"

"What?" surprised the Arabian sisters.

Shadowy Figure then stared at your best friend hacker and bluntly answered, "Yes, I'm the one who gave your former leader of POINT the glorbs."

Aliya and Jeanne went shocked from Shadowy Figure's confession. Jeanne then shouted upon learning Shadowy Figure's blunt response, "You just admitted it!?"

You couldn't believe that Ed knew about Foxtail's former association with the glorb dealer in black.

"I'm very impressed, little miss hacker. How did you find out about that?" Shadowy Figure asked.

"Oh, it's not really a big deal," answered Ed as she explained to her shady enemy how did she know about Foxtail as Shadowy Figure's former associate, "I just hacked the sercurity camera from Foxtail's office to witness her converation with (Y/n) during the aftermath of the Battle of the Plaza. And that's how I first heard about you, Mr. Deadly Glorb Salesman."

"And I would have gotten away with it too. If it weren't the lovely meddling spy agent and her petty sidekick hacker." he said with a sarcastic tone from his voice.

"Now that's just a little insulting." commented Ed, after hearing him calling her a pet sidekick.

"Okay, I heard enough. Can we just kick his butt already?" asked Ali.

"I hate to say this, but Ali really does have a point." Jeanne agreed with her older brother's suggestion after finding out the dark truth about Foxtail's secret.

"Actually... I'm not here to fight, but to make a temporary compromise with your leader Stealth Mode." the dark villainous figure explained.

"And why a temporary compromise?" Jeanne raised her brow, still suspicious of Shadowy Figure.

"Let's just say I felt bad for the poor unfortunate souls like Lord Apoo's slave girls." he answered.

"You want to help us to free the slave girls you just kidnapped for Apoop?" Ali implied. "Now that's kinda messed up."

"It's not for you and the others to decide. All I need is an answer from her." Shadowy Figure then turned to you with a smirk. "Your mission is to rescue the slave prisoners from the arrogant buffoon who only cares less but glorbs and pretty girls."

You gave a moment of thought, pondering about you the only one who didn't become Apoo's latest slave girl. He was right. You're only here for a rescue mission. You weren't told about confronting Shadowy Figure or whatever.

You sighed and gave an distrusting look on your face, "If you want to "help" us, what's the catch?"

"Since I'm the bearer of the news, there will be a banquet held by Lord Apoo this Saturday. A perfect night to commerce your rescue operation." explained Shadowy Figure.

"This Saturday..." repeated Aliya.

"I look forward to witness how you succeed your mission," smirked Shadowy Figure.

"So you're not gonna stop us from rescuing the slave girls during a Saturday night banquet?" questioned Ali.

"Wouldn't dream of it."

Jeanne scoffed, "Well, now we find out about the party this Satruday, let's just get outta here."

You, however, didn't move as you still sat on th soft bed. The girls and Ali also noticed.

"(Y/n)? Aren't you coming?" asked Aliya.

You then looked at Ed. "Ed. I'm putting you in charge of this mission," you instructed the hacker to take your place as acting leader. "I know it's an unexpected request, but you're the gifted hacker and a skillful tactician. I always count on your skills during the past missions we had as teammates and as partners."

Ed realized that you're passing the baton to her. She began to realize that you coudln't come with them. If Apoo finds out that you escape, who knows what's he gonna do next. She understood you had to stay here in the tower.

"Don't worry, (Y/n). You can count on me. We'll come and get you on that important day."

"Jeanne, Aliya. Look after Ed for me."

Jeanne looked hesitant as she couldn't believe you couldn't come with you despite that they came all the way to rescue you. But Aliya, on the other hand, accepted your order. She placed her hand on her genie sister's shoulder, "Jeanne, we don't have any choices. This is (Y/n)'s decision."

"I know..." Jeanne replied before glaring at Shadowy Figure, "If you try any funny business with Stealth Mode, you gonna go deal with me!"

"Like I said before wouldn't dream of it." the dark-hooded figure reminded the genie heroine.

"As if." Jeanne bitterly glared at him before hopping onto Ali's magic carpet with her sister, older brother, and Ed.

You watched them leave heading back to their safe house, the restaurant/home residence owned by Jazmine.

"It's already pretty late. You should get some rest." suggested Shadowy Figure.

You also watched him leave as well. Before he was about to leave, he turned and gave you a smirk, "Since you're staying here for a while until the important day this week. I'll be visiting you at the next midnight."

You stood silent, watching him head towards the door. He chuckled and said before he left and closed the door behind him, "Sweet dreams, (Y/n)."

You widned your eyes in shock as you stood up only to stare at the completely shut door. "How did he know about my name?" you asked to yourself, unable to believe that he knew your name.

VenomousxReaderxShadowy: SPLT (Shadowy Poisonous Loveless Triangle)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora