38. Lifetimes

Depuis le début

They congratulated him and wished him luck with the show.

They started leaving before he signaled to Rose with a head nod.

"Oh shit, I left my phone. I'll meet y'all up there." Rose told the rest of the crew.

They nodded without thinking anything of it.

Rose followed Tyler to the dressing room, an assistant walking out.

"All your stuff is pressed, wig too," she smiled.

He nodded, leading Rose in.

"You couldn't wait till tonight?" she laughed, T pressing her back into the door.

He kissed her neck, taking in the smell of her hair.

"I got like two minutes with you."

She pulled him in, kissing him as they laughed at how harsh they were being.

Rose pulled away.

"They're literally chanting your name."

He pecked her lips one more time before turning around and grabbing the suit. He buttoned it, looking in the mirror as he began to apply his grill and cologne.

Rose watched it all unfold.

"Wig looks fire," he laughed, brushing it out.

"T, you're out in three." They called outside the door.

"Fuck," he walked over, "I'll see you up there."

She nodded, following him out. Everyone was running around backstage in a frenzy, making sure everything was set up the way he wanted it.

He turned around one last time and kissed her again, quick.
She was taken back, since it was the first time he'd kissed her around all these people.


"They won't care."

They passed him his mic and fixed his wig, Tyler disappearing into the pond of people that fixed him up.


"So y'all just wasn't gonna tell us or?" Solange pulled up the picture in front of them.

Rose's eyes widened in disbelief.

Someone had gotten a picture of them mid kiss when T was getting ready to go out.

"Where'd you get that?!" Rose took Solo's phone from her hands, eyeing it.

"It's going around on twitter,"

"Y'all was gonna find out anyway." Tyler shrugged.

Rose handed Solange back the phone.

"How long was this going on for?" Frank laughed.

"A while—,"

"A week ago—," Rose looked over at Tyler. "On and off," she rolled her eyes.

They laughed.

The whole crew had left, it was only them four over at Tyler's place after the show.

They talked for a while before Tyler started getting calls and texts about whether or not that photo was real.


y'all niggas nosy. yes it's real now leave us the fuck alone
-@Tyler, the Creator

Rose laughed at the tweet she had woken up to; everyone tagging her and asking if it was her in the picture.

"You saw it?" Tyler walked into the room from the bathroom. He noticed her laughing lightly.

"Why do people care so fucking much?"

"Niggas have nothing better to do," he walked over. "You sleep good?"

Rose smiled.

"I love you."

His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to figure out whether or not she was joking.

"Wish I could frame this moment. Say that shit again," he laughed.

"I love you!" Rose pulled him into her.

"I love you more."

"We sound so fucking corny—,"

"I don't fucking care. I love you." T grinned.

Star: Tyler, The CreatorOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant