♥︎~ChapϮεɽ Ɲɨɳε~♥︎

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Kaname calmly sat on the victorian chair in his room while reading a thick book. His eyes slowly scanning the pages before stopping at the sound of footsteps. Immediately, the door swung open and there stood Takuma.

Kaname stared up at him, studying him as the blonde boy hurried over him.

"Kaname, we have a problem."

"What is it, Takuma?"

The blonde bit his lip as he looked nervously at him. "We- She- He..." he paused as he tried to calm himself. "A Day Class student knows our secret Kaname!"

Kaname' eyes widened as he looked up at Takuma.

Dahlia groggily turned to her side and looked up at Kaien who searched in a cabinet filled with pill bottles. He turned when he noticed she was awake, and flashed her a smile.

"Dahlia~, my dear daughter, you're awake." He twirled himself over to the girl and raised a hand to her face.

"How long was I out?"

"It's already nighttme." He informed her. Her big blue eyes widened as they looked up to the clock. It was almost midnight!

"But-" They were interrupted by a sudden knock on the infirmary's door. Pausing, Kaien walked over to the door and examined the young man before him. "Oh? What brings you here today. Kaname?"

Kaname? Why does that name feel so familiar...?

"Sure come on in." Dahlia snapped out of her thoughts and looked over to a man walking into the room.

He was tall, dressed in the Night Class uniform with long brown hair. He was handsome, someone who was to good to be real, she had to admit that.

Dahlia stared up at the man, a light blush tinting her pale cheeks. Shyly, she looked up and met with familiar red-brown colored eyes. Her eyes widened as did his.

"Dahlia...?" She gasped and suddenly felt light headed. Her body undulated and fell back onto the bed.
A young girl sat in bed as she looked out her bedroom window. She saw her older twin sister run in the backyard as she laughed. Their father chased after her with a large smile in place. Feeling her heart break at the scene before her, she forced a smile when she saw her sister look up at her direction and wave.

Once her sister looked away, the young girl was able to catch sight of their mother exitting to go play with the two outside. A smile grazed the older woman's lips as she crouched down and held her hands out open to her running child.

Biting her lip, the younger sibling looked away and reached out towards her recent book. Smiling to her self, she snuggled into her stuffed animal and opened the book.

A knock suddenly caught her attention. Jumping, she looked over to the door that slowly opened and revealed a young boy, just years older than her. He had long dark brown hair that almost reached his shoulders and bigh red-brown eyes. He flashed her a smile as he walked closer to her.

"... are you feeling any better?" He asked. The younger girl meekly nodded while shutting her book close and placing it on her small lap.

"Yeah." She softly smiled at him. Nodding, he walked closer to her and brushed a hand through her long wavy hair that were held in two pigtails.

"I'm glad." She blushed harder as he rubbed a hand over her cheek. Her lips parted, her voice inaudible when she spoke his name.

"-nii-sama..." She whispered softly.


Fluttering her eyes open, Dahlia stared at the light above her.

Where am I?

Lifting her hand to her head, she clutched her throbbing temple, and stared at Kaien who was by her side.

"Dahlia! How are you feeling?!"

She softly bit her lip to suppress a groan. "I-I'm fine." She replied. Kaien gave her a worried look before sighing in slight relief.

"Dahlia, if you ever feel sick or feel even the tiniest bit unwell, don't hesitate to come to me, Yuuki, or Zero, alright?"

"A-Ah! Yes, Headmaster." She quickly nodded, stopping when her head suddenly throbbed. He softly chuckled before handing her a glass of water.

"Here, drink this."

She smiled at him as she took it. "Thank you." She softly said.

Kaien scrutinized the girl. It won't hurt if I asked.

"Do you know a Kaname Kuran?"

The young female paused, her blue eyes trailing over to the older man. "Kaname... Kuran?" She whispered. She immediately shook her head. "I'm sorry, I don't think I do."

"I see... Well then, just rest easy today, then, we don't want to have you collapsing again now."

A light blush grew across her cheeks. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I-"

"It's alright, Dahlia, I was only teasing. I just want you to take it slow for today." He softly smiled.

Dahlia's blush darkened. "I'm sorry..."

Patting her head, Kaien left her to rest (despite her having enough of it already) and promised to come later.

In the dark silence that she now faced, she closed her eyes. Soft, almost inaudible footsteps resonated outside. The door slowly opened an in stepped a dark figure. They stared at the resting female and quietly shifted closer to her, reaching a hand to her hair.

Fluttering her eyes open, a blurred vision of a tall man looming over her appeared.


She slowly blinked, her vision becoming more focused and her mind clearing up on its haziness.

"Oh, Zero." She sleepily whispered. The silver-haired male stared down at her, letting go of her hand quickly.

"The Headmaster told me to come and get you for breakfast."

"O-Oh, thanks."

Zero watched carefully as the female teen got up and headed to the door. Nii-Sama? Is she maybe remembering her past slowly? I don't think she's aware of it though... I'll have to talk to the Headmaster.

Behind him, a pair of glowing red eyes shined through the window, the dark creature watching the two.

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