Criminal Minds

385 26 7

The Creator

It was the hand that pulled me into the portal. But nothing could have pulled me out of my thoughts. Or the abundance of questions for that matter. Even in the unconsciousness, my mind was panicking. And as I slowly wake up, my anxiety doesn't get any better.

When I finally open my eyes, I don't recognize any of my surroundings. Stone walls, stone floor, and a metal door. "Ink, are you okay?" I try to stand up, but when I do, chains around my wrists pull me back. Back to the wonderful memory gaps that is my life.

"Where are we?" I ask automatically to the person besides me, without really registering who is there. "Well...I don't really know." The glitchy voice admits. Wait, what...


"How in the MULTIVERSE did this happen?" I shout at him, trying to fully express how frazzled this whole situation is making me. He looks over at me, trying to turn his body to face me directly. But of course the chains that are keeping us both tethered to the wall, also are an obstacle when it comes to trying to talk face to face.

"To be completely honest, I don't really know." He says, trying not to get me anymore angry than I already am. "Well obviously you did something to get us both stuck in here!" I exclaim, trying to get the message through this thick skull.

He looks at me aghast. "What do you mean 'I got us in here'?" I retrain the urge to roll my eyes, or slap him. "I was literally pulled into a wall of code. And if I am correct, it was code that you were supposed to fix." I announce as my check mate.

Error hangs his head down, and I can't tell if it is from defeat or just because he is already fed up with me. "Yeah, I really thought I was getting close to figuring it out. But then I just blacked out and woke up here." He says, not even trying to address my anger.

"You don't even know how you got here?" I claim, trying to think through what he just said. The fact that he just "blacked out" sounds shady, especially since I was pulled into this situation. "No, not really. It's not every day that I see corrupt code infecting the original universe!" He shouts, trying to defend himself.

Now we are both irritated.

"What was the last thing you remember before waking up here?" I ask, trying real hard not to just start accusing him of anything. "I was just trying to piece together the code to fix it."

"Okay, now that sounds suspicious." I blatantly point out. "What do you mean I sound suspicious?" His voice begins to glitch. "You were just 'piece the code together'? What does that even mean? If anything you could be working with that corrupted Sans and you are just holding me in here so I can't do anything to stop you!"

"You think I actually know what's going on?"

"I'm not saying you know what's going on, but I have to assume that you are somehow involved!"

The door swings open, right before Error can respond.

The Sans we were just arguing about walks in.

"LeT's gO."

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