"Why, of all times, why did you have to teleport then?" I ask her, sobbing. She pulls me into a hug and tries to calm me.

         "I am so sorry to be the cause of all these tears San, you know I wouldn't do this on purpose. I was contacted by Rose saying that you hadn't slept in days. I was worried," she says as she rubs small circles on my back.

         "They didn't know I am a demon, now they are going to hate me." I cry. My mind is going fuzzy and I know it means that I will pass out soon if I'm not careful. I slow my tears and look at my aunt.

         "If they truly care about you, they won't care hun. Plus Rose said you can't sleep. Why?" she asks, trying to change the subject.

         "It's the nightmares," I say quietly through sparse sniffles.

         "Your father is tracking him down, and you know we won't let him take you again." she says holding me tighter. She made me feel safe, but not in the same way Woo did, I realize as she is hugging me.

         "I, I couldn't sleep after I held someone in my sleep." I say pulling away to look at her. She looks at me with confusion in her eyes.

        "I thought you did that with everyone." she comments.

         "Yeah, but after having slept holding him, I can't sleep holding a plush, or with the girls. I also can't be comforted by them anymore, they can only wake me up." I ramble. "And when you appeared I was laying with him, sleeping with no nightmares."

         She puts her arms down and looks at the wall of my room. Aunt Lil smiles and laughs, then looks to me with a smile.



         "What did we just see?" I ask as Yunho and I walk into the living room. SeongHwa, HongJoong, and Yunho covering their noses, look annoyed at the situation.

         "That, was a demon, and San seemed to know her quite well." HongJoong growls at us. I look over to SeongHwa and he nods in agreement. I am shocked since San never once talked about his family before now, and never mentioned he was a demon either.

         "Why wouldn't he tell us?" SeongHwa asks while looking at the floor.

         "Isn't it obvious?" I hear Mingi ask from the doorway to his room. He had a sad look on his face, but also looks like he just woke up.

         "What do you mean?" Yunho asks him, his voice quiet.

         "He was afraid, likely due to whatever his trauma is." Mingi says walking over to Yunho. Jungho is now standing in the doorway holding his nose shut.

         "Why would he be afraid to tell us?" Yeosang asks from in front on Jungho. He came out when he heard Mingi was awake. I look at everyone in disbelief.

         Is San really a demon? I ask myself. I can't believe it, how could he not tell me, are we not close enough? I sit on the floor not really knowing what to do.

         "Well, by the looks of HongJoong and SeongHwa, you know the ones with the most knowledge of this kind of thing, demons don't seem to be a good thing." Mingi explains looking over to our leader.

         "I... I never wanted him to think he needed to hide anything from us, did I do something wrong?" HongJoong asks looking at us. None of us had an answer for him. We don't know what to think, all we know is that he isn't here right now, and that we now knew something more than we did earlier.



         "I think I should go back. I don't want to, but I need to face them." I say after I calmed down. I know I need to talk to them, despite every fiber of my being screaming to run and never look back. I at the very least need to tell Woo.

         "Do you want me to be there with you? I can help explain things if you need help." my aunt offers. I smile and nod as she takes my hand to pull me off the bed. I stand up with her help and get a good look at her again, now that my head is clear.

         My aunt looks beautiful to most people, with her long red hair, perfect nose, and pouty lips. Though I look at her and see my kind aunt that thinks of my dad and I first, so much so that she followed my dad to earth.

          "How has the business been? I know you, mom, and sis were starting a fashion line together. How did that go?" I ask her before we leave.

         "That? I've now made a few fashion lines, and it's been fun every time." she tells me. She was someone who made the outfits for the front lines in hell, usually armor. She had crafted my outfit that I use when I use my "True Form", but more on that later.

         "Okay, that's good to hear," I say and take her hands. I use Lily to see where everyone is in the house. They all seem to be sitting in the living room, silently looking at each other.

         I concentrate on the front door and feel the magic whip around us as I will us to be taken by the maroon mist. I open my eyes to see us standing in front of the door! I did it on the first try! My aunt smiles proudly, giving me a slight head pat.

         "Good job kiddo, though why did you do it outside the building?" she asks, but before I answer the door opens with a furious HongJoong.

         "Why did you leave?!" He yells at us. I just stare, not knowing what to say at the angry hyung in front of me. He seems to not only be mad, but also looks hurt. He pulls us in the door, and we are greeted with stares from everyone.

         I can feel myself shrink as everyone stares. I can't look at anyone, so I look at the ground, hoping that Lily or Rose can save me. Thankfully Lily was right there to comfort me, but I can't see Rose anywhere.

         "So, why did you leave? You didn't say anything," HongJoong says, but is interrupted by Wooyoung barreling at me. He tackles me, but I stand my ground, not wanting him to get hurt.

         "Woo, sorry," I say as he hugs me. "I, no, we left, because I felt like I would explode if I didn't." I look over to my aunt who smiles encouraging me to continue, but SeongHwa pipes in.

         "That's fine, but we just want to know you're safe. We were all worried, you've been gone for 2 hours." he says looking at the clock. In reality we were gone for far longer, but I am not going to correct him on that.

         "I am fine hyung. I needed time to calm down and think about things. I understand you all want answers, and with my aunt's help I hope we can answer most, if not all of your questions." I say looking down at Wooyoung. I pull him away slightly and smile at him. We go and sit with everyone in the living room.


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