Chapter 16: Babysitting Fink?

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You were speechless to find yourself meeting Venomous who drove his car in front of your apartment. What was he doing here? Why is he here? More importantly, how did he know where you lived? You stared at Venomous, you suddenly ended up comparing Venomous' looks to Shadowy Figure's in your mind.

You quickly shook your head to snap yourself from thinking about him and Shadowy Figure.

"Get a grip, (Y/n)! This is Venny Darling you're looking at, not Shadowy Figure!"  your small voice in your head tried to convince you about Venomous.

You took a deep breath before ending up staying cautious. Who knows if you end up letting your guard down and gets yourself captured by Shadowy Figure once again.

Then Venomous said, "Get in."

You stared at him one last time and you did what he told you. You entered his car, sitting on the front passenger seat. Venomous pulled his car away from your apartment. You looked out the car window, with a reflection of the evil bioenigeer driving appear before you. Shadowy Figure has the same look as Venomous's. You couldn't refuse the comparison of your villain crush and your shadowy worst enemy. The important question for the day is why isn't Venomous aware of his shadowy other self.

Then you looked back at Venomous and asked, "Where're we going?"

"To Boxmore. I'll explain once we're there." he answered.

You moved your gaze away from him and stared out the window once more. What did he want with you, you wondered. You finally arrived at Boxmore and he took you to his office after he parked his car inside the private garage of the said building. You followed Venomous to his office.

While inside, you were given a little favor from him. You went confused at first, but you wondered why he wanted you to babysit Fink for a weekend.

"You want me to babysit Fink on this very weekend?" you replied in question.

"I know this is sudden, but I'll make this short. I need to go on business trip with the board of investors and I need someone to look after Fink while I'm gone."

You stared at Venomous before asking, "But why me? Why would you want a heroine like me to look after your little minion?"

"Well..." Venomous gave a little sweatdrop, unable to give you his answer.

It's not because he just saw you outside at Boxmore parking lot yesterday.

"No reason?" he gave you his somewhat answer. You raised your brow, skeptical of his reason why he wanted you to babysit his rat minion in green. Despite that, you decided to accept it.

"All right. I'll babysit your little minion for the weekend."

Then Venomous took you to where Fink was. You found Fink was playing her videos game.

"Take that sucker!" Fink then won her battle against her opponent. "Haha! Yes!"

Then she heard her boss calling, "Fink."

"Boss! Do you need my help to pack your luggages before you..." Just before the green-haired rat finished her sentence, her face dropped in dismay by the time she noticed you with her boss. She pointed at you in anger and shouted, "You!"

Hissing at you, she ended up making an attempt to attack you only for her boss to stop her from doing so by restraining her by the ears. Despite that being held back by her boss, she gave you a glare.

"Fink, don't attack her. She didn't come here to fight."

"What is she doing here?" asked the rat minion.

"Ms. (L/n) here is just here as not a heroine, but as a babysitter for the weekend." Venomous explained.


You had a feeling that Fink still doesn't like you. Why? Well, let's just say it might be because you took away Venomous' attention for a reason. For example, you became Venomous' plus one to Villains' Ball during your imprisonment and confinement after your failed attempt to steal the evil data research for POINT, and you were on a date with him in Paris after their evil secret surveillance on you. Fink and Venomous found out that they ended up in a goose chase because you let Ed deal with them. With the hacker got busted, Ed ended up becoming Fink's babysitter and your BF/roommate hated her because Fink just found a laser lipstick gadget and made chaos much to her dismay.

That's right. This little rat is jealous of you, taking her boss's attention on yourself. You quietly understood Fink's reason for disliking you all because you got a villainous crush on Venomous. Then you watched her pulling Venomous away from you as if she wanted to have a private talk with him.

"Boss, you can't be serious on havin' her babysit me while you're gone for a weekend?!" Fink asked, before giving a pout.

"I understand why you don't like her and you don't want her to babysit you while I'm not around," he then took a secret glance at you, who stared at the monitor of a paused video game Fink was playing before. "She may be Stealth Mode working for POINT but she's not right now unless she has brought her spy gadgets with her."

He turned to Fink and told her if she is nice to you and didn't try to destroy you while he's gone, he will give her a nice reward like giving her a present or maybe some ice cream once he comes back from the evil business trip. Fink found herself being told that she can't destroy you for the weekend, especially she receive her boss's order to be nice to you.

After all, she couldn't refuse her boss's orders and gave a pout once more before she said, "Fine..."

Venomous gave Fink a gentle pat on the head. Then he told you if you don't mind letting Fink stay at your place for the weekend as well. You nodded and promised you will keep an eye on Fink while he's gone. You secretly took a glance to find Fink's giving you a glare. It was as if she wanted to destroy you but she can't because Venomous told her not to do so.

Then you and Venomous heard Lord Boxman shouting, "P.V.! You got a uh... a cloudy taxi at the parking lot waiting for you!"

Just when he finished, the short obese half-cyborg, half-human villain went surprise to see his partner in both crime and business with you, a spy heroine of POINT Stealth Mode.

Boxman just made a quiet mutter to himself, "OMC..."

The CEO of Boxmore then sweatdropped and gave a sheepish smile at the dismayed Venomous. You just didn't react as you just stared at Boxman despite his unexpected interruption.

"Sorry for coming in a bad time, but shouldn't you get ready right now?" asked Boxman. "Oh by the way, that monkey boy who's driving the cloudy taxi brought your luggage to his taxi."

"Monkey boy?" Fink replied, confused.

Then Venomous realized when he heard Boxman mentioning a monkey boy carrying his luggage for his business trip and... a yellow cloudy taxi???

Of course, he had a feeling about those two mentions because he saw those two with you yesterday.

Then he took a glance at you and gave himself a sigh.

"Boxman, please escort Ms. (L/n) to the parking lot. I need do something first." he said.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to miss your flight as soon as possible," replied the evil robotic engineer, worried.

"It won't take too long." promised Venomous.

You quietly knew that Venomous needed Fink to pack her things since she will be staying with you for the weekend.

"Lead the way, Lord Boxman." you urged Boxman to escort you at the parking lot like Venomous told him to.

"Yes, ma'am." Lord Boxman hastily guided you back to the parking lot of Boxmore.

And once you two outside, you found Sonny lying down on Kumori as if he was taking a nap. Also there's Venomous's rolling suitcase nearby these two.

Kumori went surprised to see you with Boxman. She then shouted with the said emotion, "(Y/n)!"

When she did, she startled her best monkey friend, who suddenly woke up by her and ended up falling off of her.

Kumori realized that she accidentally pushed Sonny off of her after seeing you unexpectantly.

"Ow!?" Sonny groaned while rubbing his head bump he just received after his unexpected wake up call by Kumori.

"I'm so sorry!" she apologized. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Wait, did I hear you shout (Y/n)?" Sonny then turned to see you with Boxman, much to his surprise. "Hey, (Y/n)!"

"Uh you know these two?" asked Lord Boxman.

You answered, "Actually, yes when you mentioned them except the part you told me that he's the "driver of the yellow taxi cloud"."

Then you stared at you two.

"Sonny, Kumori. Did he tell you to take Professor Venomous to the airport?" you asked.

Sonny and Kumori were taken aback when you asked about taking Venomous to the airport under your father's orders.

"Yeah... he did actually." Sonny sheepishly chuckled.

"He?" questioned Lord Boxman.

"Lord Boxman, this is Sonny D. Wu. He's Master Yue's pupil," you instructed. "And this is Kumori, Sonny's best friend."

Then you whispered to Boxman about Kumori, "Try not to call her a pet if you don't want her to destroy your private premises with a high chance of thunderstorm despite that today's very sunny."

Lord Boxman became very worried and replied with a squeak, "Noted." Then he gave a curious look and asked, "By the way, how do you know about Professor Venomous's acquaintance? Is he... your older brother?"

Older brother???

Of course, your father looked young now that you're an adult. Bet someone might ask Yue about his secrets way to keep himself young like he might find the fountain of Youth.

"Master Yue isn't her big brother, Lord Boxman," explained Kumori. "She's her dad."

Lord Boxman went shocked when Kumori told him about your relationship with Yue. "What?! She's... P.V.'s acquaintance's..."

Then Lord Boxman, staring at you, went pale as he realized what he had done. He then recalled his first meeting with your father. Boxman was suspicious of Yue's sudden appearance. He tried to make your father leave, but Yue himself wouldn't move, just standing there like a statue.

"I don't care who the heck are you! But you're trespassin' the private premises!"

During his struggle to push Yue before kicking him out of Boxmore, he just grunted as he pushed Yue as hard as he could.

"Why don't you move already, you... you ignorant blind old man?!"

This flashback suddenly shattered into pieces like a plate falling down to the hard floor. He even accused Yue Bai Long for coming here to destroy Boxmore.

Then he ended up passing out as he couldn't believe that he insulted your father.

"Whoa, he passed out!" surprised Sonny.

Just then Venomous and Fink came out. Fink brought her duffle bag with her. The bioenigneer and his rat minion went shocked to find Boxman fainted.

"Boxman!" surprised Venomous.

Then you watched Venomous trying to wake Boxman up. Boxman regained his consciousness.

"What... P.V.? Is that you?"

"What are you doing lying on the ground?" asked Venomous.

"I think I had a funny dream. Remember I insulted your old acquaintance by calling him a blind old man?"

"Yes, I saw you trying to kick him out the other day."

"And I met his daughter. And I found out Stealth Mode is his..." Then Boxman noticed you're still there and his face dropped. He became more terrified.

"P.V.? Please pinch me..."

"What?" asked Venomous, confused why Boxman wanted him to pinch his cheek.

"Just pinch me, I think I'm having the worst nightmare..." Boxman knew that he realized this is a punishment for insulting your father who came to visit Venomous at Boxmore.

You sighed as you couldn't believe that Boxman is scared of you for no reason.

"Lord Boxman, why don't you take Venny Darling to the airport?" you suggested.

You took Venomous' rolling suitcase and gave it to Boxman.

"Really?" surprised the obese evil Boxmore's CEO.

"It's the best suggestion, besides you don't want your business partner to be late for his flight, right?"

Venomous sighed and reluctantly agreed with you, "She does have the point."

And so Boxmore used his flying office desk and took Venomous to the airport asap. Then you all watched Venomous left with Boxman.

And once the two villains were not in your sight, you turned to Sonny and Kumori. You gave a dismayed look on your face.

"Ummm... We can explain..." Sonny tried to explain.

But you decided to have your father's monkey pupil and his cloudy best buddy a special job for this weekend.

That was when you growled with a twitched eye and gave a low tone as you said, "Private meeting at my apartment... Now!!!"

This very weekend is like having three babysitters and a 6-11 year old rat girl. This weekend might be filled some misadventures in babysitting.

VenomousxReaderxShadowy: SPLT (Shadowy Poisonous Loveless Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now