Ch. 25 - When I Look At You

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I look around and see a gap in the crowd. I look closer to see Ross on the floor, surrounded by girls who just stand there looking down at him in astonishment. The music stops and I run over to him and help him up.

"What happened?!" I yell.

It's silent until one girl says, "they pulled him down." She points to the group of girls behind me. I turn around to see them red faced.

"Seriously?! He trusted you guys enough to come so close to you and you pull him off the stage?! That's a 5 foot fall!" I yell.

Ross speaks up, "calm down Em. It's okay."

"It's most definitely not okay. You guys know he was in a car accident! You were here when Riker told you! And you pull him off the stage?!" I continue yelling at the group of girls. Ross has his hand on his head. He must have fallen face first.

They continue to say nothing, which makes me know they're guilty. I'm so mad. How can they seriously pull him off the stage? He's not strong enough to resist 6 or 7 girls pulling him down right now. I could punch them all in the face. Ross pulls me away from the girls and up the stairs, where he sits me down where I was, kisses my cheek, and goes back to his microphone. I'm surprised no one else said anything about this. Maybe I am acting crazy.

"Well, that didn't feel good," is all he laughs softly, rubbing his head. He takes his hat off and feels the bandage to see if he's bleeding. Sure enough, there's thick, red blood slowly drenching the bandage. My chin drops and Ross looks down at his hand.

"Holy crap, guys, help!" He exclaims, turning to Riker and Rocky. Rydel runs from behind the keyboard and throws her arm around his waist., pulling him back stage.

Warm, salty tears fall quickly down my cheeks as I get up and run backstage. Rydel and Stormie are catering to Ross' wound in a mirror. He keeps his eyes closed, just relaxing.

"Is he gonna be okay?" I ask worriedly.

"He's going to be just fine. We're gonna change his bandage and give him a few minutes, then he's gonna go back on stage," Stormie tells me.

"He's gonna go back on stage?! They just pulled him down! And made his head bleed!" I exclaim.

"Come here, Em." Ross says.

I walk over to him, wiping away my tears. Ross opens his eyes and takes my hand.

"I'll be okay, baby. I promise," he assures me. I just nod, obviously not agreeing, but if it's what he wants to do, I'm not gonna stand in his way.

Stormie and Rydel finish his bandage and Ross just sits and relaxes for a moment, his eyes closed. I sit down next to him and take one of his hands in both of mine.

"I'm sorry," I apologize.

He opens his eyes and looks at me, "you have nothing to be sorry for. It's okay. I promise." He pecks my lips softly, then pulls back. "C'mon. Let's go back out there." He says, getting up with a wince and grabbing my hand, pulling me on stage with him. When we return, I find the boys have been keeping the crown busy, answering questions.

They see us returning, hand in hand, and get back to their positions. I sit back in my corner.

The longer I'm in the same room as these girls, the more furious I get. Although Ross says it's alright, I don't feel the same way. There's no excuse for what they did. I'm all tangled in my thoughts when I feel someone grab my hand and squeeze it. I look down at the owner of the hand and see a pretty girl about my age. She looks up at me with a sympathetic smile and I can't help but smile back. She moves her hand and I make a mental note to find her after the concert's over.

I look back at Ross and watch him put his hat back on. They just go on with the show as if nothing happened. Am I really acting crazy?

Oh! I'll ask Ryland. I get up and walk backstage to find Ryland. After looking everywhere I finally find him chillin, eatin some chips.

"Did you see what happened?" I ask him.

He turns to look at me, "Yep."

"Was I acting crazy?" I ask.

"Knowing you, no." He answers.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask defensively.

"Nothing bad, just when anything happens to Ross you get upset about it. You go all momma bear." He giggles.

"Well, they shouldn't have done that." I say.

He becomes serious, "don't worry about it, Em. They shouldn't have done that, and you're not crazy."

"Thanks," I say before walking away, back to where I was sitting. I don't know why, but what Ryland said actually comforts me. I relax a little bit and enjoy the show.

When it's over and everyone heads for the other room for a signing, I remember to find the girl who squeezed my hand. I take a seat between Ross and Rocky, sort of behind them though. I don't want people asking for my autograph. That would be weird. As the line slowly gets shorter, I examine each girl's face, waiting for what's-her-face to come. When the group of girls who pulled Ross down passes, I give them all dirty looks.

One of them apologizes to Ross, "Sorry for pulling you down, I didn't think you'd actually fall."

He smiles at her and says "It's all good. Thanks for coming."

How can he do that? If someone did that to me, I'd go all crazy on them. But Ross is a better person than I am. The girl smiles at me but I keep a straight face. She just awkwardly walk away. I think my work here is done.

When what's-her-face finally comes by I watch her get her poster signed and follow her out of the line.

I pull her away from the crowd and say "Thanks for calming me down a little out there."

She just smiles "You're welcome. It's completely wrong what they did to Ross. I can't believe all these fans didn't do what you did."

"Do you live around here?" I ask.

"Yeah, actually go to your school. But I'm a Sophomore. I see you and Ross in the hallway all the time." Dumbfounded, I just stare at her, trying to see if I recognize her. Nope.

"Well, you seem cool. We should talk sometime." I say. I really wanna make this girl my friend. She takes out her phone and starts filling out my contact. She already knows who I am. She hands me her phone and I type my number in, return the phone, and smile.

"Cool, I'll text you as soon as I get home so you have my number." She says. I smile and we part ways. I sit back down in my seat.

It's been a long day. I can't wait to go home and go to sleep. Ross turns around and gives me a look. A look I can completely read. A look that tells me he knows I'm ready to leave and that he is too, that he's not the least bit mad and he wants me to know that, that he's sorry about all that happening, and that everything's okay. I scoot my chair up more and rub his back. He just continues signing things. I lay my head on his shoulder and put my arm around his neck. He stops moving as much, so he doesn't bump me. I'm on his left side, so I'm not interfering with his signing. As girls go by they either smile at us or give me a death glare because I'm even touching Ross.

The best part? We get to get up and do it all again tomorrow. 


So the song for this chapter is When I Look At You by Miley Cyrus. If you can find something that fits better, let me know. And yes, Ross is right handed. Somebody asked me, I don't remember who. Love you guys. Don't forget to comment and vote, and check out my other fanfics. (:

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