Cracks: Chapter 49

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     The night before the festival, Nemuri had to come over after dinner and use her quirk on me to ensure that I'd sleep through the night. After five panic attacks within the span of two days, I didn't want to risk a restless night before the day that would determine the rest of my time spent at UA.

     When I wake up, I'm in the same position I was in when I laid down. Which is a surprise, because I move a ridiculous amount in my sleep.

     I throw off my blanket and stand, stretching my legs and back and arms. I look myself up and down in the mirror briefly, then proceed to undress and change into a long-sleeved black shirt and a pair of dark grey leggings. I tie my hair back and run my finger over the scar on the back of my neck.

     I hold my hand over it as I grab my phone from my nightstand. Walking out to the kitchen, Aizawa is bandaged again (he usually un-mummifies himself when he's home), in his hero attire, and sitting at the breakfast table. Yamada dances around the kitchen, also in his hero attire, making a breakfast that smells amazing. My stomach grumbles and I sit down.

     "You're up early," I tell Aizawa, elbowing him playfully. He grunts and I smile. "So what are you doing?"

     "I'm in the booth this year," he grumbles. Then, with venom, "with him."

     Yamada turns around with an almost evil smile, waving his spatula around, which takes from the effect. "You love me. We're gonna have a blast, Sho. You'll see."

     I can practically hear Aizawa's eyes roll.


     I text my various friends the entire way to the stadium. I'll be getting there earlier, as my guardians need to be there earlier to set up, therefore dragging me along.

     I feel bad for Sero, honestly. His quirk isn't flashy so he's upset that it'll be hard for him to stand out. But I think he's got a strong chance.

     Kirishima isn't too worried, but he knows it's hard for him to stand out in challenges that aren't focused on sheer strength, so he's nervous about what they'll give us this year.

     Tokoyami says he's not nervous, but I know quirk discrimination is a very prominent issue in his life, and the same for Shouji. I haven't talked to Shouji much, as detaching from people for a bit before large events is his way of calming his nerves.

     Ashido and Kaminari are... excited. They are so incredibly excited. My phone was constantly buzzing with texts from the both of them. But I silently suspect that they use their excitement to mask their nerves.

     Jirou is an odd case. She seems excited one minute, worried the next, self-conscious, confident, back to excited, anxious, nauseous - she's a flurry of anxiety and I relate to that.

     But we're all gonna kick ass anyway.


As we walk onto the grounds, Aizawa and Yamada are approached by a few faces that I've seen on the news. Mountain Girl? And... Tree Man.

"Hey, Mt. Lady! Kamui!" Oh. Yeah, them.

"Where's Death Arms?" Aizawa asks them, sounding annoyed.

"He's just running a little late," Kamui assures. "He will be here very soon."

I ignore the rest of the conversation in favor of looking around at the different vendors, some selling food and some selling plushes of different heroes.

I walk up to one of the vendors and look at their plushes, seeing a lot of the more popular heroes. Towards the top, I spot a Present Mic plush and gasp with absolute joy.

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