♥︎~ChapϮεɽ Ʈεɳ~♥︎

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The Unexpected

"At a party?" Dahlia asked.

Kaien nodded. "Yes, they should be due back in an hour."

Smiling, Dahlia bounced on the balls of her feet. "Do you mind if I meet them when they come back?"

"Not at all, feel free to do that, just remember to wear a coat, it's very cold outside."

Her eyes widened as she nodded, "Yes! Thank you!"

Smiling at her, he watched her giddily leave his office.

Dahlia peered outside the window of the Chairman's guest bedroom, hoping to see Yuuki and Zero. When she caught sight of silver hair, she immediately slipped on her slippers and hurriedly exited the building, passing a tall, odd man on her way.


She called out. Zero snapped his head to the young female and stared wide-eyed as she came closer.


"I wanted to meet you guys when you came back. The headmaster told me that you two went to a party held in one of the dorms  is Yuuki still over there enjoying herself? You should have stayed as well, you could have had more fun-"

She stumbled over her foot and fell onto Zero who caught her. Blushing, she stared up at him as he set her properly. "Ah, sorry and thank you." She softly smiled.

Dahlia then came to notice a troubled look that Zero had that soon vanished.

"You should be in bed already."

"I'm sorry, I really wanted to join you on your way back... Should I have not done that?"


"Zero!" Yuuki suddenly called out from behind him. Peering over his arm, Dahlia smiled at Yuuki who came closer, noticing that she was slightly out of breath and looked as though she ran a lot.

"Are you okay?" She asked Yuuki.

"Y-Yeah... Wait- Zero! Why did you run off in such a hurry?! I was really worried, you know."

Zero glared at the short-haired female before sighing. Dahlia looked bemusedly at Zero, before reaching a hand to his pale cheek.

"Zero... Are you really okay?"

Yuuki's eyes widened. Did she perhaps know? The secret that Zero had hidden for so long and the one that had finally been told to me... That can't be true!  She hasn't been here long enough like I have! She-

Yuuki froze, frowning at the sudden rush of bitter thoughts. Where did they come from? This wasn't her, couldn't be. What was going on?! Dahlia is only worried about Zero like any other person would be.

"Yuuki?" Snapping her attention to the two teens, Yuuki flashed them a slight smile.

"Sorry, what was that?"

"Are you okay? You zoned out for a while..." Dahlia said, worried. Nodding quickly, she bounced on her heels.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just was thinking of how nice the party was."

"Come on, Dahlia..." Zero muttered. Looking back at him, Dahlia stammered and apology as Zero suddenly dragged her away.

Yuuki stared after them, ignoring the dark feeling that bit deep into her heart.

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