"Yeah, and I don't remember dad much. What if grandma dies before I even get to know her, and the only person closest to dad in this world leaves before I can get the closure I need? Grandma, come back! GRANDMA NOOOOO!" I yell.

I really want my brother to come with us! He stares at me for a few seconds, and his face falls slightly.

Got him.

"Okay, all right! I'll come with you guys. I guess I gotta call Beifong. She's not going to be happy," he says and walks of.

"Good job, sis!" Bolin exclaims

He high fives me, then we race to the airship.

This is going to be perfect.


Did I say perfect? I mean an absolute disaster!

We found our first airbender, and he thought it was cool that he could airbend now... But I guess someone forgot to tell him that because of his new found ability, we were planning to take him to the air temples to teach him all about the airbending culture.. But he declined. Actually, it ended in a huge argument between him and Tenzin. His kids were crying, his wife was yelling, and pie was being thrown. It was a nightmare! On the brightside, dinner was delicious.

Today we've discovered a new airbender, and his name is Ryu. His mom is delightful, but Ryu? Can't stand him. He's lazy, he has a bad attitude, and as a 22 year old, I can tell his mom was ecstatic to finally have him leave her basement where he probably spends his time sleeping till one in the afternoon and playing card games that have to do with magic and dragons. He's like Bolin if Bolin were an awful person.

"So, you're like the Avatar or something. Big deal," Ryu says to Korra.

Ugh, what is wrong with him?

"Uh, I just wanted to talk to you about an opportunity."

Korra is going to flip.

"Yeah, I heard you talking to my mom, and I'm not interested."

"Well, you're gonna be interested," Korra says as she grabs Ryu aggressively by his collar. She airbends a chair out from under a table and throws him in it.

I called it.

"You're an airbender now, and you have a responsibility as a citizen of the world."

"Whatever," Ryu says nonchalantly, annoying all of us. "I didn't ask to become an airbender, you know."

Korra scoffs, "Well, I didn't ask to be the Avatar, but I am and I'm fulfilling my duties," she tells him.

"So? You don't have to."

"Yes, I do have to."

"No, you don't."

I rest my head on Bolin's arm. I think we're going to be here for a while. Why wouldn't he want to come with us? To get such a cool element that not many people have... He should feel lucky! To be honest, being able to bend an element is great. Don't get me wrong, nonbenders are awesome. You know who was a nonbender? Master Sokka, and he was a master swordsman and a boomerang enthusiast! Asami is a nonbender, too, and she's the coolest person I know! My point is, being a bender is cool, and now he gets to have the best of both worlds.

"Yes, I do!" Korra continues to argue.

"No, you don't."

"Well," Korra sighs. "If I didn't embrace my role, then our entire world could be thrown into chaos. Think about that! Is that what you want?"

"Maybe," he answers.

So help me..

"No, it's not!"

"So what? Who cares?" He responds and rolls his eyes.

"Everyone cares!" I snap.

I'm sorry, he's just... So.. Ugh!

"I don't care."

I jump a little when Korra suddenly stands up and slams the table with her fists. I knew she'd break. It's not smart to cross the Avatar.

"Yes, you do!" She yells at Ryu.

"No, I don't."

"Well, you're about to care you little slacker, because you're coming with me!"

My eyes pop out of my head when I see Korra grab Ryu by the collar again and drag him out of the house.

"Stop pulling on my collar! You're stretching it out! Mom, are you just gonna let her take me?!" I can hear Ryu yell.

I, Bolin, and Mako look at each other and then dash towards Korra who is still dragging Ryu.

"I think it's a great opportunity. Just try it for a week and see how it goes," his mother pushes.

"No! Let me go!" Ryu screeches and releases a blast of air from his hands, propelling himself back into the house.

Korra is left at the door holding on to the two halves of his ripped jacket. I cannot believe how far this has escalated- I mean, I guess I can, but still. I kinda feel bad for him. I'd be scared if Korra was coming after me.

"That's it!" Korra yells.

She tries to walk back into the house, but Mako and Bolin each grab her by the arm and start to pull her away.

"Korra, enough!" Mako tries to calm her down, but of course she isn't listening.

I get it, I'm mad, too, and he wasn't even talking to me!

"Let's get out of here!" Bolin says.

I feel bad about Korra almost killing her son. I should apologize...

"I am so sorry about my friend, but that's the Avatar for ya. So, so.. Dedicated!" I say and awkwardly smile at Ryu's mother. "It was nice to meet you! Good luck with your son!"

I run out the house and catch up to Bolin who's behind Mako who is still trying to calm Korra down. I sigh and wipe the sweat from my brow.

"Welp, that was a nightmare."


Elegance (An LOK Story)(Major Editing in Process)Where stories live. Discover now