Ch. 13 - Up

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So the song for this chapter is Up by Justin Bieber. Enjoy lovelies. Don't forget to vote and comment :) 


After getting tested, the next few days feel like years. 3 whole days of being just as sick as I've been all week. Puking, head ache, dizziness, stomach pain, dehydration, fever, weakness, barely eating, I faint once, and now I'm having trouble talking right. It's sad that this has turned into a normal day for me. Ross is here though. He's always here. We play games, watch TV, talk, sleep,occasionally kiss when it's not disgusting, if you know what I mean, and he caters to my every need. I feel bad about the last one, but I usually don't ask. I'll go to do something myself and he'll stop me. He's such a good...friend? boyfriend? I don't know.

Finally, after a long weekend, it's time to go to bed. In the morning we'll know whether I have cancer or not....... I probably wan't going to sleep tonight anyways. I just got out of the shower and put pajamas on. I slowly walk over to my bed where Ross is already asleep. I don't know why I sleep with him. We don't do anything, and we aren't technically dating. But the feeling of falling asleep in his arms makes it okay. I don't care what anybody thinks about it. It makes me feel safe and secure, which is all I'm asking for at this point.

I carefully climb in bed, using Ross' chest as a pillow, like I always do. For some reason, I'm freezing. Having a fever most of the time, I go between hot and cold constantly. And right now, there's no feeling better than snuggling up close to Ross and taking in his warmth. He wakes up enough to put his arms around me and fall back to sleep. I must be shaking like a chihuahua because it wakes Ross up, for good this time.

"Are you okay, Em?" He questions.

"Yep." My teeth are chattering.

"Why are you shaking? Are you cold or nervous, or what?" He asks worriedly.

"Freezing and terrified." I reply.

My answer doesn't surprise him. He gets up to get a fuzzy pink blanket from my closet, lifts the bed spread off of me, lays the pink blanket on me then puts the bed spread back. He gets back in bed and takes me into his firm, warm arms. God love him. He must be burning up. I just get closer to him and take in his heat. I stop shivering, for the most part.

"Better?" He asks. I just nod. "Now, just think about it like this. There's a 50/50 chance that tomorrow, the results will say that you don't have cancer. And he'll give you some medicine to make you feel better and you'll do better from then on out. But there's also a 50/50 chance that you'll have cancer. If that happens, you'll immediately schedule appointments for therapy that will make you feel better. But what ever happens tomorrow, I'm not leaving your side. None of us are. We'll be here for you, cancer or no cancer."

I can tell he's half asleep because that speech would have been a hundred times better if he was more awake. But it still makes me feel better. I look up to see him giving me a half smile. I smile back but start crying anyway. Ross strokes my aching head, pushing loose hair out of my face.

"Shhh. Don't cry." He whispers in my ear. "Everything's gonna turn out alright. You'll see." He assures.

I look up at him again. "Are you sure?" Sniffle.

"Positive" he promises, wiping tears from my eyes. "Now go to sleep." He whispers. I obey, putting my head back down and closing my eyes.


Wow, I can't believe I actually fell asleep. My eyes shoot open from the sound of my alarm clock. 7am. Ugh. It takes all I have in me to pull myself out of bed and turn my alarm off. I nudge Ross, waking him up.

"What?" He mutters before rolling over.

"I have a doctors appointment and you have to go to work." I tell him, trying to sound more energetic and responsible than I really am.

"I don't have work today." He says into his pillow. My eyes light up with joy.

"S'you getta comewme?!" My words are slurred together. But somehow he understands. He sits up, rubs his eyes and says "yep!" I quickly hug him as tight as I can, which isn't very tight. He puts his strong arms around me and squeezes lightly. I pull back and stand up, making me dizzy. I stop for a moment to balance myself then get take my clothes into the bathroom to get dressed. Nothing too fancy, a pair of jeans and a hoodie. I can't wait to get back home and put my pajamas back on.

When we're all ready, Ross, Evan, Mom and I get into Evan's car. All the other Lynches stay home, because we don't want everyone there. My mom set up a dinner for tonight to tell everyone the results. The ride to the hospital goes way too quickly. Ross carries me in the same way Rocky did, because it would take every ounce of energy I have to walk across the whole parking lot on my own. He sets me down once we get to the waiting room. After a few minutes we're taken into the doctor's own office for him to tell us the results. My mom and I sit down in the chairs while the boys stand. Everything's happening so fast. Up until this point, anyway. Now I'm anxiously waiting for the man to speak. He's searching the results on his computer. You'd think he'd just know, but I guess he has a lot of patients to deal with and I'm not the only one.

He clears his throat and speaks up. "Mhm. Yes, Emily Parker, is it?" His voice is deep. He seems laid back, unlike the rest of us. Who are observing every move he makes, waiting for him to reveal my fate. He looks over his glasses to my mom, who nods. "Yes, well. The results came out showing..." He looks away from his computer and over to me. He cracks a smile and the words come out. "You do NOT have stomach cancer, just a really bad case of food poisoning. The longest food poisoning can last is about 10 or 11 days unless treated. I'll be right back with your prescription for that. Congratulations! You should be feeling better with in a couple days." I've been bubbling with happy since the moment he said not.

One by one, Ross, Mom, and Evan come up and give me bear hugs. Then Ross comes back around to help me up. None of us can wipe the smiles off our faces. When we get outside of the parking lot, Ross offers to carry me. But I feel like I have enough energy to get across myself. I get about half way to the car and get tired again. Ross carries me from there. I feel better than I did 10 minutes ago. Maybe it was just the whole, I-might-have-cancer feeling inside me. On the way home we stop by the pharmacy to get my pills. Only 30 minutes after taking the first one I feel better. This is great. I can't wait to be able to be strong again. Start going to the gym again. Hang out with my friends, without them having to take care of me. It feels like I've been sick for years. Then it strikes me. What's going to happen with Ross and I when I get better?

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