Ch. 8 - Love Drunk

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Hello lovelies :) I'm sorry this isn't a very eventful chapter, but it has meaning. I do this with my friends all the time, that's why I'm so descriptive on everything. Haha. Well, this chapter is called Love Drunk by Boys Like Girls. I think it fits, do you? Don't forget to comment, vote, and fan! Let me know if there's anything you want to happen! I love you all!

Rydel and I grab the keys to Chubbs, Rydel's car, and head out. After about half an hour it's dark out, and we're coming home with bags full of every candy you can think of: Skittles, Reese's cups, Kit Kat, Almond Joy, Hershey's. Along with a bunch of other junk food: A box of popcorn, all kinds of chips, beef jerky, Oreos, 2 tubs of ice cream, and a two liter of each, Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew. There is no way we'll be able to eat all of this, but who cares? Our next stop is the movie store. We choose The Vow, The Notebook, Friends with Benefits, 27 Dresses, P.S. I love you, The Lucky One and Definitely Maybe. Yes, we're going to watch them all. Rydel and I always have sleep overs where we stay up through the entire night watching movies. We do it way too often.

We get home and take a bunch of bowls and cups to Rydel's room. We make about 3 bags of popcorn and take it up too. With our girly genius selves we create a comfy area on the floor to lay and watch the movies, we set up all the candy in separate bowls and pour some soda into cups, with a basket of junk food and the ice cream in her mini fridge, which we place next to us. It's brilliant. I just want to eat it all at once.

We put The Vow in first, because let's face it, Channing Tatum is a total babe. After an hour or so we're in tears when we hear "I see the way you look at him. I know, because you used to look at me that way." What is better than chick flicks? Nothing.

Hours pass. we talk. eat. watch movies. laugh. cry. everything. I think it's safe to say this is one of the best nights ever. Rydel is the best friend anyone could ask for. Around 6am we pop the last movie in, Definitely maybe. I'm so tired. What would it hurt to rest my eyes for a few minutes? I won't fall asleep.

Yeah right. I wake up to whipped cream in my face. I jump up so fast I can see stars, only to see Riker, Rocky, Ross and Ryland laughing hysterically. Well done, boys. The classic whipped-cream-in-the-hand-tickle-nose-with-feather trick. None of them have shirts on, they look the same they did yesterday. Boys. I lick my lips to make sure it was whipped cream and wipe it off my face. I give them a death stare, only causing them to laugh even harder. I run and tackle Ross, taking him to the ground. I pin him down to the ground, him still laughing, and tell him he's a jerk. I wipe my face on his bare chest.

"Hey!" He giggles. I get up and punch Ry and Rocky's arms, push Riker, and then I see it. I turn to Rydel to see they've drawn all over her face in blue marker, bursting out in fits of laughter, almost harder than the boys. I feel tears streaming down my face from laughing and I feel like I'm on the verge of a 6 pack.

Rydel's eyes flutter open, and she's completely clueless to what we're laughing about.

"What are you guys laughing at?" We reply by laughing even harder.

"Guys seriously what's going on?!" She's getting paranoid.

"What's so funny?!" She yells. We laugh harder at everything she says, she finally gets the hint that there's something on her face. She jumps up and runs to the bathroom and a few seconds later, we hear a scream. OMG! This is so funny! She runs back into her room and begins beating her brothers, leaving me alone. I just continue laughing. After everything calms down she goes to wash her face and the laughing dies down to giggling.

After waking up to that, the whole day becomes a giggle fest at everything that happens. We woke up around 10 this morning. So Rydel and I are super tired from only getting 4 hours of sleep, but that doesn't mean we aren't super hyper too. We must be slap happy. We seem to be entertaining the boys, because they won't leave us alone. I spend the whole day at the Lynches playing video games, goofing off, watching TV. What ever it is, it's non stop fun. This is when I realize, I'm gonna get through this. This isn't the end of the world. Nick's gone, and it'll take time to recover. But at least I know it's still possible.

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