Part 14: Words Fail

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i'm sorry in advance. this chapter is brought to you by a sleep deprived author who started writing this at 11:30pm. this will not be edited.


"ALL THIS FOR A BOX OF POP TARTS?" (or whatever food you want...I got a handful of comments saying 'I don't even like pop tarts' so i'm gonna try to make it up to you.) I yelled out on the rooftop patio.  It was early morning, the sun barely visible over the skyline of the city. 

I sunk down onto one of the chairs, pulling out my phone. Notifications were popping up left and right from the account I created for my alter ego. I scrolled through some of the messages, not bothering to reply to any of them. They're all basically the same message, just said in different ways. Sighing, I glance at the time shown on my phone. 8:03. 

I groan as I stand up from my chair, not too eager to go to school today. I jump back down into the shared bedroom to find no one there. Isabelle had left to return to New York sometime around 4 am (and I physically cannot be woken up that early by choice). Marinette was not in the room either, meaning she had to be in the kitchen, or getting ready somewhere. 

I quickly slipped on [random outfit of your choice] and styled my hair like I normally do. School today was going to be rough. My guess is that everyone is gonna be talking about 'the incident', plus it's Friday. that brings the crazy-meter up even higher. This will be interesting...

-skip to school bc im tired and wanna get this updated-

I stood hesitantly in front of the steps of school. Part of me wanted to just leave the campus and go home. however, I trudged forwards, knowing that I couldn't miss today. I walked up the steps and the second I entered the school, it was like a giant wall of questions and comments got thrown at me.

"Hey have you heard about what happened with Wolf and Chat?" "Have you seen the picture??" "If you zoom in enough on it, it looks like there's a box of pop tarts" "You think Chat and Wolf are dating?" "soooo Ladybug's a third wheel now?" 

I try to block out all these comments and zoom to my locker. As I turn the dial, Marinette casually leans against the locker next to mine. Not saying a word, I open my locker and gather my belongings. 

"So, you and Chat?" She stated nonchalantly. I brushed a stray strand of hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear. After grabbing my english book, I slammed my locker shut.

"Nope. I know its gonna sound crazy after seeing that picture, but it was a complete accident." I said, glancing around to make sure no one heard our conversation. Luckily for me, no one payed us any special attention. 

after a few seconds of skeptical looks, all she said was "sureeeeeeeeee... anyway, let's go to class. Don't wanna miss that quiz."

Uhggggggggg. Ew. of course, we walked into Ms.B's class like the good students we are, and lo-and-behold, written on the board: 



I sat in my respective seat and pulled out the needed materials. Next to me, Adrian was looking through his stuff. On a hunch, I slid an extra sheet of paper and a pencil across the table towards him. Since we weren't allowed to talk, he mouthed the words 'Thank you' to me. I replied with a nod and a smile. Ms.B got up from her desk and started passing out the quizzes. I quickly skimmed through the questions.

DISCONTINUED!! - Meant to be: Adrien Agreste x readerWhere stories live. Discover now