Ch. 10 - Die In Your Arms

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So the song of this chapter is Die In Your Arms by Justin Bieber. Ummm. Yeah. It's pretty self explanatory. You'll see. I love you guys! Don't forget to Fan, Vote, and Comment :) 

Btw, I'll also put the link to Ariana Grande's cover of Die in Your Arms, if you don't like Justin Bieber, or if you just wanna listen to it. It's amazing. Just click 'External Link.'

And if I post a picture of, like, a couple, it's usually if anybody is confused about the positions. You know? So unless I say differently, just ignore their surroundings, or where they are, or who they are. If that makes any sense. :) 

I'm awoken by a horrible feeling in my stomach. Curling into a stiff ball, I try not to make any noise, cause I'll wake up my mom and Evan. All I want to do is scream in agony. Please just make it stop! I spend about 15 minutes like this until it finally dies down. Woah. What was that?

Wait...There's a blanket over my window? I walk over to my window, pulling the blanket off. The light from the window hurts my eyes a little. It's daytime. Why didn't my mom wake me up for school? Oh. Evan must have told her about last night. I look over at my clock to see it's 11am and slowly walk downstairs to get a water bottle when I hear the doorbell ring. Ugh. Who could it possibly be?

I open the door and see Riker standing outside. Oh. I forgot he doesn't go to school.

"What do you want?" I say walking away.

"Well good morning to you too." He says, walking in and closing the door.

"Sorry. I don't feel good. I'm really sick." I tell him.

"I know, your mom told me and Rydel to come check up on you every once and a while. My mom might too. How ya doin?" He blurts out before I walk into my living room. He follows me, taking a seat on the chair across from mine.

"Not good. I woke up this morning doubled over in pain. And spent extra quality time with my toilet last night. Evan was there, but he honestly didn't help much." I complain. Riker feels my forehead and his smile fades.

"Oh my gosh, you're hot! You're running a fever. Let's get you back in bed." He says in a concerned voice. I groan and he drags me upstairs. "I'll be right back," he promises before walking out. A couple minutes later he returns with a cold wet rag and some chipped ice. He holds the rag to my forehead while I eat the ice. After a few minutes I set the ice down on my night stand and lay down. Riker takes the rag to the bathroom where he wets it again and gives it back to me. I lay it on my forehead and cover my eyes.

"Are you hungry?" I hear him ask. I uncover my eyes and turn to look at him like, 'seriously, you're really gonna ask that?' "Right." He says and I cover my eyes back up. I know, I'm being mean. But I'm really not trying to be. Riker's a good friend for coming over and checking on me.

"Well you need to eat anyways. How long's it been since you ate?" He asks.

"Since your mom made lunch yesterday." I mumble.

"If I made you some soup, would you eat it?" He asks.

"Mhm" I say sleepily. The next thing I know Riker's waking me up, holding a bowl of soup out to me. I sit up, taking the soup. I eat about half of it then hand it back to Riker. He smiles, in the satisfaction that he got me to eat something, then takes the bowl downstairs. Within seconds he returns.

"Do you need anything?" He asks.

"Mmm mmm." I mumble, meaning no. He runs downstairs, comes back up, and sits my phone next to me on my night stand. I roll over, half asleep.

"Call me or Rydel if you need anything. We're both next door, we're not working today." he says.

"Thanks." I say, I really am thankful for them. After he leaves, I fall fast asleep.

Light fills my room, waking me up. Who is it now?! I roll over, not even interested in seeing who it is.

"What do you want?" I mumble sleepily.

"I was just checking on you. Have you woken up at all since Riker checked on you?" The voice is familliar. My attitude changes. I can't be mean to Ross, even if I try. I turn around to look at him.

"No." I tell him.

"Sorry for waking you up. Rydel came over earlier but no one answered the door. Evan let me in. He's checked on you too. You've been sleeping for like 8 hours. It's already 7." He informs me. Ross comes and sits next to me, rubbing loose hair out from my face.

"I've never been this sick." I tell him.

"I know." He says in a pity voice. When I sit up, Ross starts rubbing my back instead. I pick up the first water bottle I see and chug it. I'm still thursty.

"I'm gonna go get another water." I tell him before he gently holds me down.

"No, stay. I'll go get it." He says. I smile weakly and let him get it for me.

He comes back moments later with a cold water. I quickly snatch it from his hands and chug it. I'm not as thirsty as I was, but I could honestly drink more.

"My gosh. What's that about?" he gawps.

"I'm thirsty." I reply.

Oh no, I don't feel too good. I run to the bathroom, finding myself in a familliar position. This time, Ross is holding my hair. When it's finally over I rinse my mouth out with mouth wash and drink some more water. I turn around and see Ross just standing there. Anyone can tell he feels sorry for me. He holds his arms out and I walk into them, resting my head on his chest. His strong arms wrap around my waist and rests his head on mine. I nearly fall asleep when he starts to run his hand up and down my back. When I least expect it, Ross picks me up and carries me to my bed. To my surprise, he doesn't just sit me down and walk away. Instead, he lays down himself, holding me in his arms. On a normal day, I'd be curious as to what he was up to. But right now all I do is use his chest as a pillow.

I begin to fall back asleep but decide I'll try to stay awake, keeping my eyes closed. A few minutes pass and I hear the door open.

"What are you-" Evan's interruped by Ross shushing him. He must think I'm asleep. Evan would be all over some other guy if he was laying in my bed with me, but I don't think he minds it being Ross. Does Ross like me or is he just being a good friend? I guess I won't know until I get better. But honestly, I don't want this to end. Being in Ross' arms makes me feel....I don't know. Safe, complete, like this was supposed to happen a long time ago, and like nothing will ever be able to hurt me. Not even if I'm sick for the rest of my life. 

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