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Another update. Thank you guys for all of the support! It's my first time typing with fake nails and it sucks, so please comment if you see any mistakes XD. I'm sorry about it being short, but I will try to update a longer chapter soon. I hope you enjoy.


Soundwave stood quietly by his workspace, sifting through the Nemesis' data blocks when he felt a presence behind him. Since the early earthly hours of the morning, the ship had been silent due to the lack of drones aboard. Megatron had ordered the majority of the warriors to scavenge through the mines to shift for more energon since their supply was getting lower by the day.

The Autobots were making it difficult to mine for their life source.

So it was a surprise to the mech when he saw the shadow creep across the data screen in front of him. It was unnatural for any cybertronian to sneak up on him. While there was a hint of alarm in his spark at how easily he had been distracted from his work, Soundwave forced himself to stand stiff and unmoving as the presence grew closer.

"designation... a-and purp-pose." the silent mech laced the words together.

"Soundwave." A deep, sinister voice rang out into the silence. Immediately, Soundwave turned and bowed, swiping all information from his visor and turning his attention towards his master. Though his spark pounded faster and faster, he forced himself to stay calm.

Megatron watched as his third-in-command stood straight again. From behind the silent mech, the screens that held his diligent work flickered. The warlord tilted his head in curiosity as the surveillance footage in the top right corner quickly disappeared. Interesting, the warlord mused to himself.

"Tell me, Soundwave, what you have been working on?" he hummed in question. "Very little have I seen you leave your berthroom or work- I simply wonder what could be causing you so much stress?"

Soundwave visibly stiffened- something that didn't go unnoticed by Megatron. But the powerful mech merely tilted his helm, allowing a crooked smirk to fall upon his faceplating. Soundwave turned back towards his work slightly, trying to lose the warlord's harsh stare.

"Soundwave... searching for...-r-red en-energon. Lo-Lord Megatron is- unhappy... with v-vehicon attempts.." Soundwave paused, trying to piece together his recordings as Megatron waited impateintly, "v-vehicon attempts... to- scavenge.. ener-rgon."

The screen flashed with small red dots, the coordinates in which a small portion of red energon still remained in the dirt. Soundwave knew, that while Lord Megatron had them scavenging in the area where it had been previously mined, red energon was located in small portions, and would most likely be found in a different area.

In attempts to please his master, the communications officer stepped aside and allowed Megatron a view of the coordinates in which the energon lay.

Megatron clicked his glossa, narrowing his eyes on the coordinates. "While I would normally have the vehicons scavenge, they are currently busy with those insects." he hissed out, referring to the Autobots. The warlord tilted his head towards Soundwave. "You will search these coordinates and mine any energon you come across. While we simply require energon to survive, red energon could change our war waged against the Autobots. Do it swiftly, Soundwave."

There was a look in his optics that Soundwave could not quite make out, but he bowed quickly. "A-as you... co-command Lord Megatron."

A twisted smile fell upon his faceplates as he watched the silent mech open a groundbridge. "I trust you will not fail me, Soundwave."

The mech watched as the groundbridge closed before letting out a quiet snarl and turning towards the monitors Soundwave had once stood at. "I do not know what you have been hiding from me," the Decepticon snarled angrily, "but I will find it. And you will be punished accordingly."

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