♥︎~ChapϮεr Ʈωεɭⱴε~♥︎

900 31 4

〜Only  a  Dream〜

With a few wheezes, the small girl staggered on her own two feet before collapsing onto the floor. Her small hands clutched onto the fabric of her gown as she tried to relieve herself of the discomfort.

There was soft taps that echoed down the dark hallway, alerting the small girl.

With so much haste, she tried to fight through the wheezes and stand up. She moved like a newborn fawn, unstable on her own two feet.

"Oh dear... Who is that? Ms. ------?! Ms. ------! Are you okay?" A pair of hands landed on her shoulders. Tears blurred the little girl's vision, causing her to not know who was before her.

"Ma... Ma?"

"Oh dear child, I'm afraid that your parents are both out for the night."

There was a small silence, and the little girl could only feel the hands of the woman softly patting her. Soon, her wheezes ceased to come, and the little girl was left with the pain in her lungs.

"Come now, little miss, let's get you into bed."

A pair of large wrinkly hands latched onto the small chubby ones.

There was a darkness that suddenly came. Dahlia let out a small gasp, uncertain of what was going.

She sat on the floor, slightly out of breath.

W-What was that?!

Dahlia looked down at her shaking hands. Small droplets of water fell onto her skin, leaving a slight warmth in it wake. Her fingertips skimmed her lower eyelid and felt the wetness that coated it.

Crying... I'm crying. But why?

There was a small tap on her shoulder.

Looking towards her right, she met a small girl that looked so frail and tiny, wearing a cotton dress.

"Are you alright?"

Dahlia nodded, wiping away her tears. She stared at the child who was now crouching in front of her. Her head fell to one side and big blue eyes stared widely at the teen.

"Where am I?" Dahlia meekly asked.

There was a prideful glint in her eyes as she quickly stood up.

"This is my room!"

The teenager's eyes widened in surprise before slowly looking at her surroundings. When did she get here? How? Why?

"This is a dream."

Her attention went to the girl sitting on her bed.

"I see," Dahlia murmured to herself.

"What's your name?" The girl asked.

With a soft smile, Dahlia looked at her. "My name is Dahlia... Dahlia Cross. What is yours?"

"My name is ------! Pleasure to make your acquaintance." She curtsied.

I couldn't catch her name. Dahlia frowned. "I'm sorry, what was your name again?"

The little toddler only gave a smile, "I am ----—"

"What are you doing out of bed?"

The two jumped and looked at an older woman, clad in a blue dress with a cream colored apron tied around her body.

Dread came over the teen as she stared at the woman. What was she to do? Should she explain her situation? How she doesn't know where she is or how she got here and that the little girl was helping her? Maybe the woman would understand and the child wouldn't get in trouble.

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