Ch. 34 - As Long As You Love Me

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I have the dream again. The dreadful, horrifying sight of Ross' dead body laying in a casket before my eyes. He looks so peaceful and calm, but still dead. Although it's just a dream, I still get the feeling of his absence in the pit of my stomach. The feeling of emptiness in the world. The feeling of Ross being gone, forever.

I wake up a sweaty, teary mess. Immediately, I start weeping before noticing Ross laying next to me, alive. I cling to him as tightly as my arms allow me. He's okay. He's here. I'm touching him. It was just a dream.

"Em, are you okay?" He asks worriedly.

I shake my head, indicating not. He sits up and pulls me into his lap.

"Did you have that dream again?" He asks sleepily.

"It's like you were really gone," I whimper, crying even harder. The feeling of vacancy still in my heart.

"It's okay Em...." he starts. "I'm right here." I hug him tighter and he rocks side to side. He is here. And he's okay. I start to calm down, becoming short of breath every minute or so. He doesn't loosen his grip on me. "Are you okay now?" He asks softly.

I sniffle, "yeah. I'm sorry."

"You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. It's my fault you're having this dream...and I promise I'll be here every time you do," he nearly whispers.

I wipe my tears away and pull back to look at him, "why are you being so nice to me? I cheated on you."

He doesn't even have to think about it, "because I love you. You made a mistake, don't worry about it."

"You're so amazing.."

"And you're so beautiful," he smiles. I remember on his birthday when he kept saying that to me. I cling to him once again, so greatful for being blessed with such a magnificent person. "I never wanna lose you, Ross. Now that I have a taste of what it feels like..I just.." I stutter.

"You won't have to lose me Em. Really. Get that through your pretty little head," he laughs. When I don't respond, he just keeps talking. "Look! I'm here. I'm fine, see?" He says, running his hands up and down my arms. "And I'm not going anywhere. Got it?"

I nod and look into his eyes, "I miss you."

"Don't miss me! I'm right here!" He exclaims, happily, then giggles.

I lean in and smash my lips onto his. He kisses back immediately. His lips taste especially sweet, considering I've missed them so much. He captures my bottom lip between both of his. I run my fingers through his hair and he keeps his on the back of my thighs. Our lips move together gracefully.

Relief rushes over me, Ross isn't going anywhere. He's all mine. He loves me again. I can kiss his warm, soft lips when ever I want.

I pull back and rest my forehead on his, "I love you so much, Ross."

"I love you too Emmy."

I climb off his lap and lay down next to him, falling fast asleep.


"Come on, get loud, loud, let it out! Shout it out from the rooftops. Come on get loud, loud, I need you nooooowwww!" My phone alarm sounds. I unlock my phone to turn it off before sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

Ughhh. I have school today. What kind of school goes back the day after New Years Day?! MY SCHOOL. On the bright side, Ross is in between seasons of Austin and Ally, so he gets to go with me. I shake him awake.

"Are you okay baby?" He mumbles, his eyes still closed.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But you have to get up. We have school today," I inform him. He reaches his arms up and pulls me down on top of him.

"But I wanna stay here with you today," he whispers in my ear. I giggle.

"Me too, but we have to go! Come on!" I say, sitting up. I pull him up by his hands. "Come on Rosssss!"

"Fine," he groans, sitting up. He kisses my cheek before leaving for his room. I sleepily walk to the kitchen to find everybody eating breakfast.

"Morning Sweetie," Stormie greets.

"Morning," I yawn, fixing a waffle and sitting down between Rocky and Riker.

"Have you and Ross made up yet?" Riker asks in a hushed tone. I look at him and nod, causing a smile to approach his face.

Ross walks up a few moments later, dressed and ready for school. He looks so handsome.

About an hour later Ryland, Rocky and I are ready as well, waiting for Riker by the door.

He comes running down the stairs, "Sorry guys! I'm ready. Let's go!"

A few hours later, the bell for passing period rings and everybody rushes out the door. I gather my books and walk out. As the hallway starts to clear, I turn a corner to see some girl holding Rocky against the lockers. I hide behind the wall, watching.

"I don't wanna talk to uyou." Rocky scolds.

"Come onnnnn! Don't be such a pussy! I didn't mean for you to get arrested," she persuades.

"No, Jenna. Get away from me," Rocky groans, clearly annoyed.

"That's fine, be a little bitch. I'll just have Brock come after you!" Jenna threats.

"You know what, Jenna? You're the bitch. Can't you just-"

Rocky's interrupted by Jenna's hand meeting his face. The sound of the slap echos in the room, causing a few people to turn and look. I grow furious the second it happens.

In that moment, I'm taken back to the night Rocky got arrested. The night I made a promise to myself that I'll never let anything touch him, or hurt him, or make him feel uncomfortable. Nothing.

Only an instant after she slaps him, I let my books fall to the ground. Before Rocky can walk away, I appear from behind the wall and approach them. I spin Jenna around to face me, and her chin drops. I open my mouth, about to say something, just before she slaps me in the face. My chin drops as well.

"Get away from me, bitch. You're not in this," she snaps.

I laugh evily, "I am now!" I bash my fist into her face, knocking her on her butt. Rocky watches in astonishment as I charge to the floor and start punching her in the face repetitively. I get a few good punches in before I'm pulled off of her. I stand up and fix my shirt.

"Now slap him again. I dare you," I taunt.

Jenna groans and rolls onto her stomach in defeat. With that, I pick up my books and walk to class.  


Heyyyy guys. Sorry about all the cussing. AND sorry if you don't like fighting. I think it's awesome that Emily can beat up anyone that messes with her boys :)......I only did that cause I have a lot of guy friends, and girls like Jenna always mess with them. And you know.... Anyways. Let me know what you think of the chapter, and the whole story! The song for the chapter is As Long As You Love Me by Justin Bieber. There are so many reasons why that song fits this chapter, but I can't really put my finger on all of them :) Anways. Like I said, let me know what you think. Comment and vote. I love you all.  

Oh, btw, looking back on this chapter now, it's super short! Sorry about that. I promise I have something big coming up!

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