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Another quick update from 1 in the morning. Sorry for the short chapters, this book might end up long. 



Everything was dark. 

Lynlee was in so much pain, but luckily Starscream barely harmed her. There was nothing more than a few scratches down her sides and legs. He claimed he didn't want her running away- though jabbing at her fractured ribs was nothing more than an act for entertainment.

Despite not being able to move, Starscream had left just a few hours earlier. It was peaceful without him constantly speaking about his high ranking within the Decepticon army and the constant boasting. He'd grabbed her and placed her upon a high, narrow ledge that felt ready to crumble at any second.

Groaning in pain, Lynlee forced herself to try and relax while looking around the large cave. It was all so creepy, with the blipping lights and the metal corpses hanging on the rock walls. Starscream had gone on about those too, not hesitate to take all the credit for the cloning process and the clones deaths. 

She shuddered in fear and finally looked away, realizing she'd been staring for too long. When would she get out of here? Was it ever a possibility? Besides being handed straight into Megatron's hands. The last thing she wanted was to feel the cold metal touch her body again. Even if it was just a dream.

Lynlee lay there for what felt like hours, carefully planning out her escape options, which didn't lead to much of anything. It was when she began dozing off that she finally heard the loud clicking of heels and a familiar voice boom, "Wake up human, Lord Megatron awaits."

Starscream tightly held three of the Omega Keys he so proudly possessed in his servos. A smirk made way on his face-platings as he gave them a hard stare before glancing at the human flesh bag again. Why Optimus protected such insolent creatures was beyond him, but Megatron would take advantage of anything involving Prime's weaknesses.

This human femme would bring him a great reward.

Lynlee felt herself being raised up into the air. Everything shifted and swayed around her until she was placed right in front of a large screen. She attempted to struggle but Starscream rolled his optics while squeezing her firmly. 

"Do cooperate with me, human, I would rather not make a mess."

Trembling in fear, Lynlee shut her eyes as the large robot hummed in glee and made the connection with his master. Within seconds, he was staring at the face of the warlord himself. Megatron looked anything but pleased.

"Starscream. Do tell me why now, of all times, you have graced me with your presence."

"L-lord Megatron! I have decided to return to you!" Starscream babbled in nervousness, immediately noticing Megatrons snarl, "As I am loyal to you, master, I would not return until I had completed my mission."

"Do tell me, what this mission was. I do not call giving you any extra assignments. You barely finish the few, simple tasks I give you to begin with."

"Master! I only wanted to please you! Look! I-I have acquired three Omega keys. Taken right from under Optimus Prime's careful watch." 

Lynlee squinted open her eyes, curious to see what Starscream was talking about. Though hesitant, she knew it had to be important if this Decepticon was desperate enough to make a deal with Megatron. 

But then again, he was using her for trade as well, and she was worth nothing at all.

Starscream beamed proudly. "I must say, it was not an easy task. Only the best are able to sneak into an Autobot base and come back unscathed-"

"Do tell me, were you able to acquire the location of the Autobot base, Starscream?" 

Megatron watched in annoyance, silently wondering why he hadn't offlined the pathetic second in command already. Starscream quietly growled, squeezing his servos tighter.

Lynlee let out a small whimper of pain, quickly drawing Megatron's gaze down towards the tiny human. Immediately, a wicked grin spread across his face. Panic erupted throughout her entire body as the Warlord knowingly looked her up and down.

"Ah- I see you have discovered Starscreams pet. Quite a coincidence." 

A scream tore through her throat while Starscream jerked her forward. "Of course my Lord! I knew you would use her to your advantage. No doubt a pawn in order to gain information for the Autobots. A simple task, really-"

Megatron's eyes were burning holes into her body. Lynlee trembled but tried to keep a straight face as Megatron chuckled. "Indeed, this does change things. Starscream, I will prepare a groundbridge. Make sure our guest is well in one piece upon her arrival."

Starscream nodded his helm and smirked. "Of course, Lord Megatron. As you wish."

He squeezed her again one last time, bringing another painful scream before cutting off the video feed. 

"Stop it! Please, I can't breathe." She gasped for breath as her lungs felt like they were being crushed. 

"Of course, how inconsiderate of me." Starscream spat sarcastically. "I suppose you deserve it, for being such a well-behaved pet. I'll make everything a bit easier for you. Sleep well, human."

Unable to breathe, Lynlee gasped for breath one last time before finally falling unconscious.   

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