Leaks: Chapter 52

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     I land on one of the taller rock towers, taking a moment to catch my breath.

And quickly wipe the stray tear from my face that absolutely does not slip from my eye.

Looking around, I quickly try to decipher the best course of action. There's jumping but that's a little dangerous, also too much quirk usage and I risk passing out too soon into the event.

I could crawl across each rope individually, as I'm sure most people will, but that's too time-consuming if I plan on keeping my spot.

I could "fall" and use the towers to pinball my way to the other side. Quick and not as draining as jumping up repeatedly. But also dangerous.

I walk to the rope and place my foot on it, testing how my weight affects the taughtness.

I chew on the inside of my lip, then let it go as a proverbial lightbulb turns on in my brain.

I back up, peeking over my shoulder so I don't step right off the edge of the platform.

Just as I step forward to start running, I hear a loud shout and turn around.

I watch in awe as a girl with steam punk-style gear flies through the air, attached to a thin cable that's connected to the tower below her.

She yells something that I tune out completely, focusing on my own plan.

I pivot and start again, running to the edge of the platform and positioning my first foot perfectly on the rope.

I squint as my other foot comes forward, planting the same way.

"Physics... don't fail me now."

I zone in on the cable and foot placement, carefully planting my feet as I run across the line.

"WELL, THAT SURE LOOKS FAMILIAR!" Present Mic announces. Then, teasingly, "Any thoughts, Eraserhead?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"HAHA, sure you don't!"

I continue across several more cables, only stopping every once in a while to check the progress of those behind me. Pretty much everyone has started their journey across the chasm.

Over halfway across the final cable, there's an incredibly loud explosion that shifts the position of the tower behind me. The cable shifts, I miss a step, and I fall forward.

It's slow motion.

I flail my arms and hook my knee around the cable, desperate to not fall and be disqualified. Just as I put my hands on the ground to catch myself, my face smacks against the floor and all I hear is the sound of someone punching styrofoam.

The pain is blinding immediately and I don't even have the sense to scream.

I keep my one leg hooked over the cable as my body falls and dangles over the abyss below for several seconds. My brain processes what's happening at a snail's pace.

Blood trickles down the back of my throat and blocks my airways, which kicks my body into overdrive. I pull myself up using pure core strength, grabbing the rough terrain at the end of the obstacle and hauling myself onto flat land.

I crawl off to the side, letting blood pour from my nose and onto the dirt below. I cringe, which hurts horribly, and that's what finally tears a wet, sticky sob from my bloody throat.

I bring a hand up and touch my nose, jerking my head back as I touch the area around my eyes. I peel open my eyes and the sheer amount of blood I see makes me wanna vomit.

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