28. Labor/ Delivery- Joshua 💜

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I am 39 weeks now. I am ready to have a home birth whenever the time comes. Everything is ready and under control for whenever the time comes. Me and Joshua are so ready to meet baby Olivia. It's just been Christmas too. We cannot wait to be parents. We hope she would be here now. When I have contractions we can call my midwife at anytime of the day. Joshua and I are making dinner together tonight. He sometimes does it himself but I want to help today as I feel like it. We are making chicken Alfredo. I don't really want anything too heavy or spicy with being this far in my pregnancy. Joshua is making the sauce and I'm doing the vegetables to go on the side. "How are you doing, honey?" Joshua asks. "Fine thanks" I reply. We wait for the chicken to cook and sit down for a bit. "Smells good already" Joshua said. "Yes it does. I'm looking forward to it" I say. "I'm glad you are" he smiles. Soon the chicken Alfredo was ready and Joshua and I sat down at the kitchen table to eat. "Ummmm so good" he said. "It is" I say. We had a nice dinner and we tidied and cleaned up after before we had sometime together. Joshua and I are snuggle up on the couch together. About an hour later I start to feel a small contraction coming on. "Are you okay, honey?" Joshua asks. "Yes I'll be fine" I reply. "Sweetie, you don't look okay" he said. "I think I just had a small contraction, Shua. I'll be okay though" I say. "Are you sure I don't need to call the midwife yet?" he said. "No no not till it gets worse" I reply. We time my contractions and wait for them to get worse before calling my midwife Amanda. She'll be here soon. My waters break the just before she arrives

Amanda arrives and examines me as soon as she's here. "Y/ N, you are now 5cm dilated. Could still be sometime before your baby girl is here" she said. "Okay, Amanda. You don't have to stay. We will call you when I'm about to give birth. You'll be here all night" I say. "No, Y/ N. Don't be silly. I'm your midwife and I'll be here with you till the end" Amanda said. "Thank you" I smile. We wait sometime till labor progressed. It took us into the night. Me and Joshua and I were both very tired but the thought of our daughter being born soon kept us awake. Joshua and Amanda stayed by my side. He wouldn't leave me not even to go to the bathroom or get himself a drink. At this point I had been in labor for more than 6 hours. Amanda kept on monitoring me. "7.5cm now, Y/ N" she said. "Okay. Do you think it could be a few more hours?" I ask. "Yeah most likely" Amanda replied. A few hours had passed and it was 4am in the morning. Still no sign of our beautiful girl but I am getting closer. Joshua fell asleep but I woke him up as I didn't want him to miss anything. "No long now, my love. Our beautiful little girl will be here very soon" he said. "Yeah hopefully" I reply. "It won't be long, Y/ N. I can reassure you" Amanda says. About an hour or so later and I was at the right stage to start pushing. I found that squatting on the floor was the most comfortable position for me. Amanda covered the floor with plastic sheets so it doesn't mess up. I leaned on Joshua as I started to push. I try to catch my breath between each push but I went breathless a few times. "You're about halfway there, Y/ N" Amanda said. "Yeah you're going amazingly well, sweetheart" Joshua said. I was too breathless to reply. "Almost there" Amanda said a few minutes later. "Our little girl is almost here" Joshua said. "Her head is out. Just a few more pushes, Y/ N" Amanda said. A few minutes later we heard a newborn cry. Olivia Rae Hong had entered the world. Our beautiful little girl

As soon as Olivia was born, Amanda handed her straight to us and we held her. Joshua gave me a big kiss. "Hello, baby girl. We are so overjoyed that you're finally here" I say. "Hello, my darling. I'm your daddy" Joshua said. "Welcome to the world, Olivia" I say. "She's absolutely beautiful, guys. Congratulations. I'm gonna leave you to have sometime with your new baby girl" Amanda said. "Thank you" we smile. Amanda stepped out of the room and left Joshua and I alone in the lounge with newborn Olivia. "Y/ N, I can't believe we are finally parents. She's so beautiful. I'm so in love with her already" Joshua said with a tear in his eye. "She is, Shua. We made her" I say. "We did. She is made from love" he said. Joshua got to hold little Olivia a few minutes later. He's smiling so much. He just looks so in love and happy. He looks into Olivia's big eyes and starts singing Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder. My heart melts. "Daddy loves you so much, Olivia Rae" he said. "And Mommy loves you so much too" I smile. Amanda stayed with us to make sure everything was okay. Olivia is absolutely beautiful and we are so overjoyed that she's in the world now. Joshua and I just felt instant love and joy when we held our daughter for the first time

 Joshua and I just felt instant love and joy when we held our daughter for the first time

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💗 Olivia Rae Hong 💗
Born January 21st @ 5:32am
Weight 6lbs 7oz

A/ N: awwww the ending kinda got me a bit emotional. Such a beautiful moment. Little Olivia

Did two updates today but I'll only do one tomorrow. Jihoon is next and it's gonna be a little dramatic

Modern Family finale tonight. I'm not really for it to end

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