Dull: Chapter 31

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"I'll see ya' tomorrow, (Y/N)-San! Have a great day!"

I smile softly from the open doorway. "You, too. Get home safe."

"I'll try!" he says jokingly.

We both wave goodbye and he starts walking back the way we came, and I shut the door.

"Was that Kirishima?" Aizawa asks from inside the house somewhere.

I walk inside after slipping off my shoes.

"He insisted on walking me back. I tried convincing him to stay home, but he's persistent." I sigh.

I hear Yamada laugh as I walk from the mudroom to the breakfast bar.

Aizawa holds Bastard like a baby, scratching his fluffy belly and giving him kisses on the head. Yamada-San stands with a mug of something hot, Kami on his shoulder. Aizawa leans on the counter while Yamada sits up on it.

I briefly acknowledge Yamada's hair pulled back and little red things in his ears.

"Did you have fun, though?" he asks as I sit down.

"It was alright, yeah. I'll definitely be going back."

Aizawa and Yamada-San share a look, which almost seems knowing.

Very parental-like.

Bastard squirms around and Aizawa lets him go. He lands on his feet and trots out of the kitchen, up next to my stool.

"What's goin' on, Chubs? I don't have anything for you."

He stands on his hind legs and reaches his front legs up, hooking his claws into my pants. He stretches, scratching my legs with his sharp claws.

I hiss and reach down, pulling him up. I place him on the breakfast bar in front of me.

"Fat bastard man, you hurt me. Apologize."

He stares into my eyes for a solid ten seconds before moving forward, gently touching his nose to my own.

"True love's kiss," I say with a grin, kissing the top of his head.

"You insult him constantly, there's no way he's your true love," Yamada scoffs.

"Bold of you to assume that my love language isn't insulting people," I chuckle, scratching his back. He meows and flops on his side, then rolls so he's showing his stomach.

I happily scratch his belly.

"He needs a bath," Aizawa mumbles.

"Why?" I ask.

"He smells like garbage because he likes knocking over the trash can and crawling inside of it," Yamada answers bitterly.

"Ahh, so he's smelly fat bastard man."

"Nooo!" Yamada borderline whines. "You're so mean to him!"

Aizawa chuckles, walking over.

I laugh as Yamada-San swats at Aizawa's arm.

"Don't encourage her. You two are such bullies," he scolds playfully, scooping the cat up into his arms. "I am going to bathe him like the king he is."

"Can I help?" I ask, poking Bastard's paw.

Yamada smiles. "Sure, but I'm gonna warn you; Bastard hates water."


I changed into an over-sized hoodie and a pair of basketball shorts. Aizawa told me to change into clothes that I wouldn't mind ruining, so these are what I pulled from the depths of my dresser.

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