Aone x Small! Male Reader

Start from the beginning

"Aone-kun! You came! Are you going to join?!"

He turned his head and looked down, his mood instantly changing once he recognized (M/N) standing next to him. At that moment, he realized how small (M/N) was compared to him. Next to Aone, the (E/C) eyed boy's head only reached a little past his elbow. He nodded, and his companion grinned. "Wonderful! Guys!" He called out to the club, taking Aone's hand and pulling him inside. "This is my friend Aone-kun! He wants to join the club!"

"Welcome," The club leader greeted, smiling kindly. "Everyone, taking your seats. Sensei and I have forms to hand out for the next trip to the animal shelter."
Everyone groaned, but the leader simply laughed. "I know, I know, it gets annoying - but it's just to make sure your grades are in good condition. We don't need failing students playing with precious animals."

(M/N) sat down and pat the seat next to him, smiling at Aone. The middle blocker sat next to him, nodding his head as a thank you. When everyone else was sitting, the teacher walked in with a folder of papers. She recognized Aone and smiled. "Aone-kun, I'm so glad to see you joined. But won't this interfere with volleyball?"

Aone shook his head. (M/N) was about to start worrying and asking if he was sure he wanted to join, but he spoke before he could. "I made sure with the coaches and my captain that it was alright if I joined," he said, his deep voice quiet and soft. "I'll be coming every other day. On the days I don't come, I'll be at volleyball practice. But I might miss a few days, depending if we have games or practice matches."

"Well, we're glad to have you with us," The club leader piped up. The rest of the group nodded and agreed, easing the tall student's nerves a bit. (M/N) hummed happily and nodded, patting Aone's arms. That made him relax even more.

The meeting lasted for about an hour before everyone was allowed to go home. Aone decided to just go to volleyball before going, and (M/N) was walking him there. "So.. are you going to come with us to the animal shelter next week?" He asked. Aone nodded. "Cool! I-I look forward to it!" He grinned, blushing and rubbing his neck.

Aone raised an eyebrow, and (M/N) waved it off. "I'm fine. Just excited, that's all!" He said. They arrived to the gym, and he turned to Aone. "I'm looking toward to the field trip. See ya around," he chuckled. Aone nodded, then watched as he retreated and left the school grounds.

"Field trip, huh? Should be fun. Maybe a first date."

Aone turned and glared at Futakuchi. "Hush," he said, walking past him. But once he was away, he smiled a little. 'Maybe..'


"Woo! We're here! Aone, do you see the shelter?!" (M/N) squealed as the bus pulled to a stop in front of the animal shelter. Aone nodded, smiling a bit at the boy's excitement. "Come on, let's go!"
He dragged Aone out the bus, following the rest of the group. They walked into the shelter, signing in and getting assigned to different areas and animals. Aone and (M/N), luckily, were assigned to the puppy pen. They opened the gate and stepped in, then shut it behind them. "They're so cute! Aren't they?!" (M/N) remarked, kneeling down and petting one of the pup's head.

Aone nodded, but he was hesitant to step forward. All the puppies were running towards (M/N), and the few that looked at him seemed scared. He kneeled down instead, holding a hand open. One pup tilted its head at him, then padded over. "Hello," he mumbled, petting its fur.

"He likes you!" (M/N) cheered, leaning against Aone's arm. Aone looked down at him, then nodded. "He's not the only one, you know?"
Aone was confused by what he meant, but just nodded once again. By deep down inside, he was blushing and trying not to say something ridiculous. He wasn't the best at speaking when he was flustered. (M/N) sighed and played with the pups, then stood up. "Well, we have to get these guys cleaned and fed before we play with them! Mind helping me out with getting them to the bath out back?"

Aone looked at the fifteen pups, then nodded. He gently scooped up a few of them, holding them delicately in his arms. (M/N) picked up a few of them as well, even setting some on his head and shoulders. Then, he told the rest to follow them. They all went to the back of the shelter, where a tub, a hose, and a basket of soaps, shampoos and conditioners waited. They set the pups in the tub, then started the water. "You brought your spare clothes, right?" (M/N) asked with a smile. Aone nodded. "Good, let's change. This tends to get messy."

They grabbed their spare clothes from their bags and turned so that their backs faced each other. Aone quickly changed into his spare t-shirt and shorts, then made the mistake of turning. He was met with the sight of (M/N)'s petite back and body. The other boy's waist was slim, which he had never noticed due to the uniforms at school. His skin appeared soft, dotted with birthmarks and a few freckles here and there. He turned back around, blushing and trying to calm down.

"You ready?!"

Aone jumped and turned around again, only to see (M/N) dressed with a happy grin on his lips. Aone nodded embarrassedly, then watched as the boy kneeled down in front of the now filled tub. He kneeled down with him, marveling at how (M/N)'s head only reached his mid-bicep. The pups all scrambled around in the tub, splashing water everywhere. "Let's do this!"
After about two minutes, Aone and (M/N) were soaked. (M/N) giggled as he scrubbed one of the pup's fur with shampoo, making bubbles atop its head. Aone was rinsing and drying off some of the other pups, but insisted on jumping on his lap and trying to lick his face. "Woah! Pup on the loose!" The small boy yelled, standing up to chase a puppy - still covered in soap suds - that was running around the area.

Aone chuckled, shaking his head as he finishes drying off another puppy. It jumped up and licked his face, causing him to pause for a moment. Then, he laughed softly.


Well, he certainly didn't expect the pup that (M/N) had been chasing to land in his lap. Aone looked back up, eyes widening. He quickly held the two pups up, wincing and shutting his eyes as (M/N) toppled over and landed on top of him. He opened his eyes back up, looking down. (M/N) was mumbling out a million apologies, cheeks pink. His hands rested on either side of Aone's hips, his nose brushing against Aone's t-shirt.

"I-I-I'm really sorry! I.. I swear, I didn't mean to land on you! I-I just want to c-catch the puppy before it got hurt, but now I look like an idiot!" (M/N) rambled, retracting and sitting beside Aone. He pulled his knees to his chest, hiding his face in his arms. "I'm just a tiny, dumb fool! I crashed into you - my.. ack! I can't stop blushing, and I feel so stupid!"

Aone grabbed (M/N) and made him sit up, staring him in the eyes. "What were you going to say?" He murmured. The boy looked confused. "You said 'my' then stopped. What were you going to say?"

"I.." (M/N) whispered. Then, he freed himself from Aone's grip at sat properly. "I like you, Aone-kun. Y-You're really kind, and even though some people think your quietness is weird, I think it's really endearing. I think you're an incredible person - don't get me started on the volleyball matches I've seen you play in!" He giggled. Aone didn't say anything; he was too busy registering everything. "I understand if you don't return my feelings, but I hope we can still be friends!"

"I don't want to be."
(M/N) looked up at Aone in surprise. He was blushing, looking down at his lap. "I like you too," he whispered.

There was silence for a moment. Then, Aone felt a weight on his chest, and his back hit the ground.

"Really?! That's incredible!" (M/N) squealed. "I'm so happy, I could kiss you!" He blurted out. Then, he sat up. "I mean, o-obviously I won't, it's too early for that."

Aone chuckled and nodded as he sat back up. They heard some barking, turning their heads to see all the puppies back in the bath water. He sighed. "We should finish."

"Right! And.. Aone?"

Aone looked up.

"It's nice to hear you speak. You don't have to force yourself too. But.. I like hearing your voice."

~ ~
he was probably ooc,,, and he probably spoke too much,,, but he still deserves the world

next up: lev x male reader

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