Secret Ending: Shadowy Venomous Dream

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Somewhere in the Gardens of the Senbonzakura, you were sitting on the rock outcrop. You were in your Shironeko form except it was different. Since you're a half-Shironeko, you're now in a powerful form called the Moon Nekomata, a secret hidden transformation that was passed down to the members of the Neko clan.

In your Moon Nekomata form, your snow white hair is longer than your normal (h/l) hair and your feline (e/c) eyes turned red.

Right now you're having both hanami (flower viewing) and tsukimi (moon viewing) until you heard footsteps. You turned around to see a tall, slender hooded figure clad. You stood up from your seat and confronted that mysterious figure. His attire consisted of a dark violet scarf, gloves purple spiked wristbands, a long ultra violet-colored coat, and boots.

For some reason, you stared at him and wondered why does he look familiar.

You then asked him, "Who are you?"

With those words you said to him, you heard him chuckling.

"Aw, my sweet beautiful snow white kitten. Don't you recognize me, my love?"

That voice. Your crimison cat-like gaze turned into a scowl by the time he removed his hood, revealing his true face before you. His face is light cool gray skin with flowy dark purple hair. He had a Tyrian purple eyeshadow and eyeliner on the rim.

"Shadowy Venny Darling?" he gave you a dark charming smirk at you.

That villain you had confronted was actually the very same yet familiar villain who called himself as Shadowy Venomous. How did this happen? Well, let's just say Venomous and his alter ego Shadowy Figure made a "beautiful compromise". Things had gone worse by the time you had confronted your now worst enemy and former special crush.

And sooner but not later, Shadowy Venomous will make the entire world cower before him.

VenomousxReaderxShadowy: SPLT (Shadowy Poisonous Loveless Triangle)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz