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I've started to go to work again! I'm working 32 hours a week and only have one day off so I am trying my best to write everything and get them published on schedule. I love you guys! <3


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Lynlee stared down the dark hallway with a frown on her face. She expected Mrs. Darby to be waiting for her at the front doors, but they had been locked. The lights were switched off, and no adults were in sight. After waiting several minutes, she finally decided to walk around the entire building in search of an unlocked door.

It was a double door at the very back of the school. Lynlee was unsure of where the office would be. In a mix of confusion and lack of direction, the girl found herself pushing her way into a gym. Her footsteps echoed as she walked. 

"This place is huge," she mumbled. 

Ever since her father went berserk, Lynlee never attended public school. Seeing a high school in person was almost overwhelming. She could almost imagine students sitting on the bleachers, cheering on some over-glorified sports team and fighting with the other team's fans. 

The girl slowly twisted around, already tired of her surroundings. No matter where you were, school was school. The excitement of moving to a new school building was always short. With a small sigh, she finally spotted a pair of doors on the other side of the gym. As she walked towards the exit, Lynlee heard something crash from behind her. Several balls began to bounce against the ground. She jumped in alarm and turned. 

"J-June?" Lynlee couldn't see anything but darkness. The only light came from the windows toward the top of the walls. Dust molecules floated around as she moved quickly, picking up the balls that now rolled around and placing them back into the rolling cart that lay flipped over on the ground.

But something felt off. There was something that made the hair on the back of her neck raise. She huffed and swiped her short hair out of her face. Calm down, Lynlee commanded herself, You're fine. You just need to find Mrs. Darby. Just as she began to calm down, a muffled shout rang out. It was short and cut off. It was too high pitched to be a male. 

Dread filled Lynlee as she turned to run. "Mrs. Darby!?" 

There was no answer. Heart pounding, she swallowed what felt like cotton and took a few small steps forward. Feelings jumbled and slightly frightened, she wanted nothing more than to be sitting on Soundwave's shoulder. Talking to him. Smiling and getting to hear his voice. 

The light from outside dimmed just as Lynlee reached the exit. Not accepting the cell phone Agent Fowler had offered her a few days was a mistake. She knew that now. If she'd been able to contact June or even the Autobots at the base she would be out of there by now. But it wasn't anything she couldn't handle, right? It was just school. June was probably waiting for her in the office with some teacher, ready to sign away her future to education and learning. 

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