Chapter 23: A Birthday Surprise

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It happened way before Professor Venomous and Fink had an important dinner with Lord Boxman of and their merge with Boxmore.

"Boss, can I have ice cream for dinner?" Fink asked Professor Venomous when she went to his lab.

However, the young rat girl went unamused when she noticed that instead it was Shadowy Figure. She then turned away from Shadowy, who just laughed wickedly and entered his secret evil lair filled with glorbs.

The rat girl with green hair didn't care about Shadowy, so she ended up playing her videos game.

And now, Fink told you about everything including those research data you found at Shadowy's secret lair. You found out those research data about you, your parents, and your lineage. Those written researches that are top secret belonged to Professor Venomous. Not only that, Fink is aware of Shadowy Figure taking over her special boss.

You then decided to do something as you tightened your fist. So you took the research papers off from your desk and you had Fink to go with you.

You, now in your Shironeko form, walked with Fink into the dark alley. You looked around, making sure no one noticed you here in this very late night. Fink wondered what are you doing with Venomous's research papers, all about you, your parents, and your lineage. Not to mention, Fink became surprised to see you tranform into a snow-white neko with cat ears on your hair before you both secretly left your apartment while Ed, Sonny, and Kumori were still sleeping.

You found a trash can that was empty nearby. You then tore those research papers in pieces, all of them are in that very rubbish bin and then you took a match to start a fire. Once you did, you destroyed the papers written by Professor Venomous.

Fink watched you burning the research papers, she didn't even try to stop you. Once you finished getting rid of the research data, you took a deep breath and exhaled.

You then gave a weak smile and said to Fink, "Let's go home."

And so, you and Fink finally returned home. You both quietly made sure not to wake up Sonny and Kumori by the time you entered.

After you snuck back to your bedroom with Fink, you slumped on your soft bed.

You sighed and commented, "What a adrenaline..."

You then stared at Fink, who's now feeling down. You then gave a smile and gave her a gentle pat on the head.

"Hey, I know you didn't mean to give Shadowy your boss's research data all about me just because you're jealous of me. Thanks to you... Now I understand why Shadowy didn't want Venomous to find out."

Not to mention, Fink even told you that Venomous sometimes received occasional visits from your father prior to Venomous becoming partners with Lord Boxman. Of course, back then, she was there when Venomous received a visit from Yue after you escaped when the incident at the Villains' ball had suddenly occurred.

Let's just say, Lucky decided to rescue you and Donny with his power of luck. Lucky secretly changed your luck into bad luck and secretly watched you being chosen on using the golden ray gun on a test subject (That's Donny who got captured by Billiam's burly bodyguards before that happened).

But you found out that the golden ray gun didn't work and Billiam claimed that they did some test runs with the golden ray gun before the night of the Villains' Ball.

And that's how Lucky's power of bad luck ensued, the golden ray gun zapped at the chandelier and the lights of Billiam's golden mansion went out.

Thus, Lucky and Donny escaped and they both took you with them just because you needed to be rescued.

And now, you realized that Venomous couldn't try to destroy you just because he knew that you're the daughter of Yue Bai Long, the former rival of Laserblast.

"Hey, Fink. It's getting late, we should hit the hay." you suggested.

Just when Fink began to leave your bedroom, you said to Fink, "Sweet dreams, Fink. I hope you'll have a nice special dream with your boss."

Fink became surprised and secretly blushed.

"Don't say stuffs like that, you teasing cat!" she shouted.

You chuckled and smiled. Of course, you will never take Venomous away from Fink because you understood her special relationship with Venomous.

Once Fink left your bedroom, you closed the door. You sighed and recalled Fink's words before you ended up getting rid of Venomous' research data.

"If I did tell Boss about Shadowy, he'll take over his body and make him disappear forever."

You knew that there's no way for you to let get Shadowy in your head, making feel you so small. Especially you won't let him have his way with you. And so, you went to bed after you found out why Shadowy didn't want to Venomous to know and had Fink not to tell her precious boss about that.

The next day, Ed left early in the morning because she got work at POINT. Also, since today's Monday, Professor Venomous will be returning soon. That was when you noticed his car arriving at your apartment.

Fink then happily greeted her boss. Also, she told him that you gave her lots of ice cream. You were glad to see that little green-haired glrl so very happy to see her boss returning from his business trip.

This Saturday is a special day. Why? Well... let's just say today's your birthday. You woke up in the morning and suddenly received a birthday message from your friends on your phone. You smiled that despite your friends are busy working at POINT. You sighed. Also, Sonny and Kumori said that they're going to be busy doing their training with your father.

You sighed. You found yourself alone in this very apartment. You were not sure what to spend your time on your birthday. You then thought of something... something like visiting Boxmore. (Actually, scratch that).

You knew that that's not what you want to do for your birthday. You sighed once more.

"Maybe I should take a family visit on my birthday."

Then suddenly, you heard a doorbell. You answered the door, to find your father much to your surprise.


"Happy Birthday, (Y/n)!" Yue Bai Long gave you his close-eyed smile while holding some rice balls made by himself.

You smiled and gave him a hug. But despite that, you then gave him a serious look.

"We need to talk."

And so, you talked with your father everything. Last weekend, for some reason, Professor Venomous hired you as a private babysitter for Fink. Not to mention, Fink told you about the research data all about you, your parents, and your lineage.

You then revealed that you had to get rid of the research data since you couldn't believe that Shadowy stole them from Venomous.

You became concerned, very worried about Venomous. To think that Laserblast is alive all this time, but now he's a villain, commonly known as Professor Venomous.

"Are you mad?" asked Yue.

"Me, mad? Of course I'm mad! To think you kept a secret about Laserblast faking his own disappearance from Foxtail and Graymen and..." You went paled and you exclaimed in horror, "Oh my Cob! I can't believe I ended up having my first kiss from Carol's ex-boyfriend except he's a freaking villain!!!"

Of course, you are told by Carol that she officially is in relatioship with Mr. Gar. Not to mention, she told you that she and Mr Gar reconciled after the events of the battle between the Plaza Resistance and POINT. The now former agent Silver Sparks decided to quit working for POINT and continued working as an instructor of Fitness Dojo of th Plaza.

Speaking of the Plaza, you began to realize something; Carol's son K.O.

"Dad, are you aware that Venomous has a son?"

Yue nodded and said, "That's right. A boy named K.O. who led the Resistance and saved the Plaza from POINT. Right now, he and his friends doing super secret missions."

And then, he informed you that K.O. and his friends encountered a Rainbow Dragon and they fought against it, who attacked two people named Ted Viking and Foxy.

"They fought a stray Rainbow Dragon?!"

"Uh-huh, but that little hero boy figured it out about the Rainbow Dragon's problem."

You realized something. Since your father retired from his life as a member of POINT, he became a herdsman of a group of special dragons: Rainbow Dragons.

During your childhood and your summer break from junior high, you helped him on tending the Rainbow Dragons, feeding them only Glorbs. You grew up raising Rainbow Dragons with your father. You were told that when your ancestors retired as Guardians of the Glorb Tree, they decided to tend the Rainbow Dragons who only can eat Glorbs as their feed.

That's how they wanted to make sure that the Rainbow Dragons to be healthy and well-fed.

You smiled, grateful of K.O. finding out a stray Dragon with beautiful seven hues of a rainbow.

"(Y/n), there's something I need to inform you. It's about K.O."

With that, you went shocked to find out that Shadowy Figure met K.O way before Foxtail took over the Plaza. What's worse is that Shadowy is using K.O. to use T.K.O., aka Turbo KO., or rather more worse use him to open the way to the Glorb Tree.

You looked down and became worried.

Yue noticed your concerned form and said, "Don't worry. K.O. is doing his best on becoming a great hero just like his mom, Mr. Gar, and his friends at the bodega."

You smiled and commented K.O.'s dream, "I'm sure he will be a great hero someday..."

You then frowned as you realized something, "You know... I was speechless, despite that I'm mad that Laserblast faked his disappearance. But back then... I understand why he didn't try to destroy me when I infiltrated his evil home lair... He couldn't destroy me because I'm your daughter."

Yue smiled once more.

"Actually... There's something to tell you. It's about your failed mission after you met Venomous."

Yue then gave you a big reveal which you became surprised.

"It all started before you miraclously escaped Billiam Milliam's Villains Ball with help from your roommate's twin lucky brother." he explained about his sudden encounter with Venomous.

Of course, Professor Venomous was surprised yet shocked to see Yue at the mall. Yue even asked Venomous what were he and Fink doing at a boutique shop filled with elegant dresses and jewelries. Venomous reluctantly informed your father about his "prisoner" (aka you).

"When I was told that he had no choice, but to take you with him for an important night event: the Villains Ball. I was surprised and decided to help him on shopping."

Though it was kinda obvious because of your personal information such as your height, your dress size, and not to mention your shoe size.

Yue bought a purple dress, long matching gloves, and stiletto heels.

"While I bought you a nice dress for that very special night, little did I know that Venomous bought something to match your formal attire."

While Yue wasn't looking, Professor Venomous came upon a purple choker on the neck mannequin.

You became surprised that your father helped Venomous on preparing your attire for the Villains' Ball, except that Venomous bought the purple raindrop gem choker.

You smiled and commented, "I wonder if Venny Darling still thinks of me as your special little girl..."

"Well... Perhaps he will tell you everything why he became a villain in the first place someday." suggested Yue.

You hummed and couldn't disagree with your father.

"Well, I guess. It's a good thing I left POINT because I can't let anyone in POINT to find out my secret crush." you stated.

"Anyone?" your father tilted your head.

You sighed and mentioned your father about Elodie, whom you told her about your secret villainous crush Professor Venomous at the POINT Prep Prom.

"I guess I have to keep a secret that Laserblast is still alive, but now he's a villain to Foxtail and Doctor Greyman."

"Good suggestion." agreed your father.

And then, you heard another knock and you opened the door to surprisingly find a purple-haired girl with a happy smile.

"Carina?" you couldn't believe your eyes until the girl named Carina gave you a big hug with her unique laughter.

"Shishishi! Long time no see, Koneko-chan!"

This is Carina Hanasaki, the daughter of the flower yokai, and an old middle schoolmate of yours before you enrolled POINT Prep.

Yue smiled and commented, "Thanks for attending my daughter's birthday, Carina-chan."

"It's been so long since our middle school year." Carina gave you a big hug.

"Same." you smiled.

You and Carina used to go to a junior high school, Night Demon Parade Junior High. Of course, you knew Carina as the flower girl of rumors. Also, she's your old classmate.

"It's been a long time." Carina smiled.

"So what are you doing here, Rumor Weed?" you asked, calling Carina a nickname.

"Well, I'm here to have a nice birthday party with you and your friends!" she explained.

"Wait, my friends?"

You then exited your apartment to see a sudden birthday surprise greeting from your friends.

"Surprise! Happy birthday, (Y/n)!"

"Aw, you guys! Wait, what about your work at POINT?" you asked.

"Well, we got a permission from Elodie to spend our day off with you on your big special birthday." smiled Ed.

"You guys."

You were glad to see your friends coming here to spend with you on your birthday.

"All right, girls." announced Carina. "Let's have a fun time on (Y/n)'s birthday! Banzai!"

"Banzai!" Ed, Jeanne, and Aliya exclaimed.

Also, Ed told you about how they suddenly met Carina Hanasaki. While they weren't pay any attention, Carina ran past to steal something from Aliya, but Aliya the thief girl grabbed her and revealed that she had stolen from her instead, much to her dismay. Carina stole Aliya's wallet while Jeanne's thieving sister stole Carina's phone.

Yue also mentioned that he needed to ran a special errand and gave you nice big birthday hug. You smiled and watched him walk and left your apartment.

You decided to get yourself changed. You wore a purple halterneck dress with a long matching cardigan jacket and ankle boots. In addition to your attire, you wore a purple raindrop choker.

And then, just when you were to leave withy your friends, you decided to do something different on your special occassion. That was when you decided to transform yourself into a Shironeko form.

"Are you sure you want to stay in this form for your birthday?" asked Jeanne.

"Why not? It is my birthday and... it's my birthright too. You already told me just because I'm a half-neko yokai doesn't mean I can't be friends with you guys." you mentioned.

And then, you then suddenly received a tackle hug from your friends.

"We love you so much!" they exclaimed with tears of joy.

Also, you were told that your friends are going to have a birthday picnic at your favorite childhood spot. The Garden of the Senbonzakura.

Before you became a heroine of POINT, you always loved spending your time with your parents at the Senbonzakura gardens. The most favorite time to spend at this special garden is hanami watching.

You loved pink Sakura petals falling from the trees.

You headed to the Garden of Senbozakura.

You then suddenly received a text from your father as you held your phone in your hand.

According to your father, you were told that you got a surprise special guest attending on your birthday.

"What's up, Koneko-chan?" asked Carina.

"I got a text from Dad, we got a special guest attending at our hanami birthday picnic." you mentioned.

As you wondered about this special guest attending your birthday picnic, that was when you heard Ed exclaiming, "What the heck?! Professor Venomous?!"

You moved your gaze to Venomous, who became speechless as if he saw a ghost, not literally. Why that purple-skinned bioenigneer got a dumbstruck expression? Well, it's because you're in your Shironeko form before his eyes.

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