Chapter 15: Shadowy Jealousy

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You couldn't go to sleep after you had that same nightmare about Shadowy Figure until you slept for the entire morning. You woke up at noon and you found Sonny and Kumori eating a cup of hot ramen noodles. Kumori noticed you and greeted, "Oh! G'mornin', (Y/n)! We bought a cup of ramen for you too!"

You sat down and joined Sonny and Kumori on having lunch. You calmly ate a cup of ramen but to tell you the truth, you were still disquiet.

Sonny noticed your uncomfortable features and asked, "Hey, you okay, (Y/n)?"

You only nodded and you finished your cup of ramen. Kumori became worried about your current self despite your nodding answer.

You sighed as you stood up after you finished your ramen cup. You headed to your room to get yourself dressed for today. You wore the same attire as always. You were about to leave but you heard Sonny.

"Hey, mind if Kumori and I join you today?" he said.

You looked back at Sonny and Kumori when you stood in front of the door.

"Bet you're going to see Boxmore again."

Of course, you'd been visit Boxmore all by yourself daily. It's not because you wanted to join to the villain side obviously. You only went to see Boxmore and you ended up musing about Professor Venomous and Shadowy Figure. Both of them have the same looks and voices, but they both have different personalities.

You sighed and decided to let Sonny and Kumori join you. Sonny and Kumori stared at Boxmore with you, amazed with its structure. Sonny gave a whistle of astonishment.

"So this is Boxmore..." the monkey boy said, holding his hand to his forehead while staring at Boxmore.

"That building is so big." commented Kumori.

You only stared at Boxmore while listening to Sonny and Kumori's comments. About an hour later, you finished staring at Boxmore.

"Let's go somewhere else..." you suggested.

You told Sonny to take you to a specific destination. Sonny was surprised when he was told to take you to that place. He asked you if you're sure you wanted to go there. You were very sure and you really mean it.

Sonny and Kumori looked at each other with concerned looks on their faces.

The spiky-haired monkey boy complied to your offer and you rode on Kumori with him.

And then you arrived to the very place you wanted to go: Professor Venomous' former lair.

You just looked around at the ruins. You stared at the destroyed doomsday device, the destroyed black grand piano, and some self-portraits of Venomous.

You were silent during your inspection on the ruined lair of Professor Venomous. Sonny and Kumori watched at you doing so with worriness.

Staring at this very place, you ended up recalling your first encounter with Professor Venomous as Stealth Mode. Of course, that was after you accidentally triggered a booby trap filled with purple gas that knocked you out unconscious when you took some research data for POINT.

At first, your relationship with Venomous got off to a rocky start. You refused to eat for almost a week when you were given food from Fink. But that very night, you were given cookies and milk from Venomous instead of his organic minion. You were skeptical and you believed that he poisoned the cookies. But you were wrong because you dared him to eat the cookie, which wasn't poisoned after all.

Of course, you didn't do anything to escape from Venomous because he took your spy gadgets away when he first found you unconscious during your failed attempt to steal his research data. You even also remembered the special night with Professor Venomous. He took you as his plus one to the Villains' Ball hosted by Billiam Milliam. He was a talented dancer whe you had your first dance with a villain. That's how you ended up having a villainous crush on Venomous.

But right now, things changed since you first encountered Shadowy Figure, Venomous' darker other self. To think that his shadowy other self is jealous of Venomous...

You left and headed back to your apartment before you decided to sleep early. You were asked by Kumori if you need a little sleep buddy like her. You kindly refused her offer and told her you will be okay sleeping all by yourself.

You went to sleep and Sonny became more worried. He didn't want to see you like that. He needed to do something. He began to use his telepathy to call your father. He and Yue met each other in private. Sonny informed his master about you and your current status. Ever since you confronted Shadowy Figure at the ruins of Professor Venomous' lair, you ended up being quiet and pensive.

Not to mention, Sonny secretly heard you crying softly to yourself after you got a haunting nightmare about Shadowy Figure.

Yue knew that he needed to do something as a father. He didn't want to see you feeling hurt.

That was when he decided to spend his time with you as a father

The next morning, you suddenly woke up when you smelled of brewed tea. You recognized that aroma before you quickly got off from the bed and went to find your father brewing tea at the kitchen.

"Oh, good morning, (Y/n)." he greeted with a smile and usual closed eyes.

You stared at your father and walked to the table and sat down. You were given a cup of green tea and silently thanked him. Yue sat down with you.

"Sonny told me that you've been seeing Boxmore recently." he mentioned.

You stared at your father and began to speak with him.

"Dad... Can I ask you something?" you asked.

"Go ahead."

You then recalled Shadowy Figure's words about your father and his secret visits to Professor Venomous.

"Remember our chat about your father keeping an eye on me ever since I became a glorb dealer? Not only your father has been keeping an eye on me, but he has been keeping tabs on Venomous by visiting him in secret."

You narrowed your eyes down, pondering about your dad's secret visits. Why would your father visit Venomous? Is he trying to keep an eye on the evil bioengineer because of Shadowy Figure?

"Is there... Is there a reason why you visit Professor Venomous for secret occassions?" you asked.

Yue paused at the moment whe he was questioned about his visits with Venomous.

"You visited him because of... Shadowy Figure, is it?"

Yue then sighed and admitted, "I guess I can't hide this from my very own daughter... After all, I haven't been a great father to you."

"That's not true," you strongly disagreed. "You've been a great dad to me. And there's no way for me to be mad at you despite that you kept your secrets from me."

You looked down at your cup, staring at your reflection of your tea.

"And speaking of secrets... I should have told you that I have a villainous crush on Venomous..."

"Oh I know that actually." Yue mentioned.

To your surprise, you asked, "When did you know about that?!"

"Well, let's just say when I visited Venomous, he informed me that you came to steal his data for POINT and held you prisoner for about two weeks until you escaped with your teammates on the night of the Villains' Ball." he answered.

You went paled and you wondered if your dad is aware of your first kiss.

"Then if you knew that I got an evil crush on Professor Venomous... then..."

"If you're wondering if I'm actually aware of your first kiss from a villain, I promise I won't tell anyone about that."

You then placed your hands to your face in embarrassment. Then you gave yourself a deep breath and decided to move on to a new topic. You asked your father about Shadowy Figure, Venomous' other self. You were told that your dad is aware of Foxtail's former misguided ways as leader of POINT; hiring a glorb dealer like Shadowy, having you go on top secret missions relating to the glorbs, and taking over the Plaza.

Then you showed your father about the research data about you, your neko yokai powers, and your parents. Yue stared down at them and hummed.

"When I read all of them relating to me and my powers... I first doubted that Shadowy Figure made them..." you explained.

Yue gave a moment of thought and agreed with you.

"Yes, he didn't made these kind of research. In fact..." he paused as he couldn't tell you who actually made some researches before they were stolen by Shadowy. "No, never mind."

"You know who actually wrote them, right? Why won't you tell me?" you asked.

Your father hesitated a little and said, "I may have the answer of who, but I believe you should find out for yourself. Not to mention, you might find out why I visit Venmous for a reason."

You finished drinking tea and got up from your seat. You headed back to your bedroom to get yourself changed to your usual wear.

"Going to see Boxmore again like always?" he questioned.

You paused at the door when you heard your father implying what are you doing today.

"Yeah... Maybe." you gave a somewhat unsure answer.

You then left, leaving your father all by himself in your apartment. Yue stared down at the research data. He was disturbed as he mused over the data research and Shadowy Figure's interest in your powers.

He sighed and said to himself, "To think that he stole these studies from him... I never knew that Shadowy Figure is jealous of Venomous... although he's nothing but a self-jealous villain."

You noticed Sonny and Kumori outside of the apartment when you came out. You decided to let these two join you as you headed to Boxmore once more.

Meanwhile at Professor Venomous' office, he sighed as he stared down at his schedule. This weekend, he has to go on an important business trip with the board of evil investors. Of course, Lord Boxman will do the usual thing like destroying the Plaza as always.

He sighed. Of course, he had to do something about finding a babysitter for Fink. He stood up from his seat and went towards the window to stare at. Once he did, he suddenly noticed you with Sonny and Kumori. To his curiosity, he wondered why you're here at the parking lot of Boxmore.

You stared at Boxmore with a silent look on your face. And about a half an hour later, you decided to head back to your apartment for the day with Sonny and Kumori following you. Venomous didn't understand why you've been staring at the company that has evil weapons and robots.

He then hummed to himself as if he might need you to babysit Fink despite that you're a heroine of POINT.

You headed back to your apartment with Sonny and Kumori. You found out that your father just left while you were gone to visit Boxmore. You noticed a note near by the file.

You read, "Don't let things bother you every time. Also if you have some free time for yourself, please visit me."

You sighed as you smiled at the letter.

Your father really cared for you whenever you're feeling down recently. Not to mention he understood that you were still struggling with the truth about Shadowy Figure as the other self of Professor Venomous. You needed to know why your father had been visiting Venomous on his occassional days. He didn't tell you his reason why. It was as if he wanted you to find the answer on your own.

You sighed and checked the time to find out it was almost six o'clock from your smartphone. Then you got a text from Ed that she will be busy at POINT for the weekend. She even sent a BF cheer up hug emoji.

After you finished dinner, you decided to go to sleep for the night.

It was now Friday. You woke up and made a hot coffee. Then you decided to go out and decided to see Boxmore as always. Just when you're outside of your apartment, you noticed a car pulled up to the side of the road and came to a stop before you.

It was a car with headlights that resembled eyes of a snake, this very vehicle also had a license plate that said "SNKB1T3".

Then the window rolled down revealing a familiar villain, much to your surprise.

Professor Venomous.

VenomousxReaderxShadowy: SPLT (Shadowy Poisonous Loveless Triangle)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora