Ch. 23 - Fall For You

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My heart and chin drop. He doesn't know who I am. I look over at Rocky, who's just as surprised as I am. He runs out of the room, to tell a nurse I guess. I look back at Ross, who's still expecting an answer.

"I'm Emily." I tell him. He still looks confused. "Your girlfriend."

The word girlfriend makes him even more confused. Tears flood my eyes. I somehow get the strength to stand up, even though it hurts, and go out into the hallway to look for people. I see Rocky talking to a couple nurses and walk up to him right as the nurses go to see Ross.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask.

"He has temporary amnesia, they said they suspected that was gonna happen since the car hit his side. They think his memory will come back over the course today and tomorrow." He tells me.

Tears well up in my eyes again. This time Rocky pulls me into a hug. I cry into his shirt. His strong, warm arms wrap around me. I find a sense of comfort, even though I'm shaking like a chihuahua. I eventually pull away when a nurse breaks us up to tell me to get back in bed. So I obey and go back to lay in my bed. I'm never alone though. Rocky leads me in there, then leaves and Riker comes in. I've been told Mark and Stormie are in Ross' room visiting with him. He remembers Stormie, but no one else.

Riker sits with me for a while. Just trying to cheer me up. He tells jokes, does goofy things, and is just himself. Which makes me feel better. I love him.

Eventually Rydel comes in and kicks him out. Her chirpiness is contagious, because after a while I become my happy-go-lucky self again. I love Rydel. She's the sweetest. She looks the same way she did when Ross and I left this morning. Sweat pants. Hollister hoodie. Hair in a messy bun. No make up. But she still looks gorgeous. I've always been jealous of how she can always look stunning without even trying.

Ryland eventually takes his turn. He rolls around in the rolley chair next to my bed while we talk about random things.

"So when are you going to go talk to Ross?" He asks me.

I look at him, confused but hurt. "What's the point? He doesn't even know who I am."

"Well, I know Ross, and I know that if it was the other way around, and you had Amnesia, he would be at your bed side all day and night until you remembered him." I'm in shock. Every word of what he just said is true.

"Thanks Ry. Will you ask if I'm allowed to go to Ross' room?" I ask him.

He nods, smiles and disappears into the hallway. When he returns he doesn't say anything, just helps me out of bed and into Ross' room. Ross is asleep again. So I sit next to him on his bed and wake him up. His eyes open and he looks startled. He looks over at Ryland, and back to me.

"Emily?" He asks. A smiles comes across my face.

"You remember me?" I ask excitedly.

"I remember your name from earlier...." He says.

I sigh. About to give up, I look at Ryland. He gives me a look, signaling me to remember what we just talked about. I sigh again and look back at Ross.

"Do you remember any of your siblings?" I ask him.

He nods, "I remember Riker. But I've been told I have more."

What do I say to the boy I love, who doesn't even know who I am? Then, as if a light bulb goes off over my head, I get a brilliant idea. Lets hope he gets the same feeling that I do when we kiss. I quickly lean over and press my chapped lips onto his, still smooth ones. Ryland turns away, thank goodness. Ross seems shocked at first but then he starts kissing back, the way he used to. This might work. I hear Ryland leave, shutting the door behind him. This is when I deepen the kiss a bit; give it more passion. This has to work. I can't go without Ross any longer. He plays with my hair and I cup his face in my hands.

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