♥︎~ChapϮεr ƮhɨrϮεεɳ~♥︎

888 32 1

〜New  Students〜

I wonder how Yuuki, Headmaster, and Zero have been? She stared out of the window in wonder. I really do hope to see them soon...

"Dahlia." She became startled by the sudden knock and quickly looked to Kaname who was at her doorway.

"Y-Yes?" She quickly turned her attention to him.

He stared at her for a few seconds, before he moved towards her. "I've come to take you out into town."

"Town?" Her eyes widened. She never has set foot outside of the academy before– well from what she can remember, but the idea of going outside excited her.

Maybe I can bring something back for Yuuki and Zero, and the Headmaster!

"Dahlia?" She snapped out of her thoughts. A large smile began to grow, and quickly, she shot out of her seat.

"Are we really going outside and into town?!"

The Pureblood softly chuckled. "Yes, dear Dahlia." His finger brushed against her cheek. She blushed under his intimate touch.

"Okay!" She adorned a wide smile. With so much excitement, she got onto her two feet and hurriedly put her papers away.


There was a certain bubbly feeling that surged within her. Her eyes widened in amazement towards all the shops they passed, that Dahlia failed to notice Kaname's heavy gaze on her.

"What is this? Is this one of those cafes?!" The two currently stood in front of a building with tables, chairs, and parasols for shade, just outside of the building, by glass windows. He chuckled.

Kaname wrapped his arm around her waist and directed her into the shop, and led her to a spot while trying to keep her from straying.

"Why don't you pick a good spot for us to sit?" Her blue eyes widened, and quickly, she bounded off towards a random direction.

After minutes of settling into a small table, Dahlia marveled at the area around her. The air smelled... like coffee! She squirmed in her seat with so much eagerness that she became afraid she would burst.

"Are you... Okay?"

Kaname stared at her worryingly. Was she getting sick? Maybe she was–

"A-Ah! No, no, no. I'm okay. Really. I just– I was–" she played with her fingers and looked down towards her lap, "I-I think I'll be going to the restroom for a se-second. Please excuse me!" She hurried off.

The male Pureblood stared after her, a bit surprised and amused.


Water droplets fell from her chin before being absorbed by the paper towel. With a small sigh of relief, Dahlia exited the restroom, calmer than before.

I can't believe I did that... I was to happy that I wasn't able to stop myself from embarrassing myself like that. What– What if Kaname things I'm a weirdo now? Oh my.

Her gaze landed on the sudden tall body that appeared from around the hallway corner. Her shorter form collided with someone else's. She flinched, clearly surprised, and immediately, began to shoot out a long string of apologies.

Quickly, she fled the scene and hurried over towards the table.

Coming back, she was greeted by the large varieties of pastries.

Her eyes widened, and she practically drooled at the sight before her.

"Please," Her eyes went towards Kaname whose gaze was deeply concentrated on her own, "Eat to your fullest content." He smiled. Astonished, the female before him nodded.

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