Ch. 18 - Lucky

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It takes a while to finally fall asleep, but I wake up 3 hours later. Ugh. Another day. I must have landed on my elbow this morning, I have a huge bruise and a scrape on it. Ehh. I throw on my new hoodie and walk out to see who's up. When I enter the kitchen the only person I see is Stormie.

We exchange Good Morning's and I ask "Where is everyone?"

"Well, Ross is filming Austin and Ally. Riker's filming Glee. Rydel's filming a music video, Rocky went for a drive, Mark's in a meeting. Ryland's still in bed. And Evan's hanging out with Ell." She tells me. Everyone must be getting back to their busy schedules. "Has anyone told you that they have a show scheduled for January?" She asks cheerfully, probably knowing no one has told me.

I smile, "Nope. You were the first to tell me!"

She beams. "They're starting rehearsals Saturday." Yay! I love watching R5, rehearsals and concerts.

I pour myself a cup of coffee just as Rocky gets home. He comes in the kitchen and greets us before going back to his bedroom and playing guitar. The beautiful music fills the air, making me melt. Hearing someone play guitar, especially someone as good as Rocky, just warms my heart. I can't really explain it. Stormie and I smile, she must feel the same way. We listen to him for a few minutes before I go into Rocky's room to see if he's alright. It's not like him to just stay in his room. He would usually hang out with us or something.

When I open the door he stops playing and looks up at me. His eyes are puffy and his cheeks are tear stained. He's been crying. What? How could that be? His life is perfect. And he's always so happy and crazy. Something's not right.

He sniffles and says "What's up?" His voice is altered.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Jenna and I broke up." He says, resting his guitar on the side of the bed beside him.

WHAT?! I didn't know Rocky had a girlfriend?! When did this happen?!

"What?! I didn't know you had a girlfriend! When did this happen?" I exclaim.

I should be supportive, but I wanna know how I've missed the fact that he has a girlfriend. Or, had a girlfriend...

"We've been dating a month now. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't wanna jinx it and there was a bunch of chaos going on. I thought we were going somewhere. But she's dating some other guy." He says. I give him a sympathetic look, knowing exactly how he feels. I sit down next to him and run my hand up and down his back.

"I'm sorry Rocky. I know how you feel. It's really not easy." I would say more, but I'm not really in the state to give advice.

"I know. It's no big deal. I'll get over it." He smiles. He's so strong. Stronger than I am.

"You should keep playing guitar," I say to him. He grins, sits up and starts playing tunes I would never even attempt to learn. Something only a pro like him should know. The music fills the house onve more, brightening my mood.

For hours we sit in his room. Hanging out, laughing, he teaches my how to play Black Ops. After a while Ryland joins us.

"Kids! Lunch is ready!" Stormie yells when I'm in the middle of kicking Ry's butt at Black Ops. They only have 2 controllers in here so only we can play. We pause the game and run to the dining room to find plates with sandwiches, made to our own likings. We dig in and the boys yell at each other with their mouths full. They seem to understand each other, unlike me. I have no idea what they're saying. This is a good day. It's been a long time since I've hung out with these two.

"HEY what day is it?" Rocky asks, revealing the food in his mouth.

"December 20th, why?" Ryland answers, his mouth full too. My question is, how does he know? It's hard to ever know what day it is during vacation.

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