Chapter 14

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A week later, Batwoman and the Huntress were arriving at the scene of a turned on Bat signal.

"Any ideas on who turned on the bat light?" Huntress asked Luke over the comms.

"No, after all, this is Gotham. People don't need a real reason to turn on the bat light." Luke said.

"Fair point. I guess we'll find out when we get there." Batwoman said as they arrived at the bat signal.

"Okay, we're at the light, now where's the person who lit it." Huntress asked.

"Turn around." a new voice said Batwoman growled as she whirled around to see Alice standing there.

"Alice. What the hell are you doing here?" Batwoman asked as she reached for a batarang.

"Oh, I just wanted an honest conversation with you. Kate." Alice said, shocking them both.

"Who's Kate?" Batwoman asked.

"Oh please, don't even try it sis." Alice said.

"Wait, did she just call you sis?" Huntress asked.

"I don't know why you think my name is Kate, but we are definitely not related." Batwoman said, since she'd honestly disowned herself from Alice.

"Really. So Batwoman shows up around the same time you come back to town, to rescue your ex-girlfriend and you add red to the batsuit, for our birthstone." Alice said and Batwoman sighed.

"Why do you think I'm your sister?" Batwoman asked, even though she already knew.

"Because in another life, I went by another name. Beth. Beth Kane." Alice said as Huntress looked at her in shock.

"Liar!" Batwoman shouted as she tossed a batarang at Alice, who quickly managed to dodge it and pulled out her butterfly knife and went on the attack.

"I know it's you under that mask Kate. And you won't do anything to me." Alice said.

"What makes you say that?" Batwoman asked as she knocked Alice back.

"Because I'm the only one who can tell you where to find mommy dearest." Alice said and Batwoman's vision went red as she lunged at her archenemy and gripped her tightly.

"Where is she? Where is my mother?" Kate demanded, not even bothering to keep her identity secret anymore, since right now, her desperation to find her mother overrode everything else.

"You really think I'd tell you that?" Alice asked smugly, only to have Batwoman begin punching her.

"Where is Gabi Kane?" Batwoman demanded as she pushed Alice against the ledge.

"Promise to let me go and I'll tell you." Alice said, only to be surprised when Batwoman held her wrist to her throat and pushed her head over the ledge.

"Oh please, you won't do it." Alice said.

"Do you really want to test that theory?" Batwoman asked angrily.

"Batwoman, enough. Don't stoop to her level. We'll send her to Arkham, get answers that way. She wants to get in your head." Huntress warned, since she was honestly afraid that Batwoman would cross the same line Batman had.

Hearing her cousin's words snapped Batwoman out of her rage and she realized what she was doing.

"You shouldn't have come up here Alice. And you definitely should not have crossed the line you did." Batwoman said.

"Why not. It's clear that you and I have more in common than you think. After all, you just beat me senseless to get information. But then again, I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since this wouldn't be the first time you were the cause of my suffering." Alice said, but this time, her guilt trip wasn't going to work on Kate.

"Nice try. And you may have figured out my name, but we are nothing alike and you are not my sister. But you are going to tell me where my mom is. One way or another." Batwoman said.

"You're not gonna lock me up. Not if you want mommy dearest to be alive for you to save." Alice said.

"What are you talking about?" Kate asked.

"Do you really think I'd come up here without a contingency plan? I'm the only person who knows where Gabi Kane is and if I'm not there to give her food and water, she'll die. Do you really think that you can find her before she dies of starvation or dehydration?" Alice asked.

"You're holding your own mother hostage? You're insane." Huntress said, horrified.

"And you don't have a choice but to let me go." Alice said as Batwoman reluctantly let her go.

"She's right. She may be a lunatic, but I won't risk my mom's safety." Batwoman said and Huntress nodded.

"Glad we understand each other." Alice said as she walked away, leaving Batwoman seething at her.

"I can't believe you let Alice go." Luke said.

"We didn't have a choice. Until we rescue my mom from her, we can't make a move." Kate said, glaring dangerously at Luke, who quickly backed down.

"Well, maybe we should try using Wayne's satellite to track Alice's movements and let her lead us to Gabi." Helena said, trying to play peacemaker between them.

"Right." Luke said.

"We have a satellite?" Kate asked.

"Yep. Bruce created it under the pretenses of space exploration, but in reality, it's purpose was to monitor Gotham and also track Superman when he first became active and they became friends." Helena said.

"Good to know. Anyways, let's get to work. The sooner we find my mom, the sooner I can put Alice in Arkham where she belongs." Kate said.

"You want to put your sister in Arkham?" Luke asked.

"The only sister I have now is Mary and I intend on keeping her and the rest of Gotham safe. Even the jackass my father has become." Kate said.

"So, I'm guessing that means that you are not going to be telling him your identity?" Helena asked.

"Are you crazy? Unless my dad suddenly sees the light, he can never know the truth." Kate said and both Luke and Helena both nodded as they got to work.

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