Ch. 39- Someone Like You

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 The next morning when I woke up Ross wasn't there. I got up and saw he left a note on his dresser.

Hey, out skating with Ryland. School was cancelled because of the hail. Be back by noon.

Okay. Well now what. Rydel's probably home. Maybe she'll do something with me.

I went to Rydel's room and knocked on the door, Quickly, a blonde mess answered the door. "Emily!"

"Hi Rydel. You okay?"

"Yeah. I just stayed up to late last night writing."

"Cool. I was wondering if you would want to do something today?"

"Can't I have to go to a dance competition."

I sighed. "Okay."


"It's fine."

"Your hair looks great by the way."

"Thanks. Yours does too."


"Well I'll see ya later."

Well what do I do now?

I walked back to my room and decided I would just get dressed then decide on what to do. I picked out a pair of black jeans, a PINK sweatshirt and because of the stupid rain last night, I got out my rain boots. (Outfit is the extended link)

I went to the kitchen and nobody was there. I guess everyone is out today. So why not me? YOu know what I'm gonna go on a walk.

I walked to the front door then left. I walked down to the park then it began raining, thanks mother nature.

I began to walk home but then, "Hey wait Emily."

I stopped walking and turned around and saw Matt Sovade, probably the nicest basketball player in the world, running towards me with and umbrella. "Hi Matt."

"Hey." He said as he covered over my head with my umbrella and we began walking.

"Where do you live?"

"At Ross's."

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that."

"So how's the season going?" I asked.

"Great. We are have a game tomorrow. You should come."

"Yeah, I'll see if I can make it."

"So are you and Ross..."


"Cool. Cool. Maybe he could come."


Soon enough we were at the house.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow." He said.

"Yeah. Bye,"

I walked insinde and saw Ross and Ryland sitting on the couch.

"Hi guys."

"Hi Emily" Ryland said.

"Hey babe." Ross said shortyly after.

"How was skating?"

"Fine." Ross said.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know. Are you okay?"

"That makes no sense."

"How's Matt doing?"

"Uhh fine."

"You both looked super happy walking home."

"Do you think I like him?"

"I don't know do you?"

"No Ross. God! You are the only person  I want to be with. Sometimes I think you wanna create drama cause you don't want to be with me. But I didn't have an umbrella and  Matt was there and offered to walk home with me so didn't get wet. He even invited you and I to a basket ball game. Don't just jump to conclusion."

While I was talking Ryland got up and left but Ross stayed in the same spot still not looking at me.

"Well... umm... I got nothing to fight against that."

"Why do you wanna fight? Do you wanna just break up?"

"Maybe that's what we should do."


I went upstairs and went into Ross'e room and grabbed all my stuff. Then I put it into my room. I'm not sure how I will deal with living with my ex-boyfriend but for now I will just stay in here.

I layed on my bed until sleep took over me.

~ Next Morning ~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm then realized I had to go to school. So I got up and went to the bathroom and showered. I got out and brushed my teeth then blow dried my hair. I put my hair up into a high ponytail then went into my room. I picked out my school t-shirt and my school sweatshirt. I also put on a pair of jeans and sparkly sperry's.

I went down stairs and saw Rydel and Riker sitting at the table.

"Hey. Ross told us. He's just being an ass. He'll get over it." Riker said,

"Yeah. He's just jealous."

"Yeah, the only thing is. I feel like he just doesn't want to be with me." I said.

"It'll be okay." Rydel assured me.

"Here. I'll take you to school." Riker said.

I grabbed a granola bar then Riker and I walked out to his car and left.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Hey. Emily."

I turned and saw Matt.

"Hey Matt"

"Are you and Ross coming to the game?"

"I am. Ross isn't. We broke up cause he saw us walking home. He thought I was cheating." I said.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry."

"It's cool. I don't even think he wanted to be with me."

"Oh. So do you want me to pick you up before the game?"

"That would be great."

"K. Well, I'll see you at lunch." He said.


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Sorry it's been a while. I've been having some family issues but it's all good.

I hope you liked it. I know it's sad but we'll see how it goes.




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