Lev x Tall! Male Reader

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tbh I only like Lev cuz of his nickname- levochka 🥰
he's so dorky omg
presented by: the somewhat russian beauty, lev

tbh I only like Lev cuz of his nickname- levochka 🥰he's so dorky omgpresented by: the somewhat russian beauty, lev

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ra ra rasputin:

(insert username lmao):
yes bby?

ra ra rasputin:
i just wanted to say hi!!!
school just ended so I'm going to practice!!
and i haven't been able to talk to u today ^••^

hi sweetie! good luck at practice!
we'll talk in a bit, I promise!
( ˘ ³˘)( ˘ ³˘)( ˘ ³˘)

ra ra rasputin:
thank youuuu!!!!
love u ''

"Lev, stop texting your imaginary boyfriend!" Yaku yelled as he kicked the tall first-year's knees. "We gotta go!"

"He's not imaginary Yaku-san! I swear it!" Lev whined, putting his phone in his bag. He followed the rest of the team into the school gym. "He's just studying abroad! That's why you guys haven't met him!"

"Yeah, studying abroad," Kuroo snickered. "Where, in the back of your brain?"

Lev pouted and crossed his arms, not even bothering to try and convince his teammates anymore. It was true though; the boy did have a lover somewhere across the sea. (M/N) was studying in some other country and wasn't set to return until next year, when he was a third year and Lev was a second year. But none of Lev's teammates believed him, unfortunately. 'Whatever! I'll show them, one day!'

Practice went on as it usually did, until Lev got a phone call. At first he ignored it, trying to focus on his blocking instead. But after five more calls, the coach groaned and yelled at him to pick it up. "Hello?"

"Lev! I'm not bothering you, am I?"

"Oh, (M/N)!" Lev immediately perked up, grinning. "Uhm, I'm at practice, but our break is coming up soon! Maybe I can FaceTime you then?"

"Ooh, of course! So sorry baby! See you in a bit, okay?!"

"Y-Yeah! Bye!" Lev grinned, ending the call. Then, he stuck his tongue out at Kuroo and Yaku. "See?! He exists! You guys will get to see in a few minutes!" He exclaimed proudly, crossing his arms.

"Yeah yeah, we'll see," Kuroo snickered. "Get back to practice, then we'll take our break."
After about ten more minutes of practice, it was time for the break. Lev finished drinking his water, then grabbed his phone and sat down on one of the benches. "Let's see this boyfriend of yours, eh?" Kuroo teased as he walked by. Yaku snickered, walking with him.

Haikyuu x Male! Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now