Chapter 22: Venomous and Shadowy? pt. 3

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It is no wonder Shadowy is aware of you when you first met Professor Venomous on your mission as Stealth Mode after you received one answer of three questions you asked Ali about Laserblast's whereabouts and Shadowy Figure's connection with Professor Venomous. Laserblast is alive, but now he's Professor Venomous. But despite finding out that Laserblast is Professor Venomous, the truth behind his oblivious creation of Shadowy Figure made you realize.

You first met Laserblast when you were little. Then, you met Professor Venomous when you were Stealth Mode. And now, you couldn't believe that Laserblast, now known as Professor Venomous, and Shadowy Figure are the same very person. You sat down on the bench while Ali comforted you after you were given an answer behind the truth behind Laserblast's "disappearance" 6-11 years.

He even gave you a hankchief to wipe your tears.

"Ali... Can I ask you one last question despite I gave you three of them...?"

"You don't to have ask me. But I can tell you that you didn't actually hurt your father when you used your Shironeko form." Ali gave a smile of comfort.

And so, you found out that you didn't hurt your own father, who came to rescue you from Shadowy Figure. You actually used your claw attack on your childhood friend named Kurama, who disguised at your father Master Yue Bai Long on that very night of the full moon.


That was when you recalled your childhood memory.

It was your thirteenth birthday and you're having a picnic at the garden of the Thousand Cherry Trees with your mother. You're wondering about your father not coming to have your birthday picnic while you and your mom waited for him. You were told you got a birthday surprise from your father.

You and your mother became shocked as you stared at your two fathers!

And then you were asked. "So which one is the impostor?"

You hummed to yourself and had an idea.

You said, "Mountain."

And then, you found out that someone had been reading some graphic novels about samurai when you heard the impostor accidentally blurted it out, "River."

You chuckled and realized that it was your childhood friend Kurama the Nine-Tailed Fox. Yue Bai Long chuckled as he realized that you found a blind spot.

Kurama became embarrassed and muttered that he shouldn't have you let you read his graphic novels about samurai in first place. You giggled and you were happy to have your childhood friend to spend time with theyou and your parents on your thirteen birthday. The orange-haired boy then gave a faint smile.

Also, when you became sixteen and found out about your mother as a Shironeko yokai and your blood lineage, you became disheartened. Kurama told you that you're the heiress of the Shironeko clan and also told you a super old myth about Kappas, species of semi-aquatic creatures.

Kappa are like water yokais and you were told that your mother met an actual kappa.

Long, long ago, Kappas lived in small ponds and lakes. Then, everything changed when land-dwellers (aka humans) began to settle in the area. The poor Kapps were forced to live under the bridge and eat leftovers that were thrown to the waters by the humans.

Even though they were forced to live under bridges and received leftovers, the Kappas were able to adapt to that kind of situation like cooking fish heads.

But despite their adaptation, people started making up stories about Kappas pulling people underwater! Because of that, Kappas came to be seen as monsters, incapable of power or heroism.

Of course, your best friend and roommate studied Kappas and you told Ed that your father met an actual Kappa. Ed became awed and wished that Kappas should be eligible for Pow Cards. You realized that neko yokai are monsters as well but you were comforted by your mother.

Yori expressed her reason why she became a heroine and she wanted to protect her teammates even your father Yue. Yue loved Yori and he even protected her no matter what. Yue gave her a chance to find out that not all humans are afraid of neko yokais and wanted to protect her and her teammates such as Foxtail, Laserblast, and Dr. Graymen.

Yori told you that she loved you no matter what. You smiled.

Although despite that, you decided to keep your birthright a secret and you enrolled yourself to POINT Prep and later graduated, thus you becoming as Stealth Mode.

Ed even made a petition list about Kappas should be eligible for Pow Cards, but no one not even one person joined her cause. Not to mention, Ed even met Mr. Cardsley III, the CEO of the Pow Card Factory and was ridiculed by her wish for Kappas to have their own Pow Cards.

That was how Ed was visited by Carla who worked for Mr. Cardsley as an engineer. Carla told Ed that a young Kappa girl named Dendy. Like Ed, Denny is a gifted hacker and she used her program to detect every Kappa and their heroism.

Also, Carla gave Ed a special gift: a binder that contains every Pow Card of Kappas, much to Ed's surprise. You smiled to see Ed became so happy when she talked about how she met Ms. Carla and she's so nice.

You secretly were glad that Ed's dream to have Kappas to have their own Pow Card came true.

And then, you began to realize that Kurama was actually the one who came to your rescue after you got captured by Shadowy Figure.

"Kurama..." you then gave tears of joy.

"Well, you know I respect Kurama and I understand why he wanted to protect you no matter what." Ali mentioned Kurama.

You wiped your tears and mentioned about Kurama, "It's a good thing I didn't give him a scar on his back."

"What makes you say that?" asked Ali.

"I was told that scars on the back are a shame to swordmen especially samurais." you explained with a smile.

Ali laughed and agreed, "That's Kurama all right. No wonder he's the strongest samurai in the entire world."

And Ali took out a Pow Card and revealed you Kurama's Pow card.

You became intrigued about Kurama's Pow card level, "His level is ???. I guess the Pow Card factory couldn't find out his actual level."

"Although... I'm not sure about being anti-glorb dealers is an act of heroism..." mentioned Ali, sheepishly chuckling. "I mean saving a damsel in distress is heroism and that's my way becoming a hero."

"Whatever you say, Prince Ali."

Ali realized that you're feeling better when you found out that Kurama is doing okay.

"Come on, we can't keep the others waiting too long. We got some boba tea to buy."

And so, you and Ali finally bought boba tea for your friends. You even bought a kidde size cup of boba tea for Fink. Fink didn't touch her beverage you bought for her, so she ended up playing her own videos game. Ed, Jeanne, and Aliya turned to you.

"Today's the last day on babysitting Fink," commented Ed.

"Yeah, I know..." You stared at Fink, wearing soundproof headphones while playing her game.

"Sooo... About last night."

"Fink didn't try to get her hands on the lipstick laser gadget?" you presumed.

Ed shook her head and answered, "Nope. Zilch, zip, nada. Last night, we ate ice cream for dinner and Fink ended up playing her own videos game."

You took a peek on Fink as she stared at the green-haired rat girl. Of course, she's very loyal to her special boss Professor Venomous. You then recalled the vision you were given from Ali. Laserblast is still alive, but now he's now known as Professor Venomous. It's no wonder your father is aware of Laserblast and his fake disappearance. Of course, back then, you were just a child, too young to understand why the famous hero of POINT Laserblast decided to face the unknown villain all by himself and but in the tragic end, Laserblast was nowhere to be seen.

Silver Sparks and El-Bow were the only people who were there. Sparks stayed at POINT while El-Bow got kicked out by Foxtail. What's more Foxtail decided to send Sparks to Lakewood Plaza Turbo as an undercover agent.

You suddenly recalled what happened. You received a "nice" long vacation from Ms. Foxtail, you being praised for your hard work on taking the glorbs from the glorb dealers. You're POINT's specialist, Stealth Mode. Also, Ed told you that she will be visiting Dr. Graymen. Donny O'Charm became the current Professor of Wisdom since Graymen retired.

Even though you received a long vacation from working for POINT, you watched the big breaking news. You were shocked to find out that POINT had taken over the Plaza, and Mr. Gar, the owner of the Lakewood Plaza, had surrendered. You were shocked, too shocked to find out that Foxtail had created a dark powerful spark. Not to mention she even had some scientists create a disempower ray gun.

Two months later, you were not sure why was Foxtail doing this. First, Dr. Graymen retired, now Foxtail had decided to take over Plaza and had Mr. Gar surrendered.

You sighed. You told Ed that you needed to be alone despite having this two month vacation you're given from Foxtail. Then suddenly, you heared a knock on the door.

You answered, opening your apartment door to find a tall woman with a curved but athletic build wearing a brown trench coat with a dark fedora and dark sunglasses.

"Um... May I help you?" you were suspicious at first, but that cautious feeling suddenly faded when you heard that familiar voice.

"Long time no see, Stealth Mode."

You gasped as you couldn't believe your ears. That voice, no doubt about it. Quickly, you pulled her inside, obviously not wanting to draw suspicion from anyone even POINT. Once that mysterious house guest of yours was inside your apartment, she dropped her disguise.

You then gave her a big hug.

"I'm so glad to see you, Carol..." you were happy to see your old mentor ever since you last saw her.

"Same." Carol returned your hug as well.

After your sudden reunion with your mentor, you took a peek outside from the window blinds making sure no one finds out about Carol now hiding in your own apartment.

"I saw the news about POINT taking over on the Plaza. I'm just so glad you're here," you were relieved to see your old former mentor Silver Sparks.

"Thanks for letting me stay for a while." thanked Carol.

You sighed and replied, "Well, don't thank me, thank Foxtail for giving me a nice long vacation from working for POINT. But look on the bright side, at least I'm not gonna capture you and take you to POINT "prison"."

Carol chuckled. You made some hot coffee.

You made a nice conversation with Carol like asking about her son.

"He's doing... fine, I guess." Carol frowned.

"Carol, care to tell me what's bothering you?"

Carol then became saddened and said, "It's about the Plaza and my... undercover mission."

You were shocked and sat down beside her, comforting her. You then shockly found out that Carol was sent to find out the location of the Glorb Tree. Carol, Ms. Mummy and Gertie even protected the tree from villains across the world. But Carol's undercover mission had come to the end when Foxtail received valuable intel.

Carol was displeased of Foxtail's purpose turning the Plaza into a Glorb excavation plant and left POINT and became the public enemy #1 to POINT.

And now, she was forced into hiding, staying at your apartment as her safe haven.

"Carol, there's something I need to tell you as well."

You told Carol about your solo top secret missions as Stealth Mode. Of course, Foxtail wanted you to take the glorbs from villains espeically evil glorb dealers. You did succeeded your top secret missions like taking the glorbs from glorb dealers but you only gave the glorbs to Foxtail. For example, you went on a mission when you found out there's a villainous group of mafia men who are glorb dealers like Big Boss and his family.

"This is why I became POINT's specialist while you're gone undercover at the Plaza,"  you frowned. "No matter how many top secret missions I'd completed, I couldn't help but wonder why Foxtail wanted the glorbs... And I felt concerned and I couldn't question her motives."

Then you became displeased and said, "If my father is here to see Foxtail's misguided attempts..."

Of course, your father told you about your ancestors who are the guardians of the Glorb Tree. But that was ancient times before the all-powerful deity, the Emperor from the Far East, had decided to give the Glorb Tree to the President of the Universe.

And now, in 201X, the Glorb Tree was now under the possession of the Lakewood Plaza Turbo, but the tree itself was in danger. Soon or later, the Glorb Tree will perish unless someone stops POINT once and for all.

"Without the glorbs... without the glorb tree..." you then broke down in tears, crying over the special sacred tree.

Of course, when you were a child, you even tended the Rainbow Dragons with your father. He told you that Glorbs are very special and used as fodder for the Rainbow Dragons. That's how your family ancestors on your father's side decided to become sheperds of the Rainbow Dragons.

Carol the said to you, "Don't worry, (Y/n). Everything will be all right."

You wiped your tears and happily thanked her.

Of course, Carol is your only hope and she will stop POINT from destroying the Plaza and the Glorb Tree. Also, you had a feeling that Carol had to help Mr. Gar on fighting against POINT.

You watched Carol leave and prayed, "Good luck, Sparks."

And so, the war between the Resistance and POINT had come to the end. Foxtail surrendered and demoted herself from her leader position, but she still became a teacher for the Strenght discipline.

And that's how Foxtail confessed about using glorbs from a shady glorb dealer Shadowy Figure.

He's the reason why you had to quit POINT.

"Hey, (Y/n)..." you heard Ed calling you.

"Can we talk outside again?" asked Ed. "It's about... you know who."

Jeanne then glared Ali and said, "This time, no eavesdropping."

"Okay, okay. I won't take a peek on your secret girl talk. In fact, I need to head back to my palace. I have a lot of loyal subjects waiting for me."

Ali left the apartment heading back to the Arabian City to rule as its generous prince.

Now you're outside of the apartment with Ed, Jeanne, and Aliya once again.

Ed mentioned about the personal mission on finding Shadowy Figure, "It's about Shadowy Figure's lair. I tried everything to find out Shadowy Figure's background but no luck. What's more concerning is a question about Shadowy Figure's connection."

"Shadowy's connection?" you asked.

Ed hesitated and said, "No, nevermind. I don't think I should ask you."

"Ed, we need to know what's bothering you. You're not the only one who worries about (Y/n). Me and Aliya are worried about her as well. We're her friends, we're her family." stated Jeanne.

Ed then took a deep breath and exhaled. Once she did, she asked, "Do you think Shadowy Figure is... I don't know... Professor Venomous' long lost brother?"

And then, you and Ed went startled when you both watched Jeanne spitting out her boba tea at Ed's question about Venomous and Shadowy. Aliya became shocked and took out a hankerchief to wipe her genie sister's face.

"What!?" exclaimed Jeanne.

"I know this is an outrageous question." Ed gave a sweatdrop.

"I don't believe that." Jeanne crossed her arms, now skeptical of this theory about Shadowy and Venomous being twins.

You looked away and said, "I don't think they're related by blood."

Ed, Aliya, and Jeanne became surprised to see you refuse the speculation about Professor Venomous and Shadowy Figure.

You frowned.

"What do you mean?" asked Ed.

"Unless they work together, I doubt Venomous is aware of Shadowy Figure. I mean he's a bioengineer while Shadowy is an infamous glorb dealer wearing a dark hood over his face..." you then clenched his hand. "I don't know why Shadowy Figure took interest in me but I will never forgive him for exploiting my weakness."

And then Aliya gasped in shock.

"He did what?" exclaimed Ed.

"You have to be joking," Jeanne explained. "I mean you were Stealth Mode and according to Foxtail and Dr. Graymen, you aced every mission without failure."

Ed cleared her throat and reminded Jeanne, "Almost every mission."

Of course, Ed is aware of your failed mission. A solo mission that was related about stealing secret evil data from Professor Venomous. Ed is aware of your solo mission and she was shocked to see you with her twin older brothers after you all escaped from Billiam Milliam aft the suddeny incident at the Villains Ball.

"Oh right..." Jeanne realized. "I forgot you failed one mission because of Professor Venomous."

Also, Aliya mentioned about their mission where you all are on an undercover mission while rescuing some college students from Disco Prince.

"Oh yeah. I just can't believe we have to protect Venomous and his plus-one Lord Boxman from getting themselves captured by POINT." Jeanne remembered the mission.

When you went on a mission with your friends, you secretly noticed Professor Venomous being the Disco Prince's guest of honor. And Lord Boxman was with him because he was Venomous' plus-one.

"(Y/n), what do you mean Shadowy found out about your weakness?" asked Jeanne. "I mean it's not like he just found out about your..."

The pony-tailed genie girl became shocked when she couldn't believe her words, "Oh my Arabian nights..."

"Jeanne, what's wrong?" asked Aliya.

Jeanne the genie stared at you, now very distraught. And then, she confronted you and asked, "Did Shadowy know about your evil secret crush on Venomous?"

Ed and Aliya went aghast when Jeanne asked you about Shadowy finding out your weakness.

You looked away and strongly answered, "Yeah, he knows I have an evil secret crush on Venomous."

Ed became disquiet and secretly realized something.

Jeanne sighed in dismay and exclaimed, "If I ever see Shadowy Figure, I swear to Cob that I'm gonna strangle him with his stupid tattered scarf!!!"

Aliya became more worried and commented, "I guess Jeanne doesn't like Shadowy's sense of fashion."

"It's not because Shadowy's favorite color is black..." Ed stated.

You realized that your friends are really worried about you and you are glad. But, despite that, you couldn't tell them about Shadowy Figure's secret identity. Of course, Ali must have aware of Laserblast's being Professor Venomous just because he has the magic wisdom of knowledge as a half-genie. Also, you were not sure if it's okay to tell Lucky just because you know about his favorite hero, Laserblast.

"Hey, whenever we got a chance to have a day off from working at POINT, let's have a girls' night out. Maybe some videos game night." Ed suggested.

"That's a good suggestion." you smiled.

"Or maybe have some ice cream Tuesday at Weiner Kabob!" suggested Aliya.

"Well, we have to see our schedule," Jeanne mentioned. "I think we got a mission this Tuesday."

"Then let's just find out if we get the day off on next Tuesday!"

You smiled. Of course, despite that you retired from working POINT, you stayed in touch with your friends.

And so, Ed decided to help you babysit Fink just because she wanted to make sure that Fink didn't try and find a spy lipstick laser or maybe a hairdryer ray gun. And so, Ed slept in her own room except she wrote a sign that was meant for Fink saying "Keep Out, no rats allowed!". After all, you couldn't blame Ed just because of that incident As for Sonny, as always, he slept on his sofa.

Fink slept on Kumori, who was floating, fast alseep. However, Fink woke up when she heard humming coming from your bedroom. The lights were still on. Fink checked her phone to see what time it is.


She wondered why you didn't go back to sleep and decided to check on you in secret.

But when she was about to, she was startled when the door was opened, you noticing her.

"Fink? What's wrong? Can't sleep?" you asked.

"That's none of your business..." answered Fink as she turned back at you.

You hummed and had an idea.

"Hey, Fink. Would you like to have a midnight snack with me?" you asked.

Fink ignored you, not wanting to have a midnight snack with you.

You sighed and shrugged yourself. "Oh well, that's too bad then. I guess I'm going to have "two" ice cream sandwiches alone in my bedroom, all by myself."

Fink heard you talking about having ice cream sandwiches at the freezer. She tried to get a hold of herself. Of course, she loved ice cream. She just ate ice cream at the O'Charm manor yesterday. But her craving for ice creams got the better of her.


You turned to Fink when you heard her before you opened the freezer.

"Um... Can I have one?"

You smiled and opened the freezer, taking two wrapped ice cream sandwiches.

You then sat down on your bed having your midnight ice cream snack with Fink. You watched Fink eating her ice cream sandwich. She was very happy.

You then laughed as you noticed something on her face.

"Hey, what's so funny?" Fink gave you a frown.

"You got something on your face." you explained. You then took a (f/c) hankerchief and wiped Fink's mouth gently. "There, clean as the whistle."

"You know I can do it myself." pouted Fink.

You giggled.

Then, you noticed Fink staring at your desk. You watched her got off your bed and stared at those papers. That was when she asked you something that made you surprised.

"Why didn't you tell your friends about Shadowy's secret identity?"

VenomousxReaderxShadowy: SPLT (Shadowy Poisonous Loveless Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now