Ch. 12 - I'll Be

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Sorry this is kind of a short chapter, but it means a lot to the story. AND you already have the next chapter, so it's okay :) The song for this chapter is I'll Be by Edwin McCain. And if you're waiting for Ross and Emily romance, your wait is over :) enjoy.


My heart drops. I hear a series of gasps and 'oh my god!''s. Everyone turns to look at me, except Stormie, who's next to my mom. Comforting her. I look over at Ross, hoping to find a sense of comfort. Instead I'm given a look I'll never forget, a look of pure heart break.

"Stomach Cancer?" I say softly. I'm trying not to cry.

My mom stops crying long enough to speak. "We're not for sure yet. But the doctor said it's either severe food poisoning or stomach cancer. We've scheduled an appointment for tomorrow to get you tested. We should know the results by Monday." She says maturely before breaking out into tears again.

I somehow get the strength in me to stand up and run out the door. Running as far as my legs will take me, which isn't far, I eventually stop at the local park by my house. The same park Nick and I had our last good memory in.

I fall onto a bench I didn't even know was there and begin crying my eyes out. I don't know if it's from the possibility of stomach cancer or because I'm doubled over crying on Nick and I's bench. Both are bad. Maybe the results will come out different. Maybe I don't even have stomach cancer....

My thinking is interrupted by someone calling my name. I ignore it until I feel strong arms wrap around my shoulders. Ross. I sit up, look into his eyes, and instantly stop crying.

"Em, I don't wanna see you cry anymore. You're too beautiful for that. I promise we'll get through this, together. Okay?" Ross says softly. I just nod, holding back the tears.

He completely surprises me by what he does next. He leans in and presses his lips onto mine. I return the kiss, placing my hand on his cheek and he puts his on my neck. I've never been so sad and worried in my life. But there's something magical about kissing Ross, something I've never felt before. Not with Nick, not with anybody.

We eventually pull apart and I look down. I can feel him still looking at me though. He takes my hand into both of his and I lean my head on his shoulder. I don't know where this leaves us, but I like it. I don't know if it's because I'm sick or if it's because he really does like me. But it doesn't matter to me.

"What was that for?" I ask innocently.

Ross doesn't even hesitate, "I've just always wanted to do that."

I look up at him and smile, about to say something smart. But instead, I kiss him, anticipating more with every second his lips are on mine.

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