|| The A - Z's || Part. 2

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|| Gowther ||

A- Affection

With Gowther being a doll, when he was affectionate, it was almost as if it was programmed into him because it was just all the knowledge he read from books being put to use. This was only at the start of the relationship however and soon enough he was able to show his love for you easily, with the help from you of course. You showed him love a way that he had never had in books before, nothing stereotypical and something unique for just the two of you. He personally loved this as it was if he was writing his own book with you with a new type of affection.

B- Babies

Of course Gowther knew how babies were made, but because he was a magical being, he physically couldn't impregnate you. He had no sperm so he couldn't give you a child. Not that you minded though, even though not now you did want children and adoption wasn't something you objected to and if it came to that you'd happily become a mother in that method.

C- Cuddles

In books, Gowther had read about cuddling a lot but didn't know how to pursue it. But soon enough he learnt to love cradling you and now it was a normal thing to do when you were together. He would commonly wrap his arms round your waist and rest his chin on your collar bone, a warmth that he adored.

D- Dominance

You both were equally dominant. Gowther enjoyed being dominant as he had his odd moments of control that he thoroughly liked, however he did also love you being on top because he liked the way you would boss him around and it was an odd liking of his.

E- Empathy

With Gowther being a doll and having learnt his emotions and "norms" from books, empathy was especially hard as it was not an action you could just posses from books, it was an emotion that could be strengthened from experience. Thankfully, before having met you, he had his odd moments of empathy wit his friends in battles but he was still knew at it. This was mostly because you spent more time with him and was definitely more patient so he had time and help to unravel that emotion. Now both of you were free to cry and wail with each other with no boundaries.

F- Family/Friends relationships

The Sins were very iffy about the idea of your relationship at first. Not because of you at all though. When you came, the Sins and you instantly clicked and got along very well, it was unfortunately Gowther who they were worried about. Gowther was known to use people for his own lust and want for knowledge and experience and they didn't want that happening to you seeing as you were a lovely girl who did seem to like Gowther a lot. After a few months, the Sins noticed how Gowther treated you, and how he was protective of you and began to love that you were able to make the magenta haired doll more open and humane.

You didn't have much of a family. Yes you had your parents and they were alive and well but you weren't the closest family and they had no idea of what you were doing with your life currently so they definitely didn't know of your relationship.

G- Gifts

Weirdly, Gowther loved giving you presents. He loved the giggle and smile on your face as he gifted you, and how you'd embarrassingly deny needing anything even if you did. He would buy/steal every little trinket he thought you'd like just to make him happy.

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