Ch. 53 On Top Of The World

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-Ross's POV-

If I was gonna do this it had to be done now. While I still had some courage.

"Hey" Em?" I asked.

"Yeah Ross?" she questioned back.

"Have you ever thought about marriage and having kids some day? I mean like settling down and starting a family with someone." I asked. This has to be perfect.

"I don't know. I mean I guess I would. I mean I fell I'm still a bit to young for marriage but it to young for being engaged. Like if I were to get engaged right now I would want to wait a few months and maybe even a year before the actual wedding." She said gazing out at the beautiful water.

"Yeah that actually sounds really nice." I said fiddling with the small box in my pocket. Maybe I should just wait until our anniversary to do this. It would work so much better right. No Ross you have to do this now. It's perfect just man up and do it. This was it the moment of truth.

-Emily's POV-

"Hey" Em?" Ross asked.

"Yeah Ross?" I questioned back.

"Have you ever thought about marriage and having kids some day? I mean like settling down and starting a family with someone." He asked.

"I don't know. I mean I guess I would. I mean I fell I'm still a bit to young for marriage but not to young for being engaged. Like if I were to get engaged right now I would want to wait a few months and maybe even a year before the actual wedding." I said gazing out at the beautiful water.

"Yeah that actually sounds really nice." He said. I Wonder why he's asking this all of a sudden like it's just really random. There was a long pause in our conversation where I was just leaning on the docks railing gazing out at the water and how still it seemed. But that's the thing about the ocean, it can seem so lifeless on top of the surface but below there and hundreds of fish and other sea creatures bustling about, just swimming around non stop. I guess that's what life is like too, you can see someone and think oh they are so calm when in reality they can be at war with themselves inside their mind. I was soon pulled out of my thoughts by Ross saying my name,


"Yes?" I responded this time turning to look at him. When I looked over he was down on one knee. I gasped.

"Emily you make everything in my life so much better. When you come to our concerts I preform better, when you're around just in the house with me I'm so much happier, even if you are just sitting on the couch in the morning and I come down I immediately smile seeing your face. Honestly you light up my world. The little things we do together, like pancake batter fights this morning, or just nice walks on the beach or in the park, those small little things mean the world to me. Juts falling asleep next to you every night makes me so much happier knowing you're safe and you're mine. So Emily Jade Parker, will you please do me the honor of being mine forever, will you marry me?" Ross pulled out a small box with a beautiful ring. It had two treble clefs on either side of a beautiful diamond. I was honestly tearing up right now. I couldn't get the words out so I just nodded my head with my hands over my mouth.

"Yes, a thousand times yes." I finally chocked out. He smiled brightly up at me tok my hand and slid the ring on my finger. Once it was on I grabbed his collar and pulled him up and into a kiss. He was a bit surprised at first but after about 5 seconds he started kissing back. This is the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with. This is the man that I was truly, deeply, madly in love with. I never wanted this moment to end because right now I felt on top of the world. We went back to his car and got in. The whole time we were in the car i was just staring at the ring thinking to myself. How did I ever get so lucky as to end up being engaged to Ross Shor Lynch, teen heart throb, who could have any girl he wanted but he chose me. Out of every girl in the world he chose me. This thought made me smile. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Ross laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I questioned.

"I'm laughing at the fact that I have been wanting to do that for like a year now, and that I had the ring for two months now and it just today finds its way to you." He said. The rest of the car ride we just had pointless conversation. When we got home we decided to let the rest of the family find out at dinner tonight since everyone was coming over anyway. The plan was I was gonna hide the ring from everyone until dinner then whenever I went to drink from my cup or pick my fork/spoon i would use the hand the ring was on and see who noticed first.


Dinner came around and so far no one noticed the ring. I went to go pick up my glass and Rydel let out a high pitched squeal. I guess she noticed first.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" Rydel squeaked.

"Rydel what is going on with you? Psycho much." Rocky questioned muttering the last part under his breath.

Rydel just ignored his comments and just asked me, "When were you planning on telling us this new information!"

I just laughed at everyone's confused expressions. They all turned to me and I just held my hand up showing off the ring. Stormie gasped while RIker, Rocky and Ryland congratulated us. After we were congratulated by the boys (including Mark) Stormie and Rydel ran over and started fangirling over the ring saying how beautiful it is. After everyone calmed down and we finished dinner I decided to head to bed with Ross following shortly after me. I fell asleep with Ross's arms wrapped around me and me snuggling into him.


Ok so yes some of you predicted it but I had something else planned I just did not like it at all so I changed it. Anyway I'm think about ending this book at 60 chapters but making a sequel. What do you guys think. Would that be good. Also did anyone go to their show in New York City on the 29 cause if you did I was there too it was a really awesome show and I GOT TO TOUCH RIKER. Anyway I decided to name this chapter so I went with the original theme of naming it after songs. On Top Of The World by Imagine Dragons. Thanks. BYEEEEEEEE.


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