Ch. 1 - Walkin' On Sunshine

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Before you start reading, I want you guys to know, this is my first story on Wattpad. so take it easy on me:) I promise I have perfect grammar. Personally, I hate reading stories with really bad grammar. I LOVE R5, I'm one of their biggest fans. I love hearing any ideas about the story or anything you think I'm doing wrong so I can make it better. and BEWARE, I've written stories all my life, and it's kind of my passion. So once I get writing I can write A LOT. Which means long chapters! I hope that's a good thing! And I promise, the story gets WAY better from here, I've already wrote it.

Oh, and all of the chapter titles are songs. I actually try really hard to fit not only the title, but the lyrics. Let me know if you guys can think of any better songs.

Hope, if you see this, sorry for stealing the first chapter song, it was REALLY the only song I could think of. :) The title of this chapter is Walking On Sunshine by Aly and Aj. I don't think they were the first ones to write the's the version I always listen to.

P.S, I'm going through all my chapters and making necessary edits. :) It probably won't be anything too exciting, but it might be. I'll decide as I go. So maybe re-read it, if you really like it? :) AND if you're just starting to read, ignore this message.

Every chapter, I'll add the link to the lyric video of the song. If you're on the website, you should just be able to press play. I'll also add any pictures needed to help visualize. Love you guys:)


"Okay watch this!" Rocky says as he throws a piece of popcorn about 4 feet in the air and catches it in his mouth.

"OHHHHHH" He exclaims, throwing his arms up and doing a victory dance. "Psh, please. Beat this!" Ross challenges as he throws piece after piece. He catches about 5 in his mouth before he finally misses. "Yeahhh!!" he screams, nodding his head at Rocky.

"Show off" Rocky scowls.

"Come on guys, none of you can beat this!" I say as I throw about 10 pieces of popcorn in the air at one time. I miss all of them but start dancing around anyways. It must be funnier than I thought it would be, because everyone starts cracking up.

"That was the worst fail I've seen in a loooong time, Em!" Riker says in between laughs. Eventually the laughing dies down to just giggling.

"Da Da Di Da Di Da Do Do" Rydel's phone starts going off. She quickly pulls herself together, wiping tears from her eyes from laughing so hard. "Hello?...Yeah..ok..we'll be right you too...bye." She ends the call and puts her phone back in her pocket.

"Guys we gotta go, mom wants us home." Riker, Ross, Rocky, and Ryland sigh and head toward the door.

I hear a series of 'Bye Em' and 'Later Em' and 'See you tomorrow' and 'Text me girly,' etc. As they walk out the door I say "Bye guys!" After closing and locking the door I go to the living room and start picking up popcorn. After about a minute I throw it away and look out my side window to see if they made it home okay. I see them walking through their front door so I close the curtain and walk away.

I walk up to my phone on my kitchen counter to find I have a text from Nick. Ahh, Nick. Nick is my boyfriend of 1 year, 5 months and 28 days, and yes, I count the days :). I can't explain how I feel about him without writing a book. His eyes are the color of ice toward the middle but get darker around the edges. He has slightly messy brown hair that always falls perfectly just above his eyes. He's pure perfection. Compared to him, I look like a potato. I'm okay with my looks, but it's the truth. I have dark wavy hair, green eyes, and a skinny but fit figure. I go to the gym at least 3 times a week. I love being healthy. There's no better feeling, besides being with Nick. I can't go more than 5 minutes without thinking about him. He's my everything. I can't even explain.

I snap out of my thoughts and open the message from Nick. "I miss you. Meet me in the park in an hour? :)" I reply with "See you there sweetie ;)"

I squeal and run upstairs to my room to get ready. I'm wearing sweat pants and a tank top, with no make up and my hair in a messy bun. I never worry about dressing up for the Lynches. I've known them and lived by since they moved to LA in 2007, I was about 11. They're my best friends. My life would be horrible without their out-going, fun, care free selves. They've seen sides of me I wouldn't dare show Nick, even though we've been dating for so long. Like this side of me, for example. I run up the stairs like a gorilla because it's easier than just walking, and prance to my bathroom to take a quick shower. I put my hair up in a towel on top of my head, and throw my hot pink robe on. I destroy my room looking for something cute to wear. Yes, I always get this excited every time I get to see Nick. I finally pick some black skinny jeans and a blue flower pattern shirt. I dry and straighten my hair,Finally I finishing my look with some light colored eye shadow, lip gloss, and a little foundation. I look in the mirror, proud of my work. Looking back at me in the mirror is the only version of me that Nick sees. I always try to have a natural looking glow, at least around Nick. I throw on a hoodie Rydel bought me for my birthday about a month ago and run downstairs.

I text Nick saying "On my way. Can't wait to see you ;)" before walking out my door.

I locked my door and called my mom "Hello?" she answered.

"I'm going to the park to see Nick. I'll be back before you guys get home."

"Alright, thanks for calling, see you when you get home. If I end up running late, be back before dark."

"Okay, love you"

"Love you too baby" she said before hanging up.

Being only 16, I have to call my mom to let her know where I am all the time. My mom is a Realtor. Boring, I know. But she runs on her own schedule, so she doesn't always come home at a certain time, because she's often out showing houses or writing offers. I don't see her much, but living in LA, her job pays for a nice house with plenty of things to keep my brother, Evan (he's 17), and I busy. And I have the Lynches, along with Nick. My brother isn't as close to them as I am. My father is a long and complicated story I don't like thinking about. He's truly an evil man. My parents have been separated since I was 7. And I'm glad about it. If he were here, I'd be miserable. But I actually love my life! It couldn't get any better.

I return to reality and realize I'm already half way to the park. About 10 minutes later I arrive and find Nick sitting on our bench by the pond. I get butterflies in my stomach and start to jump a little bit. He must hear me coming, because he turns around and gives me a smile only heaven can make. I don't think I could get any happier.

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