Chapter 13: (Y/n) vs. Shadowy Figure

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Yue panted and panted as he couldn't able to take down Shadowy Figure during his battle. He knew he wouldn't let Shadowy Figure use you and your neko yokai abilities as a weapon.

"Giving up already, Yue?" Shadowy Figure noticed Yue beginning to feel exhausted.

Yue stood up as he still had some strength left in his body. Then Shadowy Figure took notice on his opponent's refusal to give up.

"I'll take as a no then."

Just when Shadowy Figure was about to finish Yue off, he sensed something and quickly evaded a surprise attack. The hooded villain noticed a familair girl in the same dress, except she looked different because of her snow white hair with white cat ears.

"(Y/n)..." Yue couldn't believe that you had awakened your neko yokai blood in order to protect him from Shadowy.

You opened your (e/c) eyes and glared at Shadowy Figure. Your feline-like eyes didn't show any emotions but anger.

You stood silent while glaring at your worst enemy of all. Shadowy Figure was amazed and impressed by your unique form, not a turbonic form.

"This is your true form," he said. He then stared at your feline gaze and smirked as he commented, "Your eyes, they burn with anger. How beautiful. And meow."

Can you believe it?! Shadowy Figure made a catcall at you, much to your irritation. You ignored his compliment and charged towards Shadowy, delivering him a barrage of your attacks. Shadowy Figure then evaded them quick as possible.

Yue slowly stood up and watched you fighting Shadowy Figure wildly. You had become a literal feral cat. Yue knew that telling you to stop won't do good.

"At this rate..." Yue panted, knowing he couldn't let you hurt the villain before you.

Yue recalled a memory that happened after Laserblast's "disappearance". The martial arts retired hero had kept an eye on Laserblast in secret, especially the forbidden researches to obtain superpowers. Yue understood why Laserblast was very dissatisfied of his powers.

Laserblast used his viser to shoot laserbeams while his true powers gave off energy fields, sapping his enemies' power to strength his fighting skills.

Yue had a bad feeling that sooner or later POINT might find out about Laserblast's researches and that's how Dr. Greyman suddenly found out and informed POINT.

Yue witnessed Laserblast telling Silver Sparks and El-bow that he will handle sneaking into the secret hideout that belonged to an "unknown villain". And there was an explosion. Yue witnessed Laserblast's "disappearance". And your father also heard Sparks' words about her boyfriend.

"He wasn't powerful enough to survive something like this!" she said.

Yue then secretly knew that Laser heard it as well.

Laserblast came out from the sewer pipe and was confronted by Yue, to his surprise. Yue informed Laser that he had been keeping an eye on Laser for the whole time despite his retirement. Yue understood why Laser was still not content with his powers and his desire to gain more superpower.

"I promise I won't tell POINT about you for faking your disappearance as well as for you responsible for forbidden researches about obtaining superpowers." Yue reassured to Laserblast.

Yue was told that Laserblast decided to find a way to regain his powers back once he went into hiding. Your father tried to tell Laser that it was too dangerous to regain what he had already lost using with his bioengineering experiments. But Laser couldn't care and he swore he will regain his powers no matter what.

Yue kept visiting and visting Laser in secret and he noticed that Laser was desperate, so desperate that he won't give up no matter what. Yue only witnessed Laser made random experiment on himself, but many of them failed for his expectations.

Until that day Yue visited Laser...

He came to find Laser lying on the floor, much to his shock.

"Laser!!!" he shouted as he came towards his rival whose body turned into purple as poison. He was shocked to see this is Laserblast's recent result in an attempt to regain his powers.

Yue took Laserblast to the bedroom.

It took a day after the poor unfortunate ex-hero of POINT received consequences such as his whole entire body turned purple. Laserblast suddenly opened his eyes and found Yue entering his bedroom, delivering a hot homemade tea for him.

"Yue... What happened?" the ex-hero of POINT received tea from Yue.

"I found you lying unconscious when I went to see you..." Yue looked down, staring at his rival's current body. He then stared at Laserblast and said, "This has gone too far. Please... for your own very sake, you must give up on regaining your powers. I don't want to see you get yourself in more danger just like recently."

Laserblast looked down in despair and told your father to leave which Yue did. Little did the now purple-skinned ex-hero know that Yue had sensed a dark strange aura coming from him. The retired martial arts hero had a bad feeling about this dark manifestation within Laserblast.

6-10 years later, Yue then came to visit his former rival who's now called himself as Professor Venomous in some occassions. During one of his visits, Yue was informed by Fink that Venomous isn't home. The martial arts retired hero had a feeling that something wasn't right.

That was when he noticed a villainous figure clad in black sneaking around the Plaza. Yue found out that this person was known as Shadowy Figure, a glorb dealer. Yue realized Shadowy Figure's purpose for coming to the Plaza because of the Tree of Glorb that was underneath.

And that was how your father confronted Shadowy outside of the Plaza after the villain of the shadows stole the glorbs.

"I believe those are not yours to keep." Yue stated.

Shadowy Figure chuckled.

"Well, how fancy to meet you in person." Shadowy greeted Yue.

Yue gave a stern closed-eye glare and said, "I don't think you realize who I am."

The shadow villain chuckled again and said, "Of course I do." Shadowy Figure gave a dark smirk before he finished, "You're Yue Bai Long, the former famous Laserblast's rival of POINT."

Yue then fought Shadowy Figure in the forest. Throughout the battle, Yue became victorious and defeated Shadowy Figure. Shadowy Figure wad knocked out, lying against the ground.

Yue put down the jar of glorbs and confronted his defeated dark opponent. Yue removed Shadowy's hood and opened his left eye, curious of seeing his enemy's true face. Yue became shocked and backed away from Shadowy, who slowly got up and put his hood back again.

"You... You're not an actual being. You're just his other self, are you?" Yue interrogated Shadowy about the identity and appearance.

Shadowy Figure gave a dark foreboding chuckle. Yue then couldn't believe that he was actually fighting Venomous the whole time but Shadowy was the one behind it.

"It is no wonder that Venomous didn't know about you and your controling of his own body..." the white-haired adult remarked of Shadowy taking control of both Venomous's mind and body.

Shadowy Figure stood up and stared at the jar of glorbs on the grass.

"You can keep the prize since you won fair and square," Then Shadowy Figure suddenly appeared behind Yue and whispered, "But you won't win next time. And once I defeat you, I will take your precious flower from you and make her as my very own prize."

Yue couldn't believe that Shadowy revealed a certain motive of his to him. He tried to attack Shadowy Figure with a reverse hook kick but his shadowy hooded enemy already evaded by the time the kick was delivered.

"Shadowy Figure!" shouted Yue. He tried to go after Shadowy but he was attacked by leaves that came out of nowhere which the hooded villain threw them at.

Yue then heard the foreboding laugh once more until it faded away a few minutes later. Shadowy had gotten away but Yue became more concerned and worried about Shadowy's motives other than stealing the glorbs.

And that's how your father decided to send his pupil Sonny and a magical talking yellow cloud to keep an eye on you.

Right now, Yue had to stop you from destroying Shadowy Figure, who currently has control of Professor Venomous.

Yue suddenly stood up, determined to stop your battle against Shadowy Figure.

You on the other hand managed to take down Shadowy. Shadowy just smiled despite that he was overwhelmed by the hands of you. You only glowered at your worst enemy as you prepared to deliver your final strike on Shadowy Figure.

But suddenly, you then heard a familiar voice singing to you, "You are an ocean of waves."

You turned around to see your father approaching you. You were still under a powerful trance as a half-neko yokai. You then placed your hand to your head as if your father was trying to have you to come to your senses using his angelic voice to sing a song.

Shadowy Figure realized Yue's attempt and shouted, "Don't you dare get in our way!"

Filled with wrath, Shadowy Figure tried to stop Yue by making a surprise attack from behind, but he was stopped by Okami who appeared in front of him. Okami snarled at Shadowy with a threatened glare, protecting his master with its loyalty..

Yue looked back at Shadowy Figure before he turned to you and continued to sing, "You are an ocean of waves, weaving a dream like thoughts, become a river stream."

You panted as you shook your head in confusion and fear. Yue then realized it was working and you began to waver and falter.

"Yet may the tide ever change..."

You then glared at your father unconsciously and you unknowingly struck your own father with a cat claw. Yue didn't make a painful sound when he was struck down by you. Shadowy Figure watched in silence filled with surprise, couldn't believe that you hurt your own father unintentionally with your neko powers.

You looked down at your father, shedding a tear of confusion yet shock.

Then you found yourself surrounded by a blue wave-like aura. You looked back at your father who slowly finished singing, "Flowing like time... To the path, yours to climb..."

Yue then looked back at you and you grabbed him by the throat, holding him against the ground. You stared down at your father giving him a confused glare.

"Finish me off if you must, but... do it as yourself." he said to you.

You widened in shock but you only released your father and backed away from him. Your cat neko form suddenly returned to normal, your white hair turned your normal original (h/c) and your cat ears faded away as well.

You collapsed on your knees and opened your eyes, now back to nomral. However, despite that Yue prevented you from destorying Shadowy Figure with your neko powers, you stared at your somewhat wounded father. Your eyes widened with despair and you shedded tears.

"No..." you then gave a loud cry filled with horror and pain, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

You broke in tears and sobbed as you couldn't believe what you had done. You first awakened your neko yokai, but as a result you lost control and your blood of the neko yokai took over you.

Yue, despite he's now wounded, slowly stood up and comforted you as he embraced you in his arms.

"I'm sorry... Dad. I..." you hicupped as you wept tears, blaming yourself.

"It's okay. It may be a serious wound, but I forgive you."

You sniffed as you wiped your tears and looked down.

"I'm sorry..." you apologized once more.

You then calmed yourself down and you slowly stood up. You turned to look at Okami still growling at Shadowy Figure. The villain wearing black, on the other hand, stood still while Okami snarled at him.

"Okami, stand down."

Okami turned to his master and whined, worried about Yue's rcent condition that was wounded by you. Yue then patted Okami on the head and reassured, "Do not worry, this wound might not be too serious."

Yue then gave Shadowy Figure a stern closed-eye look on his face before he commaned Okami to summon a portal. Okami nodded and gave a powerful roar, creating a blue-colored portal.

"This will take us to Sonny." explained Yue, telling you about the portal.

Yue hopped onto Okami with you joining as well. However, before you and your father with Okami enter the portal...

"(Y/n)..." you heard Shadowy calling you.

You looked back at Shadowy, who gave you a dark grin, much to your discomfort.

"I'm very content that I got a chance to see the real you." he commented.

You stared at Shadowy Figure and looked down on him despite how he reminded you of your villainous crush Venomous. You then responded with a displeasure look on your face, "You're literally the most worst nightmare of all I ever have..."

With those words you spat out at him, you looked away and joined your father and Okami as you entered the portal that led to Sonny D. Wu.

Once you left with your father, Shadowy Figure recalled those words you said to him before.

"The most worst nightmare of all..." he repeated. He then gave a chuckle as he realized something, "So this is what she didn't want to tell me about her nightmare."

You arrived to your apartment with Yue and Okami. Then, much to Ed's joy, she then gave you a big hug and cried so loud with joy, realizing that you're safe and sound. Yue was still wounded and Sonny secretly noticed that it wasn't Shadowy who hurt your father, but it was you who used your neko yokai powers.

However, despite that you reunited with Ed, you didn't have the courage to tell her about Shadowy Figure's true identity. For the past two weeks, your behavior had changed significantly and Ed noticed you went quiet to yourself. Despite your silent behavior ever since the incident, Sonny and Kumori came to visit you and Ed.

Sonny told you that your father Yue is okay after his fast recovery. He even suggested that you should visit him. But you told him that you might do it later. It's not because that you found out your father had been visiting Venomous in secret before Venomous bought Boxmore and became partners in crime with Lord Boxman.

And recently, you had been visiting Boxmore every day all by yourself. You wore a (f/c) long tailcoat and a sleeveless black crop top with rectangular and diamond-shaped cutouts around the neckline with purple outlines, matching pants and thigh-high black heeled boots whenever you came to see Boxmore.

For some reason, you wondered why Venomous didn't know that he has a split personality of a villain who is more evil than him. It was as if Shadowy didn't want Venomous to find out about that. You narrowed your eyes as you stared back at Boxmore one last time before you headed back to your apartment.

Little did you know that a little green organic rat minion noticed you from the big window, glaring at you when you left from this very private premises.

VenomousxReaderxShadowy: SPLT (Shadowy Poisonous Loveless Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now