Collapse: Chapter 2

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I'm not feeling any better when I enter the classroom. I just feel tired and cold.

At this point, though, I don't think I ever "feel tired" - it's practically a permanent state of being.

I take my seat and pull out my phone, double-taking when I see the time.

I... I came to school an hour early. How... Dammit.

I look up just as the door slides open and my ever-tired teacher walks in. He doesn't notice me, which makes me wonder how awake he really is.

"Morning," I murmur, and his head turns to look at me.

"Why are you here so early? It's 5 in the morning." His eyes narrow. "You went to bed at almost 3. (L/N) (Y/N), did you only get two hours of sleep?"

I slump in my seat like a guilty dog, avoiding eye contact. "I didn't mean to. I didn't even bother looking at the time when I woke up."

"Take a nap, kid."

"I'm not tired," I mumble.

"The bags under your eyes prove otherwise."

"Those are always there, they prove nothing. Besides, you have no room to talk."

"Actually, I slept for seven hours. Five in the afternoon to midnight." He still looks tired. He always looks tired. Maybe he's stuck in the permanent state of exhaustion, just like me.

"Well, aren't you lucky?" My sarcasm is fatal.

"Did you ever finish your homework?" he asks, looking vaguely annoyed and amused.

"I did, actually. Even Present Mic's, and I hardly ever do his on time."

"Well, aren't you lucky?" He mocks me.

"I haven't gotten detention once. I prefer to keep it that way. Besides, it's not like being in the Hero Course is just something that happens every day. I worked my way here, and I'm not going to get kicked out just because my motivation and sleep schedule is shit."


"Japanese, thanks."

"Listen to music or something, I have papers to grade and I can't waste any more time on pointless arguments with you."


"Fine," he repeats back.

I pull out my phone and, oh, what do you know, it's fucking dead.

"Of fucking course it is."



I sit with my two friends during the break between classes. Everyone in class is so upbeat and loud. Tokoyami and Shouji are the only ones I can really stand.

"Did you get a new bracelet?" I ask, looking at Tokoyami's wrist. He holds his hand up, pulling back his sleeve a bit.

"Yes, I liked the purple crystal ball in the middle," he says, twisting it so I can see. It's pretty.

"Oh, that's cool. Hot Topic, right?"

"Where else?" Shouji pitches in. Tokoyami rolls his eyes.

As his eyes land on me again, he narrows them at my neck and shakes his head in disapproval.

After a few minutes of waiting, Present Mic waltzes into the classroom, as energetic as ever. He's cool, just... loud. Everyone settles into their seats and he begins talking, his usual greetings and check-up questions before the actual lesson starts.

We're about halfway through the lesson when I see Tokoyami look at my hand from the corner of my eye. He looks up at my face and then mumbles,

"You need to tell someone"

I pull my white collar up a bit, resting my head on my hand. My wrist hurts, and it's probably from the bruising. I think it's swollen.

"Just drop it, Fumi."

"I can't. This has gone too far. Your pare-"

I stand from my seat abruptly and attract the attention of every student in the class. I look at my friend with a small glare, though I don't really mean to.

"Not right now, okay?" I say before walking out of the room.

Present Mic calls after me and rushes into the hallway.

"Hey, hey! What's up, kiddo? You upset? What's got ya' down? You need a minute?"

"... Yeah. I'll be back in a bit. Sorry for interrupting."

"That's okay!" He grins at me. He always grins at me, like I could do no wrong.

I walk past him, but not before he gently places a hand on my shoulder and looks me in the eye, genuine worry in his eyes.

Don't look at me like that. God, please don't worry about me.

"Aizawa's in the teachers' lounge if you need anyone to talk to about things. I know you trust him a lot." His voice is a lot softer. I appreciate Present Mic so much.

"I'll... think about it." He pats my shoulder before going back into the classroom with a loud, "Now where were we?"

I head to the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I breathe deeply, taking off my jacket and unbuttoning the two top buttons. I find the foundation in the hidden pocket in my blazer and start applying around my wrist and neck. These should be the only ones.

God, all this energy, wasted.

I button up my shirt and put my jacket over my shoulders, leaving the bathroom.

I want to take Present Mic's advice and go talk to Aizawa, but I don't want to bother him right now. I'm tired, though. A nap sounds so nice.

I don't have to debate for long because I'm soon face-to-chest with my homeroom teacher. I roll my head back and sigh.

"You're in my way," I say, bored.

"Present Mic texted me that you weren't feeling well. You look awful."

"Uh... Yeah." I rub my eyes, sighing. "Sorry, I'm not very focused right now."

"You look like you could use a serious nap."

"I could always use a serious nap." He chuckles at my statement.

"Come on, you can take a nap on the couch in the teachers' lounge. All Might teaches Hero Training by himself today so I'm out. I'll be grading papers in there."

I debate in my head for a bit before nodding, letting my head drop forward. He turns back the way he came and I grab the back of his shirt as I close my eyes and we both start walking. He leads me silently as I preserve as much energy as possible.

Aizawa leads me to the couch in the lounge and I practically collapse onto it. I tug the blanket from the back of the couch over me and all goes dark in my head.

Perhaps a Better Place [A Dadzawa Story]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon