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Couldn't sleep. Another filler. More to come I promise. (Sorry for mistakes)

~Enjoy ❤️
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"Thank you."

Soundwave ignored the femme and continued to stare at the wall. He sat on his berth, thinking of what to do next. The girl was tended to, and now he just couldn't help but wonder why.

Why was the necklace demanding he keep her?

Because that's what it was, wasn't it? He felt something as it hung between his digits, small and seemingly insignificant in his grasp. It no longer glowed, but every time he touched that stone, images of home filled his head.


A simple human structure that he'd done research on. A cabin. Out in the middle of nowhere. Empty, but not abandoned.

The human girl frowned when Soundwave didn't answer, but merely stared up at him. Those large eyes studied him, almost unafraid. But why should she be afraid?

He couldn't even bring himself to eliminate her.

The crystal glowed again, and the images filled his helm again. That same cabin. Soundwave shifted and tilted his head in thought.

He recognized it from somewhere. Long before the crystal pulled him there, the image was already planted in his processor. The wooden porch that was full crammed with human things. All seemingly useless and without purpose.

Then, another image.

A human girl sketching on a swing, completely oblivious to the world around her as she smiled at the pencil she held. Wind tossed her black hair back and forth until a scowl covered her face and stopped her work.

With an irritated growl, she threw her head back and then pulled all of her hair into one hand. Then, she turned.

Soundwave pulled out of his trance and pulled his optics towards her. Confusion filled his spark. First, it was his recharge. How could he know of something that was completely alien to him?

Never before, at least, not until that day, had he ever stepped foot inside of a human facility or home. Soundwave hadn't even seen the human until that first day in the cave.

The crystal suddenly glowed brighter, and he paused.

The cave.

His entire mission with the red energon. His work on finding Starscream. All of it forgotten. It had completely slipped his healm. And all because of a human girl.

Lynlee fidgeted with her hands as she stared at the contents within the box Soundwave has given her. She tried not to think about her mother's necklace, which the robot was almost taunting her with as he held it in one metal hand.

She longed to have it with her again, but simply asking him for it would not do. He would never give it back to her.

So Lynlee put to work pulling out all of her things.

Soundwave had went to her home. Home. How he knew where she lived, Lynlee was unsure. But she wasn't about to ask him. Despite the visor on his face, she could feel the heated glare as he turned his head away from the wall and towards her.

Food, a few articles of clothing, and a few sentimental things were in the little box. The stuffed dragon that she'd gotten for her sixth birthday was in there, along with her drawing pad, sketching pencils...

And a picture of her mother.

Tears filled her eyes. Before she could stop them, they began to fall down her cheeks. How this robot had managed to understand something so important to her was beyond her. She was just glad that he had retrieved one last memory, since he refused to return the crystal.

Lynlee sniffed and wiped at her eyes, trying one last time to speak to him. "T-thank you." Her voice wobbled as she spoke and her bottom lip trembled, but she managed to keep eye contact. Well, where she assumed his eyes were beyond that blank slate.

Soundwave pulled away from his thoughts and closed his servo around the crystal. Without a word, though he never really needed them, he nodded.

It was merely a slight tip of his healm. Barely a response at all, but Lynlee couldn't help but smile.

That was all she needed.

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