Ch. 28 - U Smile

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I jump down and rest my head on Ross' chest, listening to his heart beat. It's nearly pumping out of his chest.

"I needed that," he says.

I laugh and look up into his beautiful eyes, "I love you, Ross."

"I love you Em." Ross runs my dark hair through his fingers.

"We should go, everybody's gonna wonder where we went," I say. He gives a fake sad face. "Oh man up!" I giggle before pecking his lips and walking past him to the door. I fix my hair and clothes before walking out.

Luckily, no one noticed. I don't know where I am, so Ross leads me to wherever everybody else is. They're all just playing around; laughing, singing, joking. It's beautiful, really. They just look up at us, then carry on with what ever they were doing.

Ross joins the crowd and I sneak out to the merch table to hang out with Ryland. I check my phone to see what time it is. 6:50. Ross and I were in that room for 20 minutes. Woah.

I walk up to Ryland, and he says "you were totally just making out with my brother."

"What makes you think that?" I ask, feeling my face turn pink.

"I have a clear shot of that room you were just in," he says, pointing to the door of the closet.

"Well maybe we were just talking," I say, knowing he won't believe me. He just shoots me an unconvinced look. "What ever Ry," I chuckle.

Ry smiles at me. I get the sudden urge to hug him, so I do. I swiftly walk closer to him and give him a hug, he's caught off gaurd, but hugs back.

I break away and he giggles, "what was that for?"

"For being stupid," I try to be as confusing as possible. Only with Ryland, he doesn't get confused. He just sees it as me being me. But I'm alright with that.

I don't understand how all these girls are starting to love me. I'm even starting to become a bit famous. I don't know how though, I'm not talented in any way. I'm not doing anything to become famous. I guess it's just being so close to the Lynches, and dating Ross. But I can't say I mind.

I'm trying to make my way to the stage, so I can sit on the edge, but I'm stopped by a massive group of girls wanting my autograph and a picture. How can I say no? Like seriously. I need to think of a way to say no.

I give in. "Oh, alright." It takes about 5 minutes for me to get through all of them. When I do, I rush to the stage just in time for R5 to come out. I pull myself onto the high platform and sit in the corner, like I always do. I don't know if they care of not, but they haven't said anything to me. I like sitting up here and watching the fans go crazy, it makes me feel.....I don't know...proud of them, I guess. I dangle one of my feet off the stage, watching the band and the fans at the same time.

When the show's over, I sit at the meet and greet table between Ross and Rocky. I try to keep a little bit of distance between the table and I. Some fans ask me to sign something, but I stay back for those who don't like me, which is many. They're mad because I took 'their man' from them. What ever.

About 20 minutes into the ride back, Ross puts his arm around me and I nuzzle up to his chest. The sound of his heart beat puts me to sleep.

Hours later I feel myself being carried. I look up at Ross, who's already looking down at me, and smile.

"Go back to sleep," he whispers softly.

I close my eyes and nearly go back to sleep before I feel him put me down. I can tell he's about to walk out. No!

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