Ch. 2 - Family Portrait

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Alright, so the song for this chapter is Family Portrait by Pink. The only difference between the song and the chapter is that in the song, she asks her dad to stay, but that's not the case in the story. Anyways, enjoy :) don't forget to vote and comment. And sorry if my chapters are kind of short now, I'm working on making them longer. Love you guys!


As I approach Nick he immediately pulls me into a long, sweet kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and he gently holds my face, my bottom lip captured between both his. I can feel my stomach stirring inside, but in a good way. After about a minute we pull apart and I stare deep into his beautiful blue eyes. I must have a big stupid smile on my face because he smiles back at me.

"Well hello to you too!" I say. He laughs softly. He's just glowing with perfection. I wrap my arms around his waist, with his around mine. Here is where I feel safe. Like nothing in the world can touch me, I'm just up too high.

"Hey, I have a surprise for you." I look at him, confused. He gives me a mischievous look and quickly picks me up and carries me on his shoulder. It happened so quick that I didn't even notice until had already started toward the other end of the park.

"Let me down!" I squeal. He ignores me but giggles. He's so strong. He carries me across the whole park and gently sets me down like I weigh no more than a feather.

"Ok, you got me here, what's your surprise?" I say, panting from struggling the whole way.

"I got you something" he says as he reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life.

I gasp. Dangling from his hand is a necklace. A simple heart... but coming from him it's just beautiful. He takes a step closer to me and then I see it. It's a locket. I gently take the necklace from him and open it. Inside was two pictures of us together. On the outside, two names were engraved on each side of the heart; Nick and Zoey. I feel tears in my eyes.

"Who's Zoey?" I spat. He quickly takes the locket from me and looks at the names.

"That stupid place mixed up the names! Here, I'll take this and get you a new one." He says sweetly. He's not cheating on me, the names just got mixed up.

The thought's still there. He's so great. I jump up and swing my legs around his waist. I quickly crash my lips into his chapped ones. That's unusual. He deepens the kiss by slipping his tounge into my mouth, without permission I might add. Not that I care. I pull back and wrap my arms around his neck. He rubs my back while I rest my head on his shoulder. After a few minutes I jump down, we join hands, and start walking.

"So how's your day been babe?" He asks. I can see our breaths as we speak. It's pretty cold outside.

I spend the next few minutes talking about my day at school, avoiding all parts with the Lynches. He hates them, for some unknown reason. Every time I accidentally bring them up he yells at me and ends up being mad at me. I try not to argue, but how could I not? We always make up by the next day though.

"Did you see the Lynches at all?" He asks suspiciously. Oh no.

"I might have..." I reply.

Nick talks bitter to me for the next few minutes. Eventually he gets back to normal, or at least kind of normal. We continue walking until we'd done a few laps around the pond and we're back to our bench where we started. It's almost dark by now, so we both have to get going. We kiss goodbye, exchange I love you's and go our separate ways. I walk the whole way home with a goofy smile on my face, holding my necklace so tight my hands are white.

Finally getting home I see Evan's back home from his friend's house. I go inside to see he made dinner for us and my mom. Pizza. Oh, Evan. It smells amazing though. I skip into the kitchen to see my brother, give him a hug, and take a slice of pizza and start eating it. I jump up on the counter to sit on it.

"What are you so happy about?" He asks bitterly.

"I have the most amazing boyfriend EVER" I say excitedly. When he doesn't reply, I ask "What's wrong?" I had a hint of sadness in my tone.

He walks to me, resting his arm on my knee. "I got a call from Dad today."

My jaw drops, revealing the food in my mouth. I realize and quickly continue chewing and swallow. "What did he want?" I say in a disgusted tone.

"He wants me to come live with him."

This time I gasp. "WHAT?!" I scream.

He looks around, making sure mom hadn't walked in the door while we'd been talking. "When I told him there was no way I was going to go live with him, he started screaming at me and guilting me. His same old lines like: 'Don't you love me anymore?' and 'what did I ever do to you?' He never quits. I'm sorry I'm being mean, but it doesn't exactly put me in a good mood." He says, leaving me speechless.

Our father is a horrible man, he was always trying to guilt us and make us feel bad. He started to beat our mom when I was 7 and Evan was 8. Then he was arrested so we moved out to LA to get away from him. After that he gave up on us. We really hate him. He tries to make contact every once in a while, but when he did he left nothing but more hatred toward him.

"Do NOT tell mom about this, we don't need her worrying." he said strictly. I don't know what else to do but nod.

I jump down and hug him. Him and I understand each other. We've gone through all the same things in our life. We've had all the same problems and memories. I love Nick, but I wouldn't give up my relationship with Evan for the world. We hug until we hear our moms car door out front. We pull apart and he goes to unlock the door so she doesn't need to.

"Later" I say, running up the stairs. I go into my room and change into my pajamas. It's only 9:30 when I finally go to bed, but it's been a long day. With what I just found out, my mood reduced from happy to just normal. Just another dead beat dad, nothing new to me. I climb into bed and let my mind replay my afternoon with Nick. I can't help but smile as the memories come flooding back. I don't need my father. I have Nick, Evan, Mom, the Lynches, and other friends. I have all I need.

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