♥︎~ChapϮer SɨxϮεεɳ~♥︎

611 29 6

〜A Date?〜

The next morning, she woke up to a pair of intimidating eyes that stared at her. She flinched and was close to crying out in fear before she realized it was Sora. Calming her fast beating heart, Dahlia sat herself on the bed and smiled towards the (strange) boy.

"Karasu-san..." She smoothed the bed sheets while nervously looking at the male. "Do you need something?"

He continued to silently stare at her, examining her before roughly getting out of his seat.

"Are you fine."

Dahlia was shocked for a moment. His actions didn't match his words.

She softly smiled while nodding, "Yes, I'm quite fine today, Karasu-san." His eyebrows furrowed as he stared at her in thought. Dahlia's smile faltered at his narrowed gaze.

Is he upset with me?

Standing up, she stumbled her way towards him, until she was under his looming form. She peeked upwards to the strange boy, staring at him curiously. "Karasu-san?"

"Sora..." He suddenly mumbled. Puzzled, Dahlia stepped back. "Please, call me Sora..."

There was a certain pain that swam in his eyes, making Dahlia's heart ache for the poor boy. With a soft smile, she nodded at his request. "Yes, of course, Sora-kun."

He smiled softly, the look he once wore now replaced with a happier one.


She adjusted the waistline of the black pleated skirt of the Day Class uniform she once wore (in her short period of time as a day class student). Dahlia was a bit shaky on wearing the uniform skirt, especially when in just a matter of minutes, Kaname Kuran would be taking her out, out of the kindness of his heart, out to the town.

The others really look up to him as a model student and the head of the Night Class. I don't want to embarrass him by looking... She sighed quietly instead of finishing her trail of thought.

She indeed found it weird that she had to borrow Yuki's clothes when she regained consciousness. Somehow, she couldn't question the headmaster or anyone for the matter about her lack of clothing or possessions here.

Was she maybe not really materialistic? Or was she too absorbed into a certain thing that she neglected to have a need for anything?

Maybe if I remember, I'll get a better understanding of myself. With the optimistic thought, she smiled to herself and finished up dressing.

There was a knock when she reached for the knob. Surprised, she opened the door to a familiar brunette male that smiled down at her.

"Kaname-san, good morning." She greeted. He silently watched her close her door and then look back up to him.

It took a few seconds until the pureblood broke his deep concentration and instead, flashed a soft smile to the petite teen. "All ready to go?" She nodded in response.


She was unaware of his intense gaze on her. As they passed by various shops, she became distracted by gazing into the building through the window. The male vampire close to her kept a close eye on her and tried to decipher what occurred the night before.

That child... There's no mistaking it, that was her younger self.

He faintly noticed the purple marking hidden on her neck.

But why? How?

Blue eyes stared up at him, confusion written in them. It took him a second to register what she said before he put a smile in place and placed a hand on her lower back. A slight blush bloomed in her cheeks at the sudden touch from him, allowing him to guide her in her daze.

He took her to a fountain in the middle of the town where he left her for a moment. Dahlia stared at her knees, patiently waiting for her companion. There was a certain unsettling feeling in the back of her mind. Maybe it was the unfamiliar scenery around her that gave rise to chances of her being approached by a stranger or something, but she tried distracting herself.

She flinched when a hand appeared before her eyes. Looking up, she met a familiar pair of brown eyes that looked down on her.

Kaname smiled at her while offering his hand to her. She took his help and stumbled into him when he didn't move. Instead he watched her buried into his chest with hands intertwined.

"A-Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to–" He silenced her with a simple brush of his free hand past her cheek, he touched her hair. "It's alright."

Dahlia felt weight in the place he touched, and felt for herself a pin on her hair. She stared questioningly up at him.

"I hope you'll allow me to get closer to you, dear Dahlia."

"C-Closer?!" She was lost. What did he mean? Why was he saying this? What?!

Kaname drew closer and lifted her face to gaze up at him, a small smile in place. "I would like to court you, if that is alright with you? Ever since I first saw you... my heart can't seem to be still when you're far from me. I wish for us to be able to evolve to being lovers."

The girl's face heated up as she processed the words. Lovers?! Looking away, she couldn't come up with a single response.

"Come let's continue our date." He pulled away and began to lead her elsewhere. She silently followed, her mind far from her at the moment.



Dahlia sat at her desk and fingered the hair pin she took out of her hair. The small white flowers clustered together were in her line of sight but not in her thoughts.

What did he mean by... courting and being lovers? I dont know him, or well I'm not sure if I know him. Pursuing her lips, she rested her head on the desk and continued to go off into her thought.

... but a relationship?! Her heart sped up at the mere thought of being with someone more intimately. I-I don't know how to deal with this bu-but I can try to get to know him better... Right?

Embarrassed, Dahlia flushed at the events from earlier that day.


Kaname Kuran swirled a wine glass in his hand, watching the red liquid in the night. With glowing red eyes, he took a sip and watched through his window, looking at the two line figures outside.

Taking a sip, he closed his eyes and listened to the heartbeat of the person just next door.


Alive. She was alive and just where he needed her. Right by his side.

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