"Well I mean, it wasn't like I was hiding it. I don't eat much, and get "sick" often. I mean I try not to just attack people, I get my blood, when I need it, from KQ." he said while putting plates on the table. The others are being silent as Jungho puts the food out for everyone, and motions for us to sit, so Wooyoung came over to the bathroom.


"Hey Sannie! Food is ready!" he yells to me through the door after knocking. I sigh, and rinse off before getting out. I put on my underwear, pants, and a t-shirt before I leave the room with a towel on my head, so I can dry my hair as I sit down.

"Oh my god, San, did you know SeongHwa was a vampire?!" Wooyoung yelled. I scrunch my face at how loud he is so early.

"Yeah, I heard, plus it wasn't like he hid it." I say as I pick up my spoon. SeongHwa and Jungho made some kimchi fried rice for breakfast. It is a bit unusual, but it tastes good.

"Wait, you heard?" Yunho asks, a bit dumbfounded. I nod and sigh as I finish a mouthful of food.

"My familiar was watching you guys while I was getting a shower. She likes to watch for me when it's about information I may need further down the line." I explain. Rose was like a protector, if something happened and she wasn't there she wouldn't forgive herself. I am happy that she helps me so much. She helps me realize that most of the things I think aren't true. Without thinking, I give her a quick pat as she sits next to me.

"Wait, you have a familiar?!" Wooyoung practically screams. The wolves, along with SeongHwa give him a very unhappy look. He slides down in his chair a little as he realizes that the members are mad.

"What have we told you about being so loud in the morning Woo?" HongJoong asks, looking over at the younger member.

"Sorry HongJoong hyung, but really. You have a familiar already?!" He asks after apologizing. I nod and try to move on from the question. I continue eating as I hear Lily come back up to Rose and they do a "tag out". Lily was now sitting next to me and Rose had gone out to watch and make sure that nobody was skulking around the house.

"Is having a familiar uncommon at your age?" SeongHwa asks.

"Yeah, you don't usually get a familiar until like, your mid 20's, I mean, unless..." Wooyoung trails off as he realizes what that means.

"What, Wooyoung hyung? Unless what?" Jungho asks while he was eating. Wooyoung just shook his head and looked down at his food, shoving it around.

"Never mind, I don't remember," he mumbles. The others look at each other as we eat in silence. They seem to be curious but don't want to push the matter, at least most of them don't. I could see Mingi's confusion and then he seemed to get it from Wooyoung. That kid has no filters, not even set up in his head apparently.

"Wait, what?!" Mingi asks, trying not to yell. Wooyoung blushes as he realizes that Mingi now knows what he had been thinking and glares at him. After Wooyoung glares, it seems as though Mingi just shuts down.

After eating we all go to the living room to play games. All but Mingi and Wooyoung, who go to Mingi's room, most likely to talk about what Wooyoung refused to say at the table. Yunho grabs a game out for us to play, and we play for what seems like an hour before a very shocked Mingi and an annoyed Wooyoung came back from explaining.

"Are you okay Min?" Yunho asks Mingi as he comes back to the living room. He smiles and whispers to Yunho.

"I'll tell you later" was all he whispers, before Yeosang asks if we can all watch a movie. Wooyoung jumps up in his big goofy grin and puts in the idea to re-watch Frozen, we all love the movie, so why not. As we put the movie in I see SeongHwa sit with HongJoong, and Jungho move closer to Yeosang. I wasn't paying much attention to Yunho, so when I look up to see him and Mingi missing I don't think much of it. I look over at Wooyoung to see him with huge eyes, just enjoying himself as he watches the movie for what feels like the thousandth time. Before I know it the movie is over and I have almost no memory of it. I look up to see Yunho and Mingi coming back from our room, and Yunho seems upset.

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